Science Fiction Timeline Site • Chronological Tolkien
Customized for the Amazon Kindle
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Locations to Underline in the Kindle Editions

Using Chronological Tolkien on an Amazon Kindle requires two steps.

Step One, described on this page, involves "underlining" certain phrases in your Tolkien e-books. The tables below will tell you which phrases to underline.

All the "jumps" occur between paragraphs. I never break up a whole paragraph. So when you see "There was Eru . . .", the dots following the words indicate that this is the beginning of a paragraph. If the dots come before the words, it indicates the end of a paragraph, like this: ". . . their bodies lay." In this example, you will underline the words "There was Eru" and the words "their bodies lay." As you read, whenever you encounter a paragraph that ends with an underline you will know it is time to jump to a new section. At that point, you will consult a table which will tell you the book and location number to jump to. Load the new book on your Kindle, jump to that location number, and you will see a paragraph whose beginning is underlined. Start reading from that point!

Two important notes:

Here are the words to underline in your Kindle books:

The Silmarillion

LocationText to Underline
395There was Eru . . .  
3414   . . . their bodies lay.
3415In those days . . .  
3572   . . . come to him.
3578And even so . . .  
3584   . . . crumbled into rust.
4126So ended the . . .  
4166   . . . of Cabed Naeramarth.
4174But Hurin did not answer . . .  
4314   . . . by the sea.
4352Thus it was . . .  
4624   . . . dooms of Mandos.
4627It is said . . .  
4705   . . . with its fragrance.
4706Thus it was . . .  
4716   . . . their hearts returned.
4716Now this yearning . . .  
4760   . . . body and mind.
4761Then Tar-Ancalimon . . .  
4782   . . . legends of Men.
4782In this Age . . .  
4835   . . . to Ar-Zimraphel.
4835The mightiest and . . .  
5068   . . . before they died.
5071Of old there . . .  
5097   . . . Quenta Silmarillion.
5098Elsewhere in . . .  
5134   . . . to the One.
5134From that time . . .  
5150   . . . voices of death.
5151Now Sauron's . . .  
5162   . . . abode with fire.
5162Yet there came . . .  
5263   . . . the Black Land.
5263But Isildur was . . .  
5285   . . . world was young.
5285Yet at the last . . .  
5299   . . . war and destruction.
5308In all the days . . .  
5343   . . . was their peril.
5344Even as the first . . .  
5363   . . . and their history.
5363Now the Shadow . . .  
5387   . . . upon the Enemy.
5387But ever the . . .  
5399   . . . none save himself.
5430Now all these . . .  
5443   . . . and of song.

Unfinished Tales

LocationText to Underline
332Rian wife of . . .  
486   . . . that it brings.
487Tuor tarried many . . .  
1005   . . . from Ulmo himself.
1478Thus began the sojourn . . .  
1511   . . . sorrow of his heart.
3060For fear of . . .  
3068   . . . in the eye.
3232The land of . . .  
3349   . . . that follows here.
3361Meneldur was the . . .  
4133   . . . came to pass.
41483: As is told . . .  
4172   . . . the First Age.
4255The realm of . . .  
4278   . . . back to Middle-Earth.
4296VIII: Tar-Anarion . . .  
4313   . . . Numenor be seen.
4314XIII: Tar-Atanamir . . .  
4324   . . . bring ill-fortune.
4324XV: Tar-Telemmaite . . .  
4338   . . . called Ar-Belzagar.
4338XIX: Tar-Ardamin . . .  
4370   . . . named Ar-Zimraphel.
4598Galadriel was the . . .  
4666   . . . defence against Sauron.
4667Sauron himself departed . . .  
4725   . . . a long time.
4741Amroth was King . . .  
4792   . . . memory of it.
4794The people of . . .  
4804   . . . son became king.
4818But during the . . .  
4834   . . . of the Ring.
4861Late and fragmentary . . .  
4880   . . . into the mountains.
4881In a note . . .  
4897   . . . face and mind.
4901There was in . . .  
4953   . . . Sauron rose again.
5100Something more of . . .  
5139   . . . had disturbed it.
5174The river Gwathlo . . .  
5219   . . . This was Agathurush.
5221Glanduin means . . .  
5248   . . . and Minhiriath.
5299After the fall . . .  
5411   . . . long years after.
5412The story of . . .  
5447   . . . not his worst.
5641A note to . . .  
5645   . . . his mother's father.
5651In another place . . .  
5668   . . . of being seen.
5669The Chronicle of . . .  
5701   . . . by the Wainriders.
5702But at length . . .  
5739   . . . than it needed.
5740Ondoher was aware . . .  
5807   . . . and routed them.
5816While the Eotheod . . .  
6117   . . . the Holy Mount.
6359I have not found . . .  
6461   . . . in Middle-Earth.
6493So Thorin Oakenshield . . .  
6507   . . . tale of his wrongs.
6513After the crowning . . .  
6533   . . . me) shall I speak more openly.
6533Then I said . . .  
6572   . . . Took of Great Smials.
6572When Gandalf accepted . . .  
6655   . . . his ears too soon.
6655It was on the morning . . .  
6661   . . . have been ruined.
6663From this point the . . .  
6674   . . . oversights often do.
6675Gollum was captured . . .  
6688   . . . of the Gladden.
6688Now Sauron learning . . .  
6701   . . . war against Gondor.
6702Therefore when Osgiliath . . .  
6754   . . . him with torture.
6755Night was waning . . .  
6761   . . . Rohan far behind.
6768In D it is said . . .  
6814   . . . strength of Gondor.
6814In the event Gollum . . .  
6818   . . . its main purpose.
6831It seems clear that . . .  
6844   . . . when they did.
6876When the Black . . .  
6912   . . . the Barrow-downs.
6916Saruman soon became . . .  
6947   . . . of his grasp.
6948Now because of his . . .  
6967   . . . own sake merely.
7040The chief obstacles . . .  
7052   . . . death of Theodred.
7053It was clearly . . .  
7130   . . . Uruks had gone.
7130So ended the First . . .  
7212   . . . await the dawn.
7212What followed is . . .  
7220   . . . to join Erkenbrand.
7282Marshal of the . . .  
7299   . . . resist the invasion.
7333In ancient days . . .  
7361   . . . renewed their attacks.
7362No alliance of . . .  
7399   . . . invasions of 2758.
7400It can thus . . .  
7409   . . . less against it.
7411The Folk of . . .  
7560   . . . name for themselves.
7640Wizard is a . . .  
7684   . . . of that time.
7685Indeed of all . . .  
7705   . . . came never back.
7730Most of the . . .  
7745   . . . Mandos and Nienna.
7775Elendil and Gil-galad . . .  
7806   . . . as a slow menace.
79147. In a letter written in 1956 . . .  
7931   . . . figure-head on the prow.
7941The palantiri were . . .  
7982   . . . domination and deceit.

The Children of Húrin

LocationText to Underline
282Hador Goldenhead was . . .  
299   . . . never saw him again.
332So the days passed . . .  
488   . . . his house no more.
596Therefore Hurin was . . .  
636   . . . be hidden from you.
638To Brethil three men . . .  
760   . . . now here in love.
789In the years of his . . .  
1754   . . . treated with honour.
1757When five years had . . .  
1837   . . . Well met!
1838Then Turin sprang . . .  
2677   . . . lays of Beleriand.
2680But Hurin did not look . . .  
2692   . . . that she had died.

The Hobbit

LocationText to Underline
70In a hole . . .  
459   . . . he woke up.
461Up jumped Bilbo . . .  
2652   . . . to be seen.
2654The day grew . . .  
4199   . . . the tobacco-jar.

The Lord of the Rings

I am listing the three books of the trilogy separately (to make the tables easier to read), but these are all part of a single Kindle book, and so you can treat the following three tables as just one long table.

The Fellowship of the Ring

LocationText to Underline
363Hobbits are an . . .  
517   . . . put his mind to.
518The Shire was . . .  
551   . . . that he had found.
590Now it is a . . .  
612   . . . this History begins.
613At the end of . . .  
650   . . . in Middle-Earth.
658When Mr. Bilbo . . .  
1120   . . . in the Shire.
1121There were rumours . . .  
1610   . . . was tall and full.
1610Autumn was well . . .  
6504   . . . road may wind much.
6505After only a brief . . .  
8451   . . . the Land of Shadow.

The Two Towers

LocationText to Underline
8458Aragorn sped on . . .  
8615   . . . in a stony land.
8617Dusk deepened . . .  
9085   . . . did not return.
9088Pippin lay in . . .  
9418   . . . many watchful eyes.
9420Meanwhile the hobbits . . .  
10761   . . . be a black night.
10761As the second day . . .  
10788   . . . said the other.
10788The host turned . . .  
14210   . . . black night fell.
14213Gollum was tugging . . .  
14987   . . . taken by the Enemy.

The Return of the King

LocationText to Underline
14994Pippin looked out . . .  
16552   . . . through the dark.
16552Messengers came again . . .  
16648   . . . had come at last.
16651It was dark . . .  
16830   . . . even to the City.
16833But it was no . . .  
17486   . . . been but a dream.
17488The morning came . . .  
17908   . . . eyes saw no more.
17912Sam roused himself . . .  
18429   . . . deep untroubled sleep.
18429They woke together . . .  
19448   . . . come to fulfilment.
19451When the days . . .  
20612   . . . back, he said.
20759Eriador was of old . . .  
20776   . . . keeping of Arthedain.
20777It was in the . . .  
20795   . . . people of fishers.
20796In the days of Argeleb II . . .  
20803   . . . war of 1409.
20803In 1974 the . . .  
20834   . . . our reckoning (1979).
20834After Arvedui the . . .  
20848   . . . by Bandobras Took.
20849There were fifteen . . .  
20859   . . . old was renewed.
20861There were thirty-one . . .  
20870   . . . 'Lord of the Coasts'.
20870Earnil I, his nephew . . .  
20887   . . . never fully repaired.
20888Minalcar son of . . .  
20944   . . . spent in exile.
20944The second and . . .  
20959   . . . of the Harad.
20959The third evil . . .  
20964   . . . re-entered Mordor.
20965Calimehtar son of . . .  
20970   . . . in great force.
20970Many of the . . .  
20996   . . . are united again.
20996In Gondor also . . .  
21028   . . . that was revealed.
21028It was thus . . .  
21058   . . . beneath seven stars.
21059After Mardil Voronwe . . .  
21067   . . . after his father.
21079In the days of Beren . . .  
21087   . . . dwelt in Isengard.
21087It was in the days . . .  
21091   . . . could be found.
21091In the days of Turin . . .  
21102   . . . and fortified it.
21103Ecthelion II . . .  
21126   . . . to supplant him.
21126When Denethor became . . .  
21151   . . . Tower of Ecthelion.
21153Arador was the . . .  
21233   . . . from the rock.
21233It came to pass . . .  
21268   . . . the next spring.
21269Thus the years . . .  
21311   . . . days of old.
21312Eorl the Young . . .  
21320   . . . of their home.
21337Many lords and . . .  
21354   . . . West over Sea.
21354Of the Kings . . .  
21406   . . . creatures more evil.
214081. Eorl the Young . . .  
21421   . . . son, became king.
2142210. Frealaf Hildeson . . .  
21430   . . . that it gave him.
2143014. Folcwine . . .  
21442   . . . supporting its enemies.
21447In 2989 Theodwyn . . .  
21457   . . . had called Steelsheen.
214582991 - FA 63 (3084) Eomer . . .  
21471   . . . Eomer grew old.
21472Concerning the beginning . . .  
21484   . . . began to dwindle.
21485It came to pass . . .  
21497   . . . great cold-drake.
21497Not long after . . .  
21588   . . . little or none.
21588Of this Ring . . .  
21610   . . . at last he died.
21618But at last . . .  
21633   . . . grandson of Thror.
21667Dis was the . . .  
21674   . . . in their crafts.
21674Gimli Gloin's son . . .  
21686   . . . of this matter.
21741These were the fading . . .  
21760   . . . I will await you.
21956After the fall . . .  
21967   . . . in Caras Galad[h]on.
21967At the same time . . .  
21975   . . . King of the West.
220161422: With the beginning . . .  
22026   . . . as deputy mayor.
220261448: Master Samwise . . .  
22041   . . . great of Gondor.
220411541: In this year . . .  
22044   . . . of the Ring.

Once you have underlined the passages listed above, go on to Step Two.

(And thanks to Jesse Peers for coming up with this system for reading Chronological Tolkien on a Kindle!)

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Chronological Tolkien . . . . . Customized for Your Amazon Kindle

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