Science Fiction Timeline Site Jerry Pournelle's Future History
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Chronology of Jerry Pournelle's Future History

Timeline of the CoDominium and the Empire of Man

By Larry King (

A few quick notes:

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French Foreign Legion defeated by Mexico at Camerone.
[FL 274; WWFCD 47-48]

1914 to 1918
First World War.

1939 to 1945
Second World War.

First Cold War between the USA and the USSR begins.

Apollo XI lands on Earth's moon.

Beginnings of detente between the USA and the USSR.

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Beginning of Second Cold War.
[Mercenary ch. 4; FL 10, 238]

Hard-line Communist coup fails. Gorbachev deposed. End of the USSR; Yeltsin leader of the Russian Republic. Many of the "republics" within the USSR declare themselves independent, leading to what the 21st-century USSR will remember as "the Dark 90s".
[PS 1; WWCD 302; WWPW 179; WWFR 66]

Economic hardship leads to political and military coups in Russia. Rebirth of the USSR (probably including the re-absorption of the break-away republics). Third Cold War begins.
[PS 1; WWCD 302; WWPW 179; Hand 291]

Syria annexes Lebanon, and becomes the greatest rival to Israel in the Middle East.
[WWFCD 120.]

The USA and USSR combine to form the CoDominium. In a series of treaties, the two super-powers create a supra-national entity, known as the "CoDominium" or "CD". The United States and the Soviet Union surrender control of their foreign policy to the CD, while retaining separate control over their domestic affairs. This alliance ends the Third Cold War, and allows the USA and the USSR to jointly dominate Earth, curtailing the power of the "non-aligned nations". The CD enforces a ban on military research and development and curtails the spread of nuclear weapons throughout the globe. Nationalist sentiment in the rest of the world is naturally resentful of the CD, but most countries quickly realize that the superpower alliance is too strong for any serious resistance to be possible.
[Originally set for "1990" in West of Honor, Mercenary, KDS, Mote, and WWI timelines. Pushed back to "1990-2000" in FL timeline, GTS 1, and PS 1-2. Later timelines (WWBS[2nd], WWD, WWTO, WWLE, WWCR, WWI[2nd], WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD) also say "1990-2000".]

The French Foreign Legion (Légion Étrangère) chooses to join with the CoDominium, forming the nucleus of the new CoDominium Armed Services.
[West of Honor, Mercenary, and FL timelines, as well as later timelines; WWFCD 47-48.]

Riot Act passed in the USA: police given broad powers to quell disturbances.    [PM 30]

By the year 2000
Other mercenary units, including the Cossack Adventurers and the Cameron Highlanders, are later absorbed into the CD Armed Services.    [FL 206]

"The Lost and the Founder" (WWCD 1-6 = WWI[2nd] 29-32 = WWD 13-16).
Garner "Bill" Castell founds the Church of New Universal Harmony.
[Also WWCD 49-52; date from WWCD 54, WWD 13; WWD, WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD, WWRW timelines.]

Very early 2000s?
The CoDominium forbids the remilitarization of non-Soviet Europe. The European Union, which once had ambitions of forming a unified government, remains merely a free-trade zone.
[WWFCD 120.]

Early 2000s?
A portion of of northern Mexico is annexed to the USA, either by force or by a political deal. This region is admitted to the Union as six states.
[FL 238; PS 288 (Prince 205, 1078-79). If by force, this must occur before 2009.]

The Muslim Brotherhood overthrows the Assad family in Syria. They conquer much of Iraq and absorb it into the "Greater Syrian Arab Republic".    [WWRW 19]

Charles Castell, son of Garner "Bill" Castell, is born.
[WWD, WWTO, WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines.]

Between 2004 and 2008
Scientists at Caltech develop the Alderson Drive. This interstellar space drive is based on the discovery that instantaneous travel is possible between any two "adjacent" stars, if a ship is located at the correct "Alderson Point". Thus the problem of travel between star systems is reduced to the problem of travel within star systems.
[West of Honor, Mercenary, FL, WWBS(2nd), WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines give "2004"; Mote, KDS, WWI timelines give "2008", and PS 2 gives "2010".]

Maitreya born in Tibet.
[WWIII 103]

Ban on military research expands to a ban on some quasi-military research.
[West of Honor timeline]

First exploratory ships leave the solar system.
[All timelines]

Last Arab-Israeli War. Israel defeats the Greater Syrian Republic. Much of Syria's territory is annexed and becomes "Northern Israel" (and later, the semi-autonomous "Syrian Province of Greater Israel"). After this conflict, the CoDominium forbids all national wars. After this, there will be almost a century in which the CD prevents major wars from breaking out on Earth, although local conflicts will occasionally arise.
[GTS 28, 38, 174; WWFCD 120-121; WWRW 19-20, 22; WWRW timeline]

CoDominium Intelligence Services engage in serious effort to suppress all research into technologies with military applications. "Green" and "Zero-Growth" organizations endorse this ban. Scientific publications are censored, and all scientists must be licensed by the CD (even those not in the USA or the USSR). Within a few decades, most scientific research comes to a halt, and computer databases of scientific information are deliberately corrupted with false data. (Medical research is not restricted, however.)
[All timelines; PS 40; WWCD 5-6]

Discovery of inhabitable planets outside the solar system. The first "Grand Survey" turns up a number of pleasant planets. (The planet later known as "Sparta" is discovered by the CDESS Lewis and Clark in 2010.) Beginnings of commercial exploitation. Some not-so-inhabitable planets are seeded with terraforming packages.
[All timelines; GTS 149; PS 49-50]

John Rogers Grant, Sr., born. (His brother, Martin Grant, may be older or younger.)
[He is 65 years old in May 2080, per FL 220. For dates between 2014 and 2082 marked with asterisks, see Inconsistencies: Falkenberg's History.]

During the Second National Geographic Survey of extra-solar planets, Boyd Upchurch discovers the planet that will subsequently be settled and named "Churchill".
[WWFR 23, 282]

2015 or 2020
First interstellar colonies are founded.
["2020" in all timelines; "2015" in PS 2.]

The CoDominium Space Navy and Marines – the "Fleet" – is created. It absorbs the original CD Armed Services.
[Mercenary, FL, WWD, WWTO, WWBS(2nd), WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd), WWJ, WWPW, WWFCD, WWRW timelines. West of Honor and WWIV timelines have Fleet creation "2020" and absorbtion of CD Armed Services "2031".]

The "Great Exodus" begins. Many interstellar colonies are founded. All are to some degree under the CD's authority. Many are specifically American or Soviet colonies, including Tabletop and Stalin. Some of the most pleasant colonies are sponsored by Earth nations: Meiji (Japan), Xanadu and High Cathay (China), Churchill (Britain), Friedland (West Germany), and Dayan (Israel). A significant number of American colonies are founded by religious separatists, ethnic separatists, pioneers, or Greens. In addition, large corporations sponsor mining colonies on unpleasant mineral-rich planets.
[All timelines say "2020", but PS 2 says "2015"; also see WWPW 394, 405.]

June to September:    "Almost a Believer" (WWRW 21-70).
Saudi Arabia sponsors the emigration of a group of Syrian Muslims to settle the planet Ikhwan al-Muslimun (Levant). Ephrem, patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church, makes sure that some Syrian Christians are included.    [WWRW 28]

The U.S. Government begins gathering the jobless in the inner cities and relocating them to "Welfare Islands": government-funded neighborhoods which keep them far from the "law-abiding taxpayers". These people are given the prestigious title of "Citizen", and granted the right to live on Welfare indefinitely. They may leave and acquire "taxpayer" status by work and education, or they may volunteer to settle on other planets, but most simply remain in the Welfare Islands.
[FL 222; PS 33]

Reunification of Christianity by Pope John XXVI. The new church, formally known as the "Ecumenical Catholic Church," is a merging of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox churches, the Oriental Orthodox churches, and some Protestant churches. Their ecclesiology is based on the tenet that "the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, shall have the same authority over the entire Church that he had during the first millennium of the Christian era, no more and no less." Several Christian churches do not participate. In a few cases, non-participants decide to leave Earth to distance themselves from this unified church: this includes (Some churches do not participate in this reunion, including some tTraditionalist Catholics from Spain who emigrate to Santiago on Thurstone, and some Presbyterians who settle on Covenant.)
[PM 143; WWFCD 119, 121, 144-145; WWRW 536. This occurs shortly before the settlement of Santiago on Thurstone, which (as noted below) takes place in the early 2020s. Date of 2021 is given in WWFCD 119. This is the church referred to as "the Ecumenical Church" active on Tanith in the year 2093 (PM 69); it is unknown whether it's the same as "the established church" on Sparta, a.k.a. "the Church of Sparta" (PS 6, 345).]

Early 2020s
Thurstone:    The continent of Santiago is settled by the Third Thurstone Expedition. The settlers are malcontents from Spain, led by Carlists loyal to King Carlos XII, and Catholic traditionalists who reject the reunified Church of Pope John XXVI. Earlier settlements on this planet (including New Aberdeen) have already occupied the best land, so Santiago is established in a less desirable location.
[PM 143-144 places the initial settlement of Thurstone in the early days of colonization, with the Third Expedition shortly afterward. However, it also dates this settlement forty years plus two generations prior to 2079, which makes a date after the early 2020s impossible.]

2020's and 2030's
The "Greens" are in their ascendancy. Restrictions on fur industries. Colonies are seeded with whatever Earth animals can live on them. Some animals become extinct once humans cease cultivating them for their fur.
[GTS 133, 150]

Arrarat:    American Express sells Arrarat to the World Federation of Churches, who colonize there. But soon after, Kennicott Metals starts mining asteroids in Arrarat system, and miners begin carousing in Harmony City.    [FL 55-56]

"Spite" (WWFCD 280-281 only).
A number of American Southerners leave Earth and found the colony of Burgess.
[WWFCD 280, 299.]

The planet later called "Sparta":    CD research station established. (Fort Tanner, a military base, is added in 2030.)
[GTS 150; PS 241]

Wayforth Station is constructed in a star system with six Alderson points, several of which lead directly to habitable planets (known as "gold rush worlds").    [WWFCD 63]

The ACLU, the Sierra Club, and various zero-population groups create the Humanity League.
[WWTO, WWBS(2nd), WWD, WWTO, and later timelines.]

Sergei Lermontov is born in Moscow.
[All timelines]

Early 2030's
Hadley:    AmEx founds a mining colony and Refuge City. The mines are so profitable that within twenty years AmEx recoups its investment.
[FL 249-250]

Early 2030's
Convicted felons beome the first involuntary colonists. The CD's "Bureau of Corrections" (BuCorrect) supervises the forced emigration. Target planets include Arrarat, Botany Bay (the planet later known as Sparta), and almost certainly Tanith.
[FL 57; GTS 150; PS 2]

"Discovery" (WWI 1-7 only = WWI[2nd] 34-39 = WWD 17-22 only).
The CDSS Ranger discovers Byers' Star and the moon Haven.
[Also WWI 9-10; WWCD 7-8, 52-53; WWD 17; WWCD, WWD, WWTO, and later timelines.]

Britain's Labour Government abolishes the monarchy and the peerage. The current monarch and the House of Windsor capitulate. British monarchists abandon the House of Windsor, and declare Arthur Tudor to be rightful King of England. The resulting persecution of monarchists leads thousands of Englishmen and other Anglophiles to decide to settle off Earth. Danube rejects their land grant, so they settle on the inhabitable planet of the Upchurch System, naming the planet "Churchill" and its largest continent "Britannia", and making Arthur Tudor their king.
[WWFR 24, 282-283. The king's name is written as "Arthur Tudor" and as "Arthur ap Tudor".]

"Discovery" (WWI 7-8 only = WWI[2nd] 39-40 = WWD 22-23 only); "The Garden Spot" prologue (WWD 24-27) and "The Garden Spot" (WWCD 7-8 = WWD 28-29 only).
Luna Base and Wayforth Station:    Legal disputes over the rights to Haven.
[WWBS(2nd) prologue says that the system containing Wayforth Station was discovered in 2035, but this is presumably an error.]

"The Garden Spot" (WWCD 8-48 = WWD 29-63 only).
Exploratory mission to Haven.

The Constitutionalist Society, a group of intellectuals led by nonconformist American college professors, is granted the right to settle on "Botany Bay" and run it according to their ideas so long as they continue to accept involuntary colonists. (The Society includes Dr. Collins, Dr. Elliot Croser of Berkeley, and married economists Dr. & Dr. Freedman of Columbia University and the CoDominium University in Rome.)
[GTS 61, 79]

Lawsuit over Haven resolved. Castell's "Church of New Universal Harmony" buys settlement rights to Haven. Bill Castell dies.
[WWCD 53-54; WWI 7-8, 10; WWCD timeline.]

Churchill:    Jeremy Savage is born.
[WWFR timeline]

The CoDominium Maritime Guard, a new branch of the CD armed forces, is created. It serves as a coast guard on some colony planets, but is forbidden to operate on Earth itself.    [WWFCD 24]

Avery Landyn, a survey pilot for 3M, discovers a planet rich in heavy and radioactive metals. He names it "Sauron".
[WWII, WWIV, WWBS(2nd), WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines. Texts vary on whether the Tolkien reference was intentional on Landyn's part.]

2038 or 2040
The Constitutionalist Society founds a colony on "Botany Bay", and renames it "Sparta".
["2040" in WWI, WWBS(2nd), WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines; "2038" in GTS 150.]

From 2038 to 2040
"In Concert" (WWCD 55-109 = WWD 67-114).
Haven:    Charles Castell and a small group of church members found the first Haven settlement. They are followed by more "Harmonies" and several thousand miners.
[WWD 67; also WWI 10-11; WWCD timeline.]

Two genetically modified organisms escape from a laboratory and kill millions of humans. This results in "science pogroms", in which genetic engineers are killed by mobs. Ultimately, genetic engineering and GMOs are outlawed.
[WWPW 196, 197 puts the pogroms no later than 2042, but the date when the laws change is not stated. WWJ 195, WWFR 77 indicate that the law was passed in 2039.]

Sparta:    The CD grants Sparta internal self-government. This government, echoing its ancient namesake, involves a dual monarchy and a Senate; the first two Kings are Prof. Collins and Prof. Freedman. Royal University founded.
[GTS 150, 191]

"Phase Two of the Great Exodus". The CD Bureau of Relocations (BuRelock) begins large-scale deportation of involuntary colonists. Political undesirables and unlicensed scientists are included, but criminals remain the bulk of the transportees. This often means that a large number of dangerous convicts are suddenly added to a peaceful agricultural planet.
["2040" in all timelines and PS 2. "2035" in WWCD 22-23 is too early.]

Colonization of St Ekaterina by Russian nationalists.
[All timelines; PS 2]

2041 ?
Haven:    First BuRelock transportee convicts arrive.
["2040" in WWI, WWII timelines, but Haven is a years' journey from Earth, so it must be 2041 or later.]

"The Shimmer Stone Scam" (WWD 115--118 only).
Haven:    Edwin Albert Hamilton discovers shimmer stones near the town of Purity. He begins a trip to Earth.
[Also WWTO, WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD, WWRW timelines.]

"The Shimmer Stone Scam" (WWD 119-124 only).
Hamilton negotiates with Thomas Erhenfeld Bronson, CEO of Dover Mineral Development, for the rights to shimmer stones. The existence of these gems is kept secret by both parties.
[Also WWTO, WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD, WWRW timelines. Thomas' middle name is spelled either "Erhenfeld" (most common, including WWD 119; WWTO 185, 207; WWJ timeline, 27; WWPW timeline) or "Ehrenfeld" (WWTO 88, 127). Per WWD 123, Thomas' uncle Adrian Bronson is already serving as a CoDominium Grand Senator by this time.]

Sauron colony fails, due to deadly native plant life and the soil's inhospitability to Earth agriculture. 3M sells Sauron to a coalition of English Separatists from Quebec and South African white expatriates living in Canada and Australia.
[WWIV, WWBS(2nd), WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines]

"The Denisovan Flu" (WWI[2nd] 197-198 only).
Sauron:    Sponsored by the 3M Corporation, the Firstholders (including Brennus Diettinger, Matthew Kirk, and Charles Brown) arrive on Sauron. They bring technology to genetically modify their new environment, even though this is now illegal on Earth. Charles Brown, a fugitive from the science pogroms on Earth, believes that the goal of the human race should be to control evolution: this will become central to Sauron's philosophy.

John Christian Falkenberg III is born, son of a professor at the CD University in Rome. (Martin Grant is a student of Professor Falkenberg around this time.)
[All timelines. It's unclear how long Falkenberg II taught in Rome. According to FL 8 he moved from job to job, never staying in one place for very long. He was teaching in Rome as of 2043 and 2057, but apparently gone by 2058 (per FL 7-8, 16). The sources do not state whether Martin Grant was his student in Rome or elsewhere (FL 7).]


The CoDominium rules dozens of worlds but rests on an unstable alliance back on Earth. The Soviet Union and the United States retain approximately their twentieth-century structures, but with a much greater level of corruption. The CD's military force continues to ruthlessly enforce world peace.

In the USA, the Republican and Democratic parties have fused into the "Unity Party" (or "United Party") which espouses the CD platform; this mega-party, which controls the Presidency and Congress for decades still has a distinct Republican and Democratic "wings", although they are united when it comes to support for the CoDominium on Earth and elsewhere. American society has become a two-caste system: the productive, educated, and privileged "taxpayers" hand out benefits (but not real power) to the welfare-dependent "Citizens". Civil rights have been greatly diminished; even the right to legal counsel has been vitiated by the Thirty-first Amendment [FL 240].

The political situation in the USSR is chaotic. The Communist Party continues to be the upper-class, but now devoid of any ideology – dogmatic Marxism exists only in Western universities. It is unclear whether the symbols of pre-1917 Russia are ever in vogue. The status of religion in the USSR is unclear; there is conflicting data in one story (Easter seems a relic of the past, and yet "mandatory churches" are mentioned), but the name "St Ekaterina" was presumably approved by the leaders of the USSR, despite its religious nature [WWPW 325, 331]. Around 2040 (during Lermontov's youth) the military briefly rules the USSR [FL 215]. At some point the East Prussian city of Kaliningrad returns to its German name of Königsberg, but it isn't clear whether this is due to a change in sovereignty [GTS 71]). Although the Soviet Union ships out hundreds of thousands of involuntary colonists, there are some voluntary Soviet colonists too: they settle on St. Ekaterina, and perhaps also on Stalin. [WWPW 394.] It is possible that St Ekaterina is the chosen home for families of Soviets in the Fleet, just as Sparta becomes home to the families of many Americans in the Fleet.

In countries other than the USA and the USSR, the CoDominium is resented but not resisted. Citizens of these other countries do occasionally join the CD military, although they are often passed over for promotion. [FL 8; WWFR 66.] Despite this friction, the CD succeeds in almost completely preventing the use of nuclear weapons – although Bakersfield is nuked by a militant group, and Seattle is held ransom by nuclear-equipped criminals. [FL 230; PS 320.] Kinetic-energy weapons launched from orbit are used by the CD in extreme cases, presumably to suppress revolts. [WWPW 352.]

The CoDominium is governed by the Grand Senate located underground on the moon (Luna). Grand Senators represent constituents within the United States and the Soviet Union. Grand Senators from the United States typically belong to the same political parties active in U.S. politics; they are elected by the U.S. taxpayers, and some or all of them represent geographic districts (Adrian Bronson represents a region that includes "Michigan and several other states" [GTS 22]). It is not stated whether Grand Senators from the USSR are elected or appointed, nor whether they represent specific districts. The CD government's executive branch seems limited to a number of bureaucracies and the CD Bureau of Intelligence; there do not appear to be any high-level decision-makers aside from the Senators. In particular, there is no executive branch oversight of the CD armed forces: top-level military decisions are made by the Grand Senate and then passed directly to the Grand Admiral. (The story "Atalanta" refers to a "CoDominium High Council" whose "Supreme Chair[man]" alterates in two-year terms between an American and Soviet appointee [WWTO 394, 404-406], but this is mentioned nowhere else, and contradicts the other sources. Indeed, the Navy explicitly claims that its mission is "to carry out the will of the Grand Senate". Moreover, the Marines' marching song says their orders arise when "The Senate decrees, the Grand Admiral calls" [FL 59, 216]. Martin Grant assures Grand Admiral Lermontov that "the Fleet obeys you, not the Senate" [FL 10, 211]; nonetheless, even Lermontov cannot disregard "a direct order from the Grand Senate" [GTS 169]. Sometimes an order can be issued directly by the Chairman of the Grand Senate's Naval Affairs Committee [PS 365]. None of these statements leave any room for a civilian commander-in-chief.) Presumably the Constitution of the United States was amended when the CoDominium was created, establishing a clear line between CD authority (foreign policy, off-world policy, off-world military) and U.S. authority (internal economic and social policies, and control of the nearly irrelevant U.S. armed forces).

The Fleet – the CoDominium Space Navy and Marines – has complete control of nuclear weapons and space weapons, and effective veto power over all human military actions. The Fleet includes:

The Grand Admiral of the Fleet commands from Luna and worries about the preservation of the human race and the safety of the colony worlds. Meanwhile, most Grand Senators angle to maximize their profits from the colonies.

By 2050, there are over 40 human colonies (not counting fuel stops and asteroid mines). Many of them have been seeded with terraforming packages that include soil bacteria, seeds for grasses and other plants, and sometimes mammals including rabbits and foxes. [GTS 149; PS 2, 49-50.] Several human colonies now have limited self-government, but all remain subject to CD rule. Voluntary emigration levels off as the hardships of frontier life become more well-known. Some ethnic and separatist groups are "encouraged" to emigrate: this includes Eskimos, Inuits, Black Separatists, Mormons from the USA, and Finns and Russian Nationalists from the USSR. And after 2040, forced emigration of convicts and "undesirables" eventually reaches 15 million persons per year. Only a handful of colonies become truly pleasant places to live (usually those planets which were settled and subsidized by parent nations on Earth). According to Outies, rising sea levels destroy many peoples' homes, leading to even more emigration to outer worlds. [FL 302; WWCD 111; WWD 119, 173; Outies 62-63.]

"To Win the Peace" prologue (WWTO 11-14).
Haven:    Haven: The 26th Marines, Company C, 3rd Battalion is sent to Haven to prevent criminal gangs from dominating the colony.
[WWD, WWTO, WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines.]

"Nothing In Common" (WWD 125-163).
Haven:    Jack Bronstein tries to organize the laborers working for Kennicott Metals on Haven. A new branch of the Wobblies is founded.

Late 2044
Haven:    William Garner "Wilgar" Castell, son of Charles and Saral Castell, is born.
[WWTO 130 gives his age as 13 in 2057, while WWTO 134, 151 say 13 in 2058 (confirmed in WWJ 28).]

"Hell's-a-Comin'" (WWD 164-180).
Haven:    Kennicott Metals attacks the union organizers.

"Counterpoint" (WWD 181-182 only).
"Great Lakes Iron Revolt": massive strike in the Midwest. Two hundred iron miners exiled to Haven.
[WWD 181, 326; WWI 10; WWII timeline]

"Counterpoint" (WWD 183-225 only).
Haven:    When the exiled miners arrive, they refuse to live in Castell City because of its religious atmosphere, and found the city of "Hell's A-Comin'".
[WWD 183; WWI 10; WWII timeline]

War of German Re-Unification. East and West Germany attempt to unify into a single government. The CD military forces fight the two German states. In the aftermath of the war, almost four millian Germans are deported to the colonies. Around 1.5 million of them (mostly former East Germans) settle on Churchill's smaller continent, which they rename "Deutschland".
[WWFR 24-25, 283. It is not stated whether the war results in a unified Germany, a return to the status quo of two states, or something else. In 2076 there will be a state called "the German Free Territories" (WWFR 73), and in 2089 there will be "a resurrected Germany" (WWFR 339).]

c 2047
"Astronomy Lesson" (WWD 226-228).
Haven:    Astonomy lecture in Castell City.

2047 to 2048
"On Jordan's Stormy Banks" (WWD 229-262).
Earth and Haven:    Sergei Pulatov is sent to Haven to investigate rumors of valuable gems. Despite his employer's desires, the existence of shimmer stones remains secret.

CD begins a policy of unrestricted migration between Earth nations.    [WWCD 183]

Late 2040's ?
Arrarat:    Kennicott Metals complains to the Grand Senate that violent transportees are disrupting mining operations. CD Governor appointed to Arrarat. Marines build the walled town of "Garrison" next to Harmony City, with the miners inside, and the criminal gangs outside in the farmlands. Then Kennicott finds richer mines elsewhere and loses interest in Arrarat.    [FL 57]

Haven:    The existence of shimmer stones becomes public knowledge, leading to a new influx of miners and a "rush" on these gems.
[WWD 328; WWI 11; WWTO 310; WWI, WWII, WWTO, WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD, WWRW timelines.]

China exiles Tibetan Buddhists loyal to the Maitreya to Haven.
[WWIII 107]

Early 2050's ?
Martin Grant elected to the Grand Senate. He is a strong supporter of the Codominium.    [FL 7]

Churchill:    Jeremy Savage leaves Churchill. By this time, the continent of Deutschland is already seeking an alliance with Friedland.
[WWFR 30. Savage returns home in early 2059. WWFR 41 places this "almost four years" after he left, which would make his departure 2055. However, the trip from Churchill to the Solar System took 10 months, then he spent two-and-a-half years at the academy, graduating in late 2057 (WWFR 27-28, 36), placing his departure in 2054; this also fits the fact that Judith aged five years in his absence (WWFR 48).]

"Down the Rabid Hole" (WWD 378-380 only).
Haven:    Kennicott Metals explores a deep pit on Haven's Eastern Continent, naming it the "Rabbit Hole", and later the "Rabid Hole". An attack by young stobors kills all the humans in the pit except those deeper than three kilometers.
[The entire first part of the story is given on WWD 370-383; part of this is a framing story set in 2056-57.]

"Janesfort War" prologue (WWCD 110-113 = WWI[2nd] 74-77 = WWD 263-265).
Luna Base:    Grand Senator Adrian Bronson (who controls Dover Mineral Development) and Grand Senator Gordon DeSilva (who controls Kennicott Metals) reach an "uneasy truce", agreeing to cooperate to keep CD Marines off non-CD colonies, and thus allow more freedom for their mining companies. Marshall Wainwright, Director of the CD Bureau of Intelligence (BuInt), sends agent Maxwell Cole to meddle in Haven's local politics.
[Date from WWD 263; WWI(2nd) 74. In the original version, Kennicott was incorrectly referred to as a Bronson company (WWCD 112); this has been corrected in the reprinted versions (WWI[2nd] 76; WWD 265). Wainwright's name was spelled "Wainright" in WWCD, but "Wainwright" in reprintings and future stories.]

"Janesfort War" (WWCD 114-182 = WWI[2nd] 78-141 = WWD 266-325).
Haven:    Maxwell Cole's agent Jomo takes over Docktown. Jane Wozejeskovich defends her hemp plantation on South Central Island from Jomo's aggression. Cole's assistant Owen Van Damm sides with Jane and Leo Makhno. Jomo is killed.
[Date from WWD 266; WWI(2nd) 78; also see WWTO, WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines (which misspell city as "Jamesport"). Jane arrived on Haven and started her plantation in 2054, one year ago (WWCR 127, 179; WWD 277, 322) and approximately thirty years before 2085 (WWPW 125).]

"To Win the Peace" (WWTO 15-85 only).
Haven:    Kennicott Metals, which has established an uneasy truce with Bronson's company Dover Minerals and with Anaconda Mining, continues its efforts to dominate Haven. Maxwell Cole's subordinate Van Damm betrays Cole and allies with Leo Makhno. Jane and the Wobblies consider new ways to organize agriculture.

"Steppe Stone" (WWD 347-369).
Earth and Haven:    Cholony Chuluun and Tuya immigrate to Haven to become miners. Chuluun leads a number of Mongolian immigrants to leave the Anaconda Mining camp and start a new life on the steppes of Haven.

"Last Chance" (WWD 329-346 only).
Haven:    Jonnie Johnston and his group of miners encounter difficulties mining on Haven.

"To Win the Peace" (WWTO 86-89 only).
Luna Base:    Grand Senator Adrian Bronson demotes his nephew, Thomas Erhenfeld Bronson, from Dover Minerals CEO, and sends him to Haven to address the unrest there, in hope of re-establishing the shimmer-stone monopoly once held by Dover. He designates his son Adrian Bronson, Jr., as the new Dover CEO, with the intention that once he himself serves the maximum number of years permitted to a Grand Senator, his son will succeed him in this position.

c 2056
Haven:    The survivors of the Rabid Hole cataclysm emerge to the surface.
[Per WWD 383 and 386, the cataclysm occurred in the Winter, and the emergence in the following Spring. Taking Haven's year to be 7.7 Earth years in length (see Inconsistencies: Length of Haven's Year), the gap between these events is about two Earth years.]

"Down the Rabid Hole" (WWD 370-378, 380-383 only).
Haven:    Depositions and interrogations are held regarding the incident in 2046 in the "Rabid Hole".

By the mid 2050's
WAR WORLD: FALKENBERG'S REGIMENT, "Brotherhood" entry (after ch. 1).
[Same as "Peace At Any Price" prologue (WWJ 187-189).]
Influential leaders on Friedland, Levant, Sauron, Stalin, and Xanadu form "the Brotherhood", a group dedicated to weakening the CoDominium and obtaining greater autonomy for their worlds. Later, their influence will extend to Covenant, Frystaat, Istvan, and Harley's World.
[No date given for the Brotherhood's founding, but it must be prior to 2057, when Colonel McKinley mentions it to Jeremy Savage. The Brotherhood also has some members from Earth, particularly natives of nations other than the USA and USSR who have joined the CD Armed Services and discovered that good promotions are denied to them (WWFR 66-67).]

c 2057
John Christian Falkenberg III hangs out in Rome with Bonnie Dalrymple.    [FL 16]

"The Raid on Purity" (WWTO 90-115).
Haven:    Chuluun, now "Khan of the Free Tribe of the Steppes", allies with a nearby American settlement ("Independence") to execute a raid on Purity, a Dover Mining town in the Shangri-La Valley. His wife Tuya gives birth to Bataar.
[WWTO 90, and the WWJ, WWPW, WWFCD, WWRW timelines agree on the date 2057. Bataar is born at the same time as the raid per WWTO 110 and WWJ 361. However, Bataar is eighteen years old in 2088 (WWJ 349), which would make his birth year 2069/70.]

"Marching on Poland" (WWTO 116-125).
Haven:    Ten thousand new transportees are settled on Haven.

"Enough Rope" prologue (WWTO 126-128 only).
Haven system:    The truce between Dover Minerals and Kennicott Metals continues. Thomas Erhenfeld Bronson arrives in the Haven system, hoping to eliminate the power of the Church of Harmony and have Haven declared a CD Protectorate.

"Enough Rope" (WWTO 129-132 only).
Haven:    Thirteen-year-old Wilgar Castell begins to organize discontents in Castell City.

Late 2057
Luna Base:    Jeremy Savage graduates from the CD Armed Service Academy.
[Dated 2057 (WWFR 27), and 18 months before 2059 (WWFR 36, 46). ]

"Enough Rope" (WWTO 133-210 only).
Haven:    Thomas Erhenfeld Bronson arrives in Castell City to promote Dover Minerals' interest, bringing a small regiment from the 77th CD Marines led by General Lassitre. Harmony charter is revoked. Haven becomes a "full CoDominium member", and a consul-general will "soon" be sent. In the meantime, Bronson is named the interim colonial governor. Resistance from the "Harmonies", as well as the miners in Hell's-A-Comin'. Reverend Charles Castell, Hell's-A-Comin' Mayor Fineal Naha, and Maxwell Cole are executed. Wilgar Castell becomes de facto leader of the Harmonies. A CD naval base is established by the Marines.
[WWI (timeline, 11) puts these events in 2048 and adds Fineal Naha to the list of the executed. However, WWTO 133 and the WWFCD & WWRW timeline give the date as 2058; this matches the statement in the WWJ, WWPW, WWFCD timelines that in 2066 Bronson has been interim colonial governor for eight years. WWI(2nd) 208 says the 77th arrived on Haven in 2040, but this is too early. The force sent to Haven is called "an under-strength regiment of the 77th CD Marines" (WWTO 183), "the 77th CD Marine Regiment" (WWI[2nd] 208), and "the 77th CD Marines" (WWJ 231). Prior to this date, "only a token company or so" of Marines have been stationed on Haven (WWTO 149).]

Haven:    The newly arrived Marines establish Fort Kursk. A small continent of the CD Maritime Guard is also established under the leadership of Nicolay P. Prokofiev.
[WWII timeline; WWFCD 24]

Fulson's World:    A large group of prisoners (or transportees?) revolt. The revolt is suppressed by General Shafter Parker.
[WWJ 210, 263; WWFR 91, 145. The more common spelling is "Fulson's World" (FL 3; PM 22, 42, 178; WWJ 195, 210; WWFR 76, 91, 244), but it occasionally appears as "Folsom's World" (WWJ 263; WWFR 145, 268; WWPW 62).]

June:    FALKENBERG'S LEGION, prologue.
[Same as The Prince pp. 8-17, and The Mercenary prologue.]
Falkenberg, age 15, enters the CD Naval Academy, having been appointed by Grand Senator Martin Grant.
[FL 2, 7, 43, 214. WWFR timeline gives date as 2058.]

2058 to c. 2060
Haven:    The first couple years after the CD governor is appointed are a "troubled" time.
[WWTO 237.]

Early 2059
Churchill:    After an 18-month journey, Jeremy Savage returns home and reunites with Judith Rivers. He works briefly as an engineer, then rounds up AWOL Gurkha soldiers.
[Arrival dated 2059 (WWFR 46), and 18 months after 2057 (WWFR 27, 36, 46).]

Late 2050's ?
Arrarat:    Grand Senator Adrian Bronson's company, Dover Mineral Development, discovers new ores. They try to bypass Kennicott Metals and American Express by buying mineral rights from farmers, but farmers will not sell. Planetary Governor Hugo Swale begins recognizing gangs of transportee convicts as governments so they can authorize mining operations.    [FL 196]

Around 2060
Nationalism begins to heighten all over the Earth. The long peace which has been preserved by the CoDominium is now taken for granted. Earth's nations (beginning with Japan) begin to chafe under the CD's yoke. In the USA and the USSR, nationalists begin to question the need for the alliance between the two superpowers.
[All timelines; FL 229. There appears to be some maneuvering by nations linked to colonies to obtain some kind of official representation within the CD; "Dark Hole" 21 refers to Japan's links to the colony Meiji in the context of an a Grand Senate debate regarding "the Japanese representation question".]

Short on funds, the CoDominium begins to abandon its most distant and unprofitable colonies. (Grand Senator Fedrokov's "New Look" policy.)    [GTS 323]

Food riots in Morocco are punished by massive deportations to Haven.
[WWJ 194; WWFR 75]

"More Precious Than Rubies" (WWTO 211-230 only).
Abdullah Hassan, Tawfiq al Tabib, and Barbarossa are deported to Haven. Tawfiq is proclaimed the "Mahdi".
[WWII 143-144 similarly refers to many deportations of Arabs. WWFCD and WWRW timelines date this 2059.]

Falkenberg graduates and becomes a Midshipman in the Navy.
[FL 41 says an Academy stay is 2-3 years. WWFR timeline gives date as 2061.]

"More Precious Than Rubies" (WWTO 230-266 only).
Haven:    Abdullah Hassan, Tawfiq the Mahdi, and the other Arab deportees are assigned to a Dover Minerals facility. Eventually Abdullah, along with Faryal and Nabil (the children of Tawfiq and A'isha) leaves with Patrick Flynn and head south toward Castell City.
[The story begins in 2060 (per WWTO 211), and the trip to Haven takes fourteen months, so the Mahdi arrives in 2061 or early 2062. The WWPW timeline says the Mahdi arrives in 2059, but the WWFR timeline says 2062.]

Ace Barton graduates from West Point and enters the CD Fleet.
[First edition of "His Truth Goes Marching On" puts this in 2072; corrected in PM 140.]

Jeremy Savage rejoins the CoDominium Armed Services. He spends the next seven years as a lieutenant, participating in campaigns on Kennicott (in 2064), Tanith (in 2067), and Winslow.
[WWFR 65, 67, 70. WWFR 63, 65 put this seven years before 2069, although WWFR 70 suggests nine years.]

Sparta:    "Treaty of Independence". The CoDominium fully recognizes Sparta's government, and gives Sparta control of the orbital station Aegis. However, the CD retains a small military garrison in the capital, and retains certain rights, including the right to ship convict transportees to Sparta. Around this time, the original two Kings are succeeded by their sons, Alexander Collins and Jason Freedman.
[GTS 323; Prince 718, 732, 842, 880, 930. Alexander becomes king no later than 2076 per WWJ 67.]

c 2062 ?
FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 1, chapter 1.
[Same as The Prince pp. 18-22.]
Bonnie Dalrymple hears John Christian Falkenberg II speak at Princeton.
[JCF III has graduated, but Dalrymple is still in school. She comments that "Rome was nice back in 2057" -- does this suggest Rome has very recently seen a downturn?]

Early 2063
FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 1, chapter 2.
[Same as The Prince pp. 23-29.]
Navy Lt. John Christian Falkenberg III is in fight on High Shanghai, in which Midshipman Harold Kewney is killed. Kewney's grandfather, Grand Senator Adrian Bronson, demands an investigation. Bronson's niece, Angela Niles (who is one month pregnant with Falkenberg's child) decides to move to Churchill. Navy Cmdr. Sergei Lermontov protects Falkenberg, and has him transferred to the Fleet Marines (as a lieutenant and brevet captain). Falkenberg is subsequently involved in an action on Domingo.
[GTS 26; FL 112; WWFR timeline. See New Data from The Prince for details on the date. WWFR (timeline, 20) incorrectly puts this on a "flight", and refers to Bronson as Kewney's "uncle".]

Saratoga:    Angela Niles is in the third month of an 18-month trip from Earth to Churchill.
[WWFR 17, 19, 380. Her daughter Stephanie will be born near the end of 2063.]

c 2063
Sergei Lermontov becomes Captain of the CDSS Ajax. Bartholemew Ramsey is in his crew. (About this time, Ramsey marries Barbara Jean Grant, daughter of Senator Martin Grant.)
["Dark Hole" 18 says this was "fifteen years ago", which would put it in 2061. "Dark Hole" 36 says that Ramsey and Barbara Jean had "ten years together", and since she vanished in 2071, that also puts this in 2061. However, Lermontov was still a Commander in early 2063, so the earliest he could have become captain of the Ajax is mid-2063. Therefore the "fifteen years" and "ten years" figures must be approximations.]

"Last Chance" (WWD 326-329 only).
Haven:    A miner tells the story of Jonnie Johnston.

Churchill:    Angela Niles arrives to stay with her family. Soon after her arrival, she marries Gus Groché, who will raise Stephanie as his own daughter.    [WWFR 379]

FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 1, chapter 3.
[Same as The Prince pp. 30-38, and West of Honor prologue.]
Arrarat:    Convict gangs raid Malcolm farm.

After 17 years of unrestricted migration on Earth, 37 million of the 450 million American residents are foreigners. Balkanization due to low asssimilation rates. One result is an increase in "cultural identity" and segregation among American Indians.
[WWCD 183-5]

Haven:    Sauron agent Larson Voorhees meets Thora at Castell University; Becca Royce is conceived.
[WWTO 427, 429, 431.]

Haven:    Dover Mineral Development tries to replenish Dire Lake by hitting it with an ice asteroid. The asteroid turns out contain a metal core, causing local devastation and earthquakes. The Mahdi uses this atrocity to recruit more supporters.
[WWJ 120 puts this nine years before 2075. WWJ 196-197 = WWFR 78 puts this "about a decade" before 2076. WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines give date as 2065. WWPW 23 puts this "a decade" before 2085, but that can't be correct. In 2074, Consul-General Bronson seeks to add water to Dire Lake (WWTO 314) but that must be after this incident.]

Haven:    After eight years as interim colonial governor, Thomas Erhenfeld Bronson is promoted to Consul-General of Haven.
[He was appointed interim governor in 2058, per WWTO 207. In 2274, he has been Consul-General for "eight years", per WWTO 309. Also WWJ, WWPW, WWFR timelines. On the other hand, the WWFCD timeline makes him "interim Consul General" in 2058, promoted to "Governor" in 2066.]

The Reformed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, colloquially known as the "LDS Sixers," is founded in Los Angeles. Its initial members are descendants and followers of six Mormons who had were excommunicated in 1993 for questioning certain teachings.
[Outies 355]

c 2066
Some sort of mutiny in an unspecified CD Marine battalion.    [PS 355]

c 2066
Bradley Nash, executive officer of the Ajax, is killed in action. His father, Grand Senator Hartford T. Nash, arranges to have Lermontov court-martialled, but he is acquitted.
[WWJ 209-210; WWFR 90. This could be anytime during Lermontov's tenure as the Ajax's captain (c. 2063 to 2069).]

From 2068 to 2082
"Our Reliance Upon Orbital Decay: Rostov's Zeks" (WWPW 323-339 only).
Earth:    Victor Victorevich Rostov (born Evgeni Rostovich Movachev), an ethnic Chechen, grows to adulthood in Russian territory. He is eventually deported to Haven.

Late 2060's
Many of the more successful colonies begin pushing for greater independence. Dayan, Friedland, Meiji, Xanadu, and Danube even begin developing small fleets of their own.
[GTS 299; "Dark Hole" 18; WWPW 17, 42. WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD, WWRW timelines give date as "2068/70".]

Sergei Lermontov promoted to "Rear Admiral, Captain of the Fleet." (A very brief tenure as a ship's Captain!) He is stationed at Crucis Sector Headquarters. Falkenberg is transferred to the Line Marines and promoted to Captain (youngest in the fleet). He heads the 501st Battalion.
[After c. 2063 per "Dark Hole" 18, and no later than 2069 per FL 43, 125. WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines give the date as 2069.]

FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 1, chapters 4-19.
[Same as The Prince pp. 39-173, and West of Honor chapters 1-16.]
Arrarat:    Capt. Falkenberg and Lt. Hal Slater lead 501st Battalion in campaigns on Arrarat. Slater meets Kathryn Malcolm. The 501st defeats the outlaw gangs, despite planetary governor Swale's duplicity.
[For justification of the 2069 date, see New Data from The Prince. Slater estimates Kathryn's age as nineteen (FL 126), but she's actually twenty-one, as she was sixteen in 2064 (FL 28). Slater estimates Falkenberg's age as twenty-six (FL 44), which is correct.]

Falkenberg promoted to Major, as adjutant for the 42nd Regular Line Regiment. Hal Slater promoted to Captain.
[FL 197; WWJ, WWPW, WWFR timelines. As Falkenberg was previously the youngest Captain in the Fleet, he is probably now the youngest Major (confirmed in WWJ 24).]

[Same as "High Jingo" (WWJ 17-26).]
Ceres:    Jeremy Savage joins the Brotherhood, and then joins the 42nd Regiment.
[After Falkenberg's Arrarat campaign, per WWJ 23 (WWFR 68), and shortly before the Kennicott campaign per WWJ 24 (WWFR 70-71). Falkenberg is a major and Lermontov is rear admiral, per WWJ 22-23 (WWFR 69); however, WWFR 69 is incorrect when it states that Falkenberg has been a major for three years.]

The 42nd Regiment of Line Marines is sent to Kennicott, with Col. Hiram Silvers as commanding officer, Maj. Falkenberg as adjutant, and Lt. Slater and Lt. Savage as officers.
[FL 197; WWJ 24-25; WWFR 68, 70-71.]

2069/70 to 2070/71
Kennicott:    Falkenberg and the 42nd confront thorium miners who are striking against Kennicott Metals. The miners have formed their own putative government. Kennicott Metals (under the control of the Bronson family) wants the strikers exterminated, but Falkenberg attempts to negotiate with them. When one faction of the miners sets off a nuclear blast, killing Colonel Silvers. Falkenberg, now in command of the remaining two battalions of the 42nd, strikes back against that faction, while allying with a more moderate faction led by a local man named Tobias Conrady. An accomodation is reached, but Bronson is furious that the strikers were not dealt with more harshly. Falkenberg then marries Tobias' daughter Grace Conrady.
[FL 197, 214; "The Prince" 175-6; WWJ 202-203; WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines give the date as "2070/71". This story is told in detail in WWJ 202-203. Oddly, WWFR 83-84 revises this tale, changing the planet Kennicott to Cordoba, changing Kennicott Metals to Reynolds Off-World, and changing Grand Sen. Adrian Bronson to Grand Sen. Harrison McClellan. But as "The Prince" 175 puts the death of the colonel on Kennicott, the version in WWJ seems more reliable. Moreover, WWFR 341 places these events on Kennicott, not Cordoba. ]

Kennicott:    Falkenberg is promoted to Acting Colonel.
["The Prince" 175 says this was "a bit more than a year" after Falkenberg arrived on Kennicott. Jeremy Savage is promoted to Major at the same time, per WWJ 203; WWFR 83, 341.]

THE PRINCE, pp. 174-176.
A coalition in the Grand Senate arranges to have Rear Adm. Lermontov promoted to [Junior] Vice-Admiral, and to have Acting Col. Falkenberg promoted to Colonel. Falkenberg doesn't want to leave his wife, and she won't leave Kennicott. Lermontov persuades Falkenberg that he must Kennicott and continue on as the commander of the 42nd Regular Line Regiment by telling him about a conspiracy involving himself and some members of the Grand Senate.
[See New Data from The Prince for details on the date. WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines give the date as 2071.]

Falkenberg is promoted to Colonel and given permanent control of the 42nd Line Marines. Grace refuses to leave Kennicott and divorces him. Falkenberg begins a series of missions that will soon gain him renown as a great military strategist and also make him known as as Lermontov's protege.
[FL 297, 410, 427; PM 119; GTS 16; "The Prince" 176; WWJ 192; WWFR 74. WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines give the date as 2071. WWFR 73 suggests that between 2071 and 2075 Falkenberg was involved in "a four-year tour of the outer planets" followed by a very brief leave.]

The Norton luxury liner Lorelei, en route from Meiji to Earth, vanishes with Barbara Jean Ramsey aboard. A scout ship is sent to search for them; it vanishes. The frigate Henry Hudson carries out a search; it too vanishes. Further searches are deemed too dangerous.
["Dark Hole" 18 – 5 years before story; also WWFR timeline. Immediately after Lermontov's promotion in "The Prince" 175.]

Danube, having constructed its own space fleet, rebels against the authority of the CoDominium. Although the CD is willing to accept a planet with a small fleet, it deems Danube's fleet a threat to Earth itself. Bartholemew Ramsey, despondent over his wife's disappearance, turns down promotion to admiral, so the job of putting down the Danube rebellion passes to someone else. The admiral commanding the punitive expecition "botches the job", but eventually this revolt is suppressed.
["Dark Hole" 18; WWPW 17, 42. WWPW 17 gives the date as 2071; WWPW 42 puts it about twenty years before 2092. According to WWJ 209, there were at least two Danube rebellions before 2076; it is unclear whether the 2071 revolt was the first or the second. In the Second Danube Rebellion, it took a fleet containing three battlecruisers to defeat Danube's fleet, after which "eight Marine regiments" enforced an "uneasy peace" (WWJ 209 = WWFR 90).]

Brotherhood members on Stalin supply munitions to the Revolutionary People's Government on Istvan, allowing it to overthrow the legitimate government. Falkenbergs's troops suppress the revolutionaries.
[WWJ 188; WWFR 35]

Unrest in Siberia, Turkestan, Khazakstan, Georgia, and Upper Mongolia. The USSR and BuRelock begin massive deportation of Soviet minorities to colony worlds, including Haven.
[WWI 11; WWCD 189, 320; WWPW 195; WWTO 272 ("2172" is a typo for "2072"); WWI, WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD, WWRW timelines.]

"Atalanta" (WWTO 394-398 only).
Luna Base:    The Ministry of Sports discusses what can be done about the dominance of the Olympic Games by natives of Sauron.

Sept:    "The Coming of the Dinneh" prologue (WWCD 183-186 = WWTO 267-269).
U.S. Senate committee considers American Indian deportation.

c 2074
Capt. Ramsey takes CDSS Daniel Webster into space. About this time, Senator Martin Grant becomes chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Adm. Lermontov becomes Vice-Admiral, Commanding, and is stationed on Luna.
["Dark Hole" 16, 20 – 2 years before story. WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines give the date as 2074. WWJ 208 (WWFR 89) states that Lermontov's only military superior is Grand Admiral Doni (spelled "Donie" on WWJ 263 = WWFR 145).]

"Business As Usual" (WWTO 309-314).
Haven:    Consul-General Thomas Erhenfeld Bronson continues to promote Dover Minerals' interests on Haven, and seeks for a way to add water to Dire Lake.

2074 /
Haven:    Consul-General Thomas Erhenfeld Bronson is assassinated by his son, Thompson Erhenfeld Bronson.
[WWJ 27, 45. This must take place after "Business As Usual" and before "Alexander's Sword", both of which are dated 2074. The son's first name is usually spelled "Thompson" (WWJ 27, 46, 47); "Thomason" (WWJ 43) is probably a typo. He is often referred to as "Thompson Erhenfeld Bronson, Jr.", but the "Junior" is not technically correct as his full name differs from his father's name.]

"Alexander's Sword" (WWJ 27-58).
Haven:    Thompson Erhenfeld Bronson is named Haven Administrator. Wilgar Castell attempts to blend in with elite Haven society. Bronson is assassinated. Wilgar Castell is (apparently) killed in retribution.

2074 or 2075
Haven:    Most of the Harmonies are driven out of Castell City in retailiation for Thompson Erhenfeld Bronson's assassination. The Bronson family (which controls Dover Mineral Development) suffers a setback when a member of the DeSilva family (which controls Kennicott Metals) is appointed Planetary Governor.
[The second T. E. Bronson was assassinated in 2074 (WWJ 47); DeSilva is governor by 2075 (WWJ 97) and still ruling in 2077 (WWJ 231, 299-300; WWFR 112, 181). His first name is not given; it is unknown whether he is the same as Richard DeSilva who will be on Haven (but not running its government) in 2080. Dispersal of the Harmonies per WWJ 71.]

2070's and 2080's ?
A few eccentric groups voluntarily emigrate to Haven. A colony of "Neo-Libertarians and Royalists" from Northern Europe settles on some of Haven's islands, far from the main continent. Edwin Hamilton builds "Whitehall Castle" in the Shangri-La Valley; apparently Falkenberg's Legion was at this castle at some point in time.
[WWIII 133; WWI 119 = WWLE 34-35. WWI 139 = WWLE 62 indicates that Whitehall Castle was built before Falkenberg's 42nd visits Haven, which occurs in 2077.]

From 2074 to 2076
"The Coming of the Dinneh" (WWCD 187-226 = WWTO 270-308).
The USA and BuRelock deport the Navajo Tribe (Dinneh) to Haven.
[Also WWI 310-311. The epilogue to the story (WWCD 226 = WWTO 307-308) is set "fourteen winters later", which cannot be correct since that would be 105 Earth years later.]

Around this time the Manitou and the Cree are deported to Haven, but the Inuit avoid the CD by migrating to the northern edge of North America. [WWII 143-144.] The USA and the USSR also deport the ultra-nationalist "Sons of Liberty" and "New Soviet Men" to Haven. [WWBV 284.]

FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 2, prologue.
[Same as The Prince pp. 177-181.]
John Christian Falkenberg, Jr., gives a speech at West Point.
[FL 205 puts this "immediately prior" to the restructuring of West Point.]

Due to the increase in American nationalism, West Point is "restructured" to favor the U.S. Army over the CoDominium military. Cadets must now choose between the U.S. and the CD in their junior year. Because the CD military is losing funding, some who choose the CD are unable to find posts there, and if they then ask to be admitted to the U.S. military they are often unwelcome.
[FL 205; PM 140; this policy was "new" at the time of Peter Owensford's junior year (2075-76).]

From 2068 to 2075
"Jaguar" (WWI[2nd] 44-63 only).
Deep Space and Haven:    Aboard the Don Juan de Austria, Hadleigh Jones meets Juana de la Fuente. Juana is deported to Haven, while Jones returns to space. On his return to Haven, he meets Roderick MacKim, and encounters a pregnant Juana. He then departs for Tanith. Again returning to Haven, he marries Juana. He retires from the Marines, and they move to Millvale.
[WWI(2nd) 44 says the story begins in 2081, but this cannot be true. From the beginning of the story until the characters arrive in Midvale, seven years pass (see pp. 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 61), so if the story begins in 2081 the Midvale portion begins in 2088. But this portion of "Jaguar" is also depicted in "The Consultant", which is dated 2075. The date of "The Consultant" is not flexible, as it is explicitly set soon after DeSilva has become governor (WWJ 97). So that puts the beginning of "Jaguar" seven years before "Consultant" -- that is, in 2068.]

"Pictures of a Floating World" (WWFCD 56-57 only).
Meiji:    Hakahara Setsuko is born.

"The Consultant" (WWJ 91-114); "Jaguar" (WWI[2nd] 63-69 only).
Haven:    The town of Millvale builds a toll bridge over the Titan River. Roderick MacKim and Hadleigh/Hadley Jones are hired to enforce the tolls. Rod is eventually fired and run out of town; Jones stays.

"Jaguar" (WWI[2nd] 69-71 only).
Haven:    Hadleigh and Juana Jones decide to stay in Milvale.

"Across the High Plains" (WWJ 115-186).
Haven:    Advisors from Levant and the Brotherhood encourage the followers of the Mahdi (Tawfiq al Tabib) to fight against the CD authorities. Barbarossa agrees, but the Mahdi is reluctant. CD Marines under Capt. Flint and Lt. Bourque discover the Mahdi's growing military strength. The assassination of A'isha and a terrorist attack which kills Col. Shawley lead to war between the Mahdi's forces and the CD forces on Haven.
[The story begins in 2075 per WWJ 115; this fits with the story being "almost fifteen years" after the end of "More Precious Than Rubies" (WWJ 118). The WWPW, WWFCD, and WWRW timelines say the Mahdi Uprising begins in 2073, but the WWFR timeline correctly gives 2075.]

"Pound-Foolish" (WWTO 315-326).
Haven system:    Nadine Przbylski considers a novel deuterium-mining proposal from Paul Nkomu.

Near Meiji:    The CDSN frigate Constellation, commanded by Cmdr. John Grant, Jr., with Grand Senator Martin Grant aboard, searches for the Lorelei. It is caught by a black hole between Meiji and A-7820.

"Escape From a Dark Hole" (WWJ 60-61 only).
Jonathon Langston and Marie Ward are sentenced to deportation and labor for unauthorized research into physics. Langston is placed on a transport ship bound for Haven. Meanwhile, Prof. Hermann Stirner has Marie Ward removed from the transport ship to Tanith. He convinces Vice-Adm. Lermontov that the Grants are trapped near a black hole.

"He Fell Into a Dark Hole."
Bartholemew Ramsey and Marie Ward take the CDSS Daniel Webster to search for the Grants. They manage to return, but the Lorelei, the Henry Hudson, and the Constellation are lost.
[I originally listed this as "c. 2078". See New Data from The Prince for details on the date change. Date of 2076 confirmed in "Escape" and WWJ, WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines.]

"Escape From a Dark Hole" (WWJ 61-68 only).
Luna Base:    Vice-Adm. Lermontov and Grand Sen. Grant plan a black hole research facility on Sparta. Marie Ward asks them to bring Jonathon Langston back from Haven, but Langston's thirteen-month journey to Haven continues uninterrupted.

[Same as "Peace At Any Price" (WWJ 190-212 only).]
Ceres and Luna Base:    Grand Sen. Adrian Bronson agrees to support the naval appropriations requested by Lermontov and the Grants, on the condition that the Mahdi Uprising on Haven be suppressed. Lermontov orders Falkenberg's 42nd to Haven. Although Levant (at the behest of the Brotherhood) is supplying the Mahdi with weapons, Lermontov and Grant decide not to move against the Brotherhood. Falkenberg has Jeremy Savage and Lucas Hawes recruit Gurkhas from Nepal.
[WWFR timeline. Before Falkenberg's birthday in 2076, since he is 32 years old (WWJ 191 = WWFR 73). After "He Fell Into A Dark Hole", since Bartholomew Ramsey is going to be promoted to Admiral "any day now" (WWJ 209 = WWFR 90).]

WAR WORLD: FALKENBERG'S REGIMENT, Part 2, chapters 10-23.
[Same as "Peace At Any Price" (WWJ 213-320 only).]
Haven:    The Mahdi controls a large region centered at Medina, and claims to have renamed Haven "New Islam". Falkenberg and the 42nd arrive on Haven. Falkenberg, effectively commanding both the 42nd and the 77th CD Marine Regiments, pushes back the Mahdi's forces until General Shafter Parker interferes. Ultimately, Falkenberg's forces destroy Medina and defeat the Mahdi's forces. The Mahdi personally surrenders. Jeremy Savage agrees to work for Falkenberg against the Brotherhood. The 42nd prepares to leave Haven and head for Charlemagne, a planet settled by Quebec separatists.
[WWJ 213 (WWFR 94) states that Falkenberg arrives on Haven in 2077, and the war is concluded soon after. So the WWPW, WWFCD, and WWRW timelines are incorrect in placing the conclusion of the war in 2076, and WWPW 64, 68 are incorrect in placing it four years before 2084. Also, this story states that John Grant Jr. is a young "captain" (WWJ 265, 317; WWFR 148, 198), but this is incorrect, since his promotion from commander to captain takes place after May 2080 (FL 221).]

Peter Owensford graduates from West Point. The CD will not take him due to budget cuts, and the US Army will not take him because he is too pro-CD. (He is eventually recruited by the Liberation Party to fight in the Santiago civil war on Thurstone.)
[First edition of "His Truth Goes Marching On" puts this in 2093; corrected in PM 140.]

Sauron becomes a full member of the CoDominium Assembly.
[35 years before 2112, per WWTO 426.]

The Amhara of Ethiopia choose a king.
[WWFCD 304]

From 2077 to 2078
"Escape From a Dark Hole" (WWJ 68-86 only).
Haven and Sparta:    Jonathon Langston and George Watson arrive on Haven. Searching for shimmer stones, they are attacked by Sauron agents. Langston is rescued by CD Marines and transported to Sparta, where he and Marie Ward will work in a research station on New Alexandria Island.

"The Denisovan Flu" (WWI[2nd] 198-201 only).
Haven:    General Albert von Verwoerd, working for his native world Sauron, leads a hidden military research center in the Shangri-La Valley, in the foothills of the Miracle Mountains. His team attempts to create a virus that enables humans to more easily breathe at high altitudes.
[Just after the attempt to kidnap Langston, per WWI(2nd) 198.]

"Sons of the Northern Plains" (WWPW 207-210 only).
[Same as "Sons of Hawaii" prologue (WWCD 333-336).]
In their father's mansion in Hawaii, Tim Eng protects his younger brother Kyle.

"Politics of Melos" prologue (WWCD 227-233 = WWTO 327-332).
BuRelock begins a much-needed public relations campaign. [Also see WWI 13-15 = WWJ 321-322.] But few can be persuaded that the labor-intensive colonies are "fun". (Migration to the elite colonies is highly restricted.)

From 2078 to 2080
"Politics of Melos" (WWCD 234-298 = WWTO 333-393).
Professor Wyn Baker deported to Haven, where she meets Richard DeSilva of Kennicott Metals.
[Story begins in 2078; she spents one year on Earth (WWTO 333) and then a one-year journey to Haven. Note that in the original version of "The Politics of Melos", she met Thomas Bronson (WWCD 294); this has been corrected to Richard DeSilva in the reprint (WWTO 390). Richard DeSilva represents Kennicott Metals, but he is not in charge of the Haven Government, which is led by an unnamed Consul General (WWTO 390).]

THE 2070's AND 2080's:

A tremendous increase in nationalism in all countries. Outside the USA and the USSR, this involves outright hatred of CoDominium. In the USA and the USSR, this means a revival of the 20th Century rivalry and demands that the superpower alliance be dissolved. The American and Soviet governments continue to support the CD, but compromise with nationalists by slashing the CD budget repeatedly.

The Unity Party (or United Party), formed by the merger of the Democratic and Republican parties, has ruled the USA for many decades, and its loyalists are convinced that only the CD stands between mankind and nuclear war. But its power is waning; President Lipscomb maintains his power through blatantly dishonest methods. The "Green" environmentalists have lost much of their power [GTS 51]. The welfare-dependent "Citizens" are freely supplied with the Tanith-grown drug "borloi" to keep them passive. Peace is no longer a novelty. New political factions begin to grow:

The situation in the USA seems typical: very few true democracies still exist on Earth. [PS 83.]

In the USSR, anti-CD sentiment takes two main forms. One is the revival of hard-line Communism, led by Anton Kaslov. The other is the Pamyat movement, which advocates a return to pre-Soviet Russian nationalism. ["Dark Hole" 20; FL 213, 228, 302; WWCD 300.] By the 2070s, the Soviet Union is sometimes referred to as "the Reformed USSR" or "the Reformed Soviet Union", but the terms "USSR" and "Soviet Union" are still more common. It is unclear whether the term "Reformed" was introduced after the anti-Gorbachev reaction, or after military rule ended in the 2040s. [FL 213; WWTO 405; WWFR timeline, 211.]

CoDominium Space is now 200 light-years in maximum diameter and contains 70 inhabited worlds. [These numbers are given on FL 297. GTS 248 counts "more than 100" human colonies, while PS 2 counts "more than 130" and the Mote prologue claims "200" by the end of the century. And New Washington is 320 light-years from Earth, per FL 432.] But as the CD weakens, it abandons worlds far from Earth or minor in economic value. It maintains Tanith and Fulson's World as common destinations for exiled convicts, and Haven as the main dumping ground for "undesirables" of every sort.

Science on Earth remains at a standstill (except for medical science, which develops sophisticated regeneration techniques). The main scientific marvels of this century are the Alderson Drive and advanced materials such as Nemourlon. However, scientific reserach is being quietly revived on Meiji, Xanadu, and Sparta. [GTS 97, 316, 335; PS 40. For technical details on the Drive, see "Building the Mote in God's Eye" 125-128 and "Dark Hole" 23-25. WWPW 60, 62 states that while other medical advances are permitted, regeneration and longevity research is officially suppressed -- but covert research into regeneration is performed on Sauron, Xanadu, and Meiji, with funding from Earth; these longevity treatments are available to the rich and powerful. However, this contradicts several passages indicating that ordinary officers have access to "regeneration stimulators" and other "regenn" treatments (Dark Hole 17). Indeed, a 60-year-old private in a mercenary outfit might appear 40 because of regeneration therapy, and Skida Thibodeau expects that all the wounded Spartan and Legion soldiers will be treated by regenn (FL 344, GTS 316).] When Meiji becomes independent, its treaty with the CoDominium states that genetic engineering can be done on the planet, but none of the technology or products may be exported. [WWFCD 61.]

The government and military of Sauron are secretly conducting experiments on genetics and on rudimentary cyborgs, using agents untraceable to their homeworld working in labs on the planets Haven, Tanith, Comstock, and Frederick. [WWPW 166.] Meiji, Levant, Friedland, and Sauron are covertly engaged in military research, hiding their R&D centers on out-of-the-way planets to keep them hidden and preserve deniability in case the CD discovers them. [WWPW 274.]

On Earth, the English language has evolved into "Anglic", although this appears to be more of a dialect than a truly distinct language: it drops a final 'g' in many words, and has adopted numerous Spanish and Oriental loan-words. Colony planets tend to retain whatever language was used by their settlers. [PS 42.]

The strongest planets are becoming independent and establishing their own spheres of influence. Danube is the first planet to become independent; although its first two rebellions were suppressed (see entry for 2071 above), ultimately its endeavors succeed, and the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Danube becomes a model for other planets to follow. [WWI 42; WWJ 59, 209.] Some of the most powerful planets establish their own space navies, including Danube (by 2071), Xanadu (by 2068/70 or 2082), Friedland (by 2068/70 or 2087), Dayan (by 2068/70 or 2094), Meiji (between 2081 and 2087), and Frystaat (by 2094). Covenant and Churchill may have small fleets as well. These planets are all quite rich and have populations as high as 50 million. [FL 229, 351; PM 143; GTS 20, 55-56, 102, 299; WWJ, WWPW timelines.]

Note, however, that there are varying degrees of "independence" possible, as shown by the complexity of Sparta's Treaty of Independence (see entry for 2062 above). Moreover, there are certain actions that the CoDominium forbids to all planets, even those which it recognizes as independent -- such as violations of the Laws of War, or the use of nuclear weapons. [Prince 1054, 1103.] During this era, while national wars and civil wars frequently erupt on individual worlds, but the CoDominium manages to prevent interplanetary wars of conquest.

Unable to use their military for off-planet conquests, some of the worlds (Friedland, Covenant, Xanadu) begin hiring out their national armies as mercenary bands to serve on other planets. This trains their soldiers and raises substantial revenue. [FL 348.] As this practice proves successful, truly independent mercenary units begin to appear as well. Through the early 2080's, the badly-enforced "Anti-Mercenary Codes" forbid such groups. Eventually the CD permits mercenary bands but requires the Fleet to enforce the "Laws of War". The Fleet is scrupulous in enforcing these conduct codes, especially in the case of atrocities against CD personnel or Earth corporations. As a result, the successful mercenary groups – the Nouveau Légion Étrangère, Moolman's Commandos, the Katanga Gendarmerie – tend to pride themselves on their precision and on their care in distinguishing combatants from civilians. [FL 205-209, 255, 335-336.]

Despite the apparent balance of power, the CD leadership considers the growing power of its former colonies -- especially Danube, Sauron, Friedland, Meiji, Levant, Stalin, and Xanadu -- to pose a significant long-term danger. [WWPW 17.] Nonetheless, the Senate persists in under-funding the CD Navy. As Earth moves towards nuclear war and the colonies move toward interstellar anarchy, Senator Martin Grant, CIA Director John Grant Sr., Admiral Sergei Lermontov, Dr. Caldwell Whitlock, the Blaine family, and the Leontin family meet to discuss whether the CD is doomed and what might follow its demise. They contact King Alexander Collins of Sparta to discuss possibilities. The date of these discussions is unknown, but Whitlock was invited around 2075. ["Dark Hole" 20; GTS 21; PS 73; WWFCD 108. The WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD, and WWRW timelines date this as 2075.]

Sergei Lermontov becomes Grand Admiral of the Fleet. His appointment is sponsored by the Grants, but Senator Bronson votes to confirm him as well.
[All timelines]

"The Edge of Darkness" (WWPW 19-21 only).
Luna Base:    Lermontov and Grant discuss the research installation on Sparta.
[Shortly after Lermontov's promotion, per WWPW 19.]

Thurstone:    Santiago, poorest of the three nations on Thurstone, begins a bloody civil war. The conflict pits the "Dons" (descendants of Spanish Carlist settlers, fighting for "the Kingdom of St. James") against the "Republicans" (rebellious BuRelock transportees and their descendants, fighting for "Free Santiago").
[Three years before PM 151, which takes place mid or late 2082.]

May 2080*
FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 2, chapters 1-4.
[Same as The Prince pp. 182-209, and The Mercenary chapters 1-4.]
Senator Bronson demands that Col. Falkenberg be cashiered. CIA Director John Grant takes extraordinary measures to assure that Unity wins the upcoming American elections and President Lipscomb is re-elected.
[This takes place in May (FL 239 = Prince 206). The year must be 2080; see Inconsistencies: Falkenberg's History for details. At this time, Commander John Grant Jr. is aboard the Saratoga, probably as its executive officer; his promotion to captain is expected soon (FL 221, 242-43).]

Falkenberg dismissed for technical insubordination under odd circumstances. The entire 42nd Regiment of Line Marines is disbanded shortly thereafter.
[FL 292-293, 336; in WWPW 375 one character says "2081"; WWFR timeline says 2080. Falkenberg was cashiered soon after the deal with Bronson in May 2080, but the disbanding of the 42nd might have taken a bit longer.]

Spring and Summer 2081*
FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 2, chapters 5-11.
[Same as The Prince pp. 210-286, and The Mercenary chapters 5-11.]
Hadley:    March and April: Falkenberg and a large fraction of the former 42nd Regiment arrive on Hadley. (FL 336 says a "large proportion" of the 42nd joins Falkenberg, but FL 310 says "only one battalion".) May: The CoDominium withdraws from Hadley, granting it home rule. August: Falkenberg's troops crush an illegitimate constitutional convention. Public debut of Falkenberg's Mercenary Legion: his 500 ex-Marines are expanded to a Legion of around 1200 upon departure from Hadley.
[The text explicitly says this story begins six weeks before April 30 (FL 274 = Prince 235) of the year 2087 (FL 244 = Prince 210). The WWPW and WWFCD timelines say 2082; the WWFR timeline says 2081. Since this occurs just a few months after the election of November 2080, it must occur in Spring 2081. See Inconsistencies: Falkenberg's History for details. The CD leaves in May (FL 278), and the story concludes three months later (FL 306, 315, 323). The text makes Jeremy Savage 45 years old (FL 270), but he is actually 43 or 44 in this story, as he was born in 2237.]

"Dream Valley" (WWI 16-41 = WWJ 323-348).
Haven:    A group of Balt slaves escape their Tartar master.
[Original printing gave no date; reprinting in WWJ says "2081".]

"Atalanta" (WWTO 399-403 only).
Haven:    Fifteen-year-old Becca Royce is recruited to play in the Olympic Games.

Churchill and Friedland:    The German settlers on the continent of Deutschland now outnumber the English settlers on the continent of Britannia. Deutschland makes a secret treaty with the world of Friedland.    [WWFR 25]

Between Late 2081 and Late 2093
Falkenberg's Legion carries out missions on at least five different worlds, most of which have been abandoned by the CD. Among these are Thurstone, Makassar, and Haven. Meanwhile, the wives and other dependents of the Legionnaires live on a succession of neutral planets.
[FL 310, 337; GTS 11; PS 128. Haven is still in the CD at this time, per WWCD 393.]

Tanith:    A public transportation system using quadcopters is created.
[WWFCD 117.]

U.S. President Lipscomb suffers a heart attack and dies. Vice-President John Holt succeeds him.
[WWFR timeline, 214]

"Atalanta" (WWTO 404-425 only).
Becca Royce excels during the Olympic Games. During this year, Sergei Yevgenievich Volkov is the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Reformed Soviet Union, and John Holt is the President of the United States.
[This story also names Mikhail Utkin as the Supreme Chairman of the CoDominium Council, but as noted above, this council and this position are probably non-canonical.]

Mid or Late 2082
PRINCE OF MERCENARIES, chapters 12-14 (pp. 134-171 only).
[Same as The Prince pp. 388-414, and "His Truth Goes Marching On".]
Thurstone:    Santiago civil war continues. The "Dons" hire mercenaries from Friedland. The Liberation Party organizes volunteers from Earth and Churchill and hires technicians from Xanadu to aid the "Republicans". Peter Owensford and Ace Barton fight for the Republicans in a brief campaign.
[PM 171 puts this 12 years before May 2094, placing it during 2082. Owensford is 23 years old in this story (PM 137). As he will be "in his 36th year" in March 2095 (GTS 153), then (assuming that means age 35), this story takes place between March 2082 and March 2084. Combining these puts it between March and December 2082.]

After the campaign, Owensford and Barton join Falkenberg's Legion, which has a recruiter on Thurstone.
[PM 170. There is no indication that Falkenberg's Legion is involved in the Santiago civil war at this time. Perhaps they have recruiters on many planets, or are on Thurstone to purchase rifles from the city of New Aberdeen.]

From 2082 to 2095
"Our Reliance Upon Orbital Decay: Rostov's Zeks" (WWPW 340-349 only).
Haven:    Rostov is forced to work in the mines in the Atlas Mountains. He recruits followers and escapes. His band of "Zeks" (prisoners) grows to become a horde of raiders.

Skida "Skilly" Thibodeau, age 22, is convicted of various offenses in Belize and exiled to Sparta.    [PS 76]

2083 or 2084
Thurstone:    The Dons, helped by mercenaries from Friedland, are winning the Santiago civil war against the Republicans, backed by the Liberation Party. The Republicans hire Falkenberg's Legion, which defeats the Friedlanders, giving the advantage to the Republicans. However, after the Legion departs, the Republicans are defeated, probably with help from more Friedlander mercenaries.
[WWFR 217, 242; GTS 11. These events must occur after Owensford's adventure on Thurstone in 2082, and before the second civil war begins c. 2085. WWFR 217, 242 mention the Legion's involvement. GTS 11, 59 indicate that the Republicans are ultimately defeated. GTS 299 says that in 2090 there are "close ties" between Friedland and "restored Carlist monarchy of Santiago on Thurstone", which may indicate that the monarchy was deposed and later restored, but it's unclear if this should be placed during the Second Civil War.]

Early or mid 2080s
Haven:    Arthur G. Waltham is appointed CD Governor of Haven.
[In 2084, Waltham is called "the new Governor", and has been in charge for at least six months (WWPW 64). DeSilva held that post at least until 2077 (WWJ 299-300; WWFR 181). WWRW 165, 186, and the WWFCD & WWRW timelines indicate that Waltham was appointed governor in 2091 and then arrived on Haven in 2092, but if this is correct then Waltham must have served two non-consecutive terms as governor, or the Governor Waltham who worked with Falkenberg on Haven in the 2080s is a different person than the Waltham who served as Haven's final governor in the 2090s.]

"Day of Judgment" (WWPW 63-122).
Haven:    Barbarossa helps Tawfiq al Tabib (the Mahdi) to escape from prison. A platoon of the Haven Militia, led by Major Kenneth Flint and Lt. Andre Bourque, pursues them through the Atlas Mountains. Tawfiq (now "Ishmael") settles in Providence with his family. Flint and Bourque encounter him.
[Story is explicitly dated 2084 (WWPW 63). However, it is also stated to be four years after the Mahdi Uprising (WWPW 64, 68), which would put it in 2080/81.]

"A Measure of Some Gravity" (WWPW 61-62).
Luna Base:    Marshall Wainwright, Director of BuInt, discovers he is too old to receive more regeneration treatments. Adrian Bronson's faction hopes to soon displace Martin Grant's faction and take control of the Unity Party.
[Per WWPW 61, Wainwright is 93 years old, but this contradicts his age of 108 in 2096 (per WWPW 379).]

November 2084
Re-election of U.S. President John Holt, with George Wykowski as his Vice-President.
[WWFR 214, 216, 230]

"Shadow War" prologue (WWRW 146-147).
Adrian Bronson asks the Grand Senate to send military forces to Haven to protect the supply of shimmer stones.

"Karelia Redux" prologue and story (WWPW 123-165).
Haven:    The New Soviet Men begin a military campaign, but Governor Waltham chooses to ignore them. They assault Janesfort Isle, and are defeated by careful strategy.
[Also WWPW 239.]

"The Edge of Darkness" (WWPW 22-24 only).
Haven system:    Sauron agent Johan Kruger (under the name "Phillip Nash") invests in an asteroid mining venture.

c 2085
Thurstone:    A second civil war breaks out. One of the parties is the Carlist monarchy of Santiago, which emerged victorious in the previous war. However, is unclear whether this is essentially a continuation of the earlier civil war, or is unrelated. As of 2087, there are a number of entities claiming to be "the planetary government". Santiago is aided by Friedland in the late 2080s (and possibly beyond that), and purchases weapons from Sparta from 2090 until 2095. By 2095, this war has lasted a decade, and has become "a five-sided civil war."
[GTS 201, 299 ; WWFR 217]

Frystaat:    A planet-wide strike brings the 3M Corporation's mining operations to a halt.    [WWFR 215]

Makassar:    Falkenberg's Legion intervenes in an unspecified conflict on Makassar, a planet that has already been abandoned by the CD. Their opponents include Friedlander mercenaries.
[WWFR 215, 323]

Mid 2087
Churchill:    The continent of Deutschland, aided by mercenaries from Friedland, invades the continent of Britannia.
[WWFR 279 puts this "over a year and a half" before early 2089.]

Mid or Late 2087
Capt. Ace Barton's five-year hitch in Falkenberg's Legion expires. He leaves and forms his own mercenary band, "Barton's Bulldogs", more commonly known as "Barton's Bastards". For a brief time after this, Barton's Bulldogs and Falkenberg's Legion act as allies.
[PM 102, 128; GTS 43, 59-60; WWFR timeline]

WAR WORLD: FALKENBERG'S REGIMENT, Part 3, chapters 24-26.
Grand Senator Forrest Niles tells Martin Grant of a plot by Herman Karins. Martin Grant and Sergei Lermontov agree to support Niles as the Unity Party candidate for president in the next election; John Grant and President Holt reluctantly agree. Karins is assassinated.
[WWFR 209. WWFR 219 says John Grant is sixty-eight years old, but he is actually 73.]

"On the Back of a Tiger" (WWJ 349-410).
Haven.    The Free Tribe of the Steppes and the town of Independence try to negotiate with the United Front of Islam, but are double-crossed. They seek help from Fort Stony Point, but are given only guns. The United Front is defeated. Chuluun Khan and his son Bataar solidify their power.

"The Toymaker and the General" (WWI 44-53 = WWI[2nd] 145-153 = WWPW 167-176).
Haven:    A clandestine installation led by General Albert von Verwoerd -- working for Sauron but pretending to work for the CoDominium -- engages in high-tech military research, including the creation of cyborgs.
[Date given in WWI[2nd] 145; WWPW 167. The General claims to be working for the CD, and the Toymaker -- who has known the General for quite a while -- believes this to be the case (WWPW 170, 173), but in fact the General is an agent of Sauron (WWPW 166). The editor's comments (WWI[2nd] 143) suggest that this installation truly was established by the CD; perhaps Verwoerd is the only Sauron agent there, unbeknownst to his superiors and subordinates? In any event, twenty-fourth-century historians will know that Verwoerd was working for Sauron (WWPW 166).]

September 2088
Diego:    Falkenberg's Legion concludes a campaign. The details are not specified, but it is considered a "debacle" and there are numerous casualties in the Legion.
[WWFR 241, 255, 329-330. The war ends in mid-September, followed by a two month quarantine that ends in mid-November.]

Early November 2088
Forrest Niles is elected President of the United States.    [WWFR ]

Grand Senator Adrian Bronson's faction achieves dominance within the Unity Party, displacing the faction led by Grand Senator Martin Grant – although neither faction controls an absolute majority of votes in the Grand Senate. The Grants, the Blaines, and Sergei Lermontov are unable to continue giving favors to Sparta. More cuts in the CD Fleet budget. Admiral Lermontov begins to rely on drug money from Tanith to fund the Fleet. He continues to covertly fund Falkenberg's Legion. Carleton Blaine arranges to become Governor of Tanith.
[FL 338; PM 99, 329; PS 74; WWFCD 126-127; WWFCD & WWRW timelines. WWPW 62 puts this not long after 2084. WWPW, WWFR, WWFCD timelines say 2088. It is not clear whether this change in fortunes is gradual or due to a single event. It might be connected to Forrest Niles, Bronson's nephew, becoming president – but if it is, that suggests that Niles' alliance with the Grants and Lermontov might have been disingenuous.]

Mid-November 2088
Diego:    John Grant, Jr. arrives in the CDSS Intrepid to ferry Falkenberg's Legion to Churchill.
[WWFR 241, 242, 389. Grant tells Falkenberg the U.S. election results, so this must be after the first week in November. As they are able to reach the Upchurch system before 2088 ends (WWFR 247), they must leave Diego several weeks before the end of the year. The CD Rear Admiral is currently Medvedev, a Kaslov sympathizer (WWFR 242).]

2088 and 2089
"The Edge of Darkness" (WWPW 25-32 only).
Sparta, Sauron, and Haven System:    Jonathon Langston imagines a black hole analog, while Sauron agents investigate Alderson points.

December 2088 and January 2089
WAR WORLD: FALKENBERG'S REGIMENT, Part 3, chapters 28-30.
Upchurch System:    The Intrepid battles some Friedlander spaceships.
[WWFR 247 says this begins in 2088. Since the Intrepid left Diego in mid-November, it must be December already. Several weeks pass during maneuvers within the Upchurch system, so the battle must conclude in very early 2089.]

Early and Mid 2089
WAR WORLD: FALKENBERG'S REGIMENT, Part 3, chapters 31-47.
Churchill:    Falkenberg's Legion lands in Britannia and engages the Deutschland invaders. The Friedland mercenaries surrender, and the Deutschlanders are defeated. Falkenberg meets Stephanie Groché.
[The campaign takes several months: WWFR 312, 359, 378. Stephanie Groché's age is stated as 23 (WWFR 378) but she is actually 25.]

"What the Dinosaurs Knew" (WWJ 411-422).
Sauron:    Genetic tailoring of unborn children, once encouraged by the Sauron authorities, has been mandatory for twenty years. The resulting "improved" humans are gradually displacing their more "normal" compatriots.

Haven:    The "Shimmer stone Revolt". The Haven Gem Consortium's monopoly broken. Bandit "free corps", often led by mercenary deserters, spring up in mining regions of Haven and seize shimmer stone shipments. Several years of fighting ensue. Xanadu and perhaps Sauron are covertly behind some of these gangs.
[WWCD 368 puts this in the mid or late 2080s, no later than October 2089; WWPW 297-298 puts it anytime before 2094. WWPW, WWFCD, WWRW timelines say 2089.]

c 2089
The leaders of the planet Sauron are contemplating a confrontation with the CoDominium.
[WWCD 391-2]

2080's ?
Haven:    Three thousand Russian religious dissidents are deported to Haven and forcibly settled next to Uusi Suomi ("Novy Findlandia"), a region originally settled voluntary by Finnish patriots.
[WWIV 24-25]

From 2089 to 2091
"Hang Together" prologue and story (WWCD 299-332 = WWPW 177-206).
Soviet bureaucrats deport a group of "Pamyat" Russian nationalists to Haven, settling them next to Talinn, a village of Estonians.
[Dates per WWPW 177, 181]

"Shadow War" (WWRW 148-156 only).
Earth and Meiji:    Adrian Bronson hires Kenjiro Murasaki to undertake three missions.

Franklin, an independent colony world, refuses to grant independence to its sister-planet New Washington. New Washington begins a two-year war for independence.
[FL 348-9 puts this in 2091 or 2091. The WWFCD timeline says "2091/92", but the WWRW timeline says "2091".]

2091 and 2092
"The Edge of Darkness" (WWPW 32-59 only).
Sparta, deep space, and Sauron:    The Sauron-controlled ship Vulcan's Forge destroys a Frystaater ship. Subsequently, the CDSS Ira Hayes encounters Vulcan's Forge and realizes it is stealing Alderson point data. The CoDominium ship manages to disable the Vulcan's Forge, but its crew are killed and its computer's memory erased, leaving no sign as to the crew's identity. The Sauron Council closes its survey project. Meanwhile, Jonathon Langston creates an electromagnetic analog of a black hole, which can absorb coherent energy and radiate it evenly like black-body radiation, creating the first "Langston Field".

Alexander of Sparta and Admiral Lermontov discuss Sparta as a possible home for Falkenberg's Legion. Under this plan, the Legion would take up permanent residence on Sparta, and train the local Spartan troops, who could then be hired out as mercenaries on other planets.
[PM 96-98, 177-178; Prince 664; WWFCD & WWRW timelines.]

"Voice of the Cockroach" prologue (WWFCD 148-149).
Haven:    Corporal James Currin Ryder arrives on Haven to begin a three-year deployment.

"Sons of the Northern Plains" (WWPW 210-216 only).
[Same as "Sons of Hawaii" (WWCD 337-344 only).]
Tim and Kyle Eng are convicted of having agitated for Hawaiian independence under a libertarian government. They are deported to Haven.

September:    "Shadow War" (WWRW 156-163 only).
Haven:    Chimaki Takahashi arrives on Haven.

"Sons of the Northern Plains" (WWPW 216-273 only).
[Revised and expanded version of "Sons of Hawaii" (WWCD 337-344 only).]
Haven:    The Young Tribe breaks off from the Free Tribe of the Steppes (now living in Burkhan Khaldun), leading to conflict between the Free Tribe and the Tri Clans. Tim and Kyle Eng arrive on the steppes; Kyle settles with the Tri Clans while Tim settles with the Free Tribe. The New Soviet Men invade the steppes through Karakul Pass, but their invasion force is defeated.
[Slightly over five years since "On the Back of a Tiger" (most characters are five years older, but Bataar six: WWPW 218, 219, 223, 226, 238). WWPW 238 states that Colonel Garrison Tern, who had been a Major in the 77th CD Marines in 2088 (WWJ 380), now commands Fort Stony Point in the name of the Haven Volunteers, because the 77th Regiment has been "decomissioned", but this must be an error.]

Early in the year:
Sparta:    Prince Lysander learns something about Lermontov's plans.
[It is unclear how Lysander learns about this. The logical explanation is that he learned it from his father King Alexander, but in 2094 he is surprised to learn that his father is part of Lermontov's conspiracy, per PM 336.]

June:    PRINCE OF MERCENARIES, chapters 3-4.
[Same as The Prince pp. 308-325, and "Silent Leges" sections 1-2.]
Mark Fuller arrested at L.A. University. Trip to Tanith (a one-month journey).
[For travel times, see the astronomy page.]

July to Nov:    PRINCE OF MERCENARIES, chapters 5-6.
[Same as The Prince pp. 326-344, and "Silent Leges" sections 3-4.]
Tanith, spring and early summer:    Working the fields.

Late in year:
New Washington:    After two years, the war for independence from Franklin is going well. Then Franklin hires mercenaries from Friedland and Covenant; New Washington's rebellion is crushed in three weeks. Franklin begins a blockade of New Washington and contemplates further conquests. The remaining Washington rebels decide to contact Falkenberg's Legion for help.
[FL 349-351]

Sparta:    King Alexander has second thoughts about his plans for Lermontov and Falkenberg. Prince Lysander leaves for Tanith (a five-month journey).    [PM 96-97]

c. Jan:
Tanith:    Barton's Bastards arrive to support a group of borloi planters in their tax rebellion. Falkenberg's Legion arrives to help Governor Blaine suppress the rebellion, and also to suppress the Free State in the jungle. The Grand Senate objects to mercenary intervention on on a CoDominium planet, but Admiral Lermontov points out that he has no funds for a CD intervention.
[PM 21, 79, 92-93, 102; FL 337]

Feb to early April:    PRINCE OF MERCENARIES, chapter 7.
[Same as The Prince pp. 345-352, and "Silent Leges" section 5.]
Tanith, late summer to harvest:    Working the fields.

Mid-April:    PRINCE OF MERCENARIES, chapters 1-2, 8.
[Same as The Prince pp. 293-307, 353-366.]
Tanith:    Lysander arrives. He meets Ursula Gordon, Gov. Blaine, and Col. Falkenberg.

Late April to Early May:    PRINCE OF MERCENARIES, chapters 9-10.
[Same as The Prince pp. 367-384, and "Silent Leges" sections 6-7.]
Tanith, autumn:    Mark Fuller is captive of theFree State for ten days. Falkenberg's troops raid and destroy the Free State.

May:    "Going Dark" (WWRW 74-115 only).
Earth:    Cordy Tate is convicted of a felony. BuReloc deports him to Haven.

Mid-May:    PRINCE OF MERCENARIES, chapters 11, 14 from p. 171 on, 15-20.
[Same as The Prince pp. 385-387, 414-465.]
Tanith, autumn:    Parties, plans, and scouting. Falkenberg receives a request for aid from New Washington and sends a reply.
[PM 174, 195]

Late May:    PRINCE OF MERCENARIES, chapters 21-27.
[Same as The Prince pp. 466-529.]
Tanith, autumn:    Falkenberg's Legion attacks the rebel planters and Barton's Bastards. Prince Lysander hijacks the landing boat full of borloi.

Early June:
Tanith:    Barton's Bastards absorbed into Falkenberg's Mercenary Legion, bringing its size to around 4400 soldiers. Barton himself joins the Legion with his rank reduced to Major.
[PM 337; Prince 643; WWRW timeline.]

June:    FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 2, chapter 12.
[Same as The Prince pp. 287-290, and The Mercenary chapter 12.]
Luna:    Lermontov and Martin Grant learn of Falkenberg's victory on Tanith. The money from Tanith is needed to supply the Fleet itself, so Lermontov cannot supply Falkenberg with any additional funds.

June:    "Shadow War" (WWRW 163-166 only).
Haven:    Governor George Waltham considers the shimmer-stone trade.

New Washington:    Falkenberg's reply received. Howard Bannister heads for Tanith (a four-month journey) while Glenda Ruth Horton organizes the ranchers.

c. July:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapter 1 pp. 22-28.
[Same as The Prince pp. 627-632.]
Earth:    Senator Adrian Bronson and his grand-nephew Geoffrey Niles lay plans.
[According to GTS 22, Adrian Bronson is now "in his eighty-fifth year".]

July:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapter 1 pp. 8-12, 14-21; chapter 2 pp. 38-47.
[Same as The Prince pp. 617-620, 622-627, 639-646.]
Tanith:    Peter Owensford promoted to Major, commanding 5th Battalion of Falkenberg's Legion, which includes many Legion soldiers nearing retirement. The battalion, along with most of the Legion's families and civilians, departs for Sparta (a five-month journey).
[As the 5th Battalion departs Tanith, Falkenberg already is making plans for the departure of the rest of the regiment (GTS 10).]

c. Oct:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapter 1 pp. 12-14, 28-34; chapter 2 pp. 47-53.
[Same as The Prince pp. 620-622, 632-637, 646-650.]
Sparta:    Skida "Skilly" Thibodeau leads the Helot terrorist group. (Around this time, Melissa von Alderheim has an altercation with Dion Croser and Skilly.)    [PS 175-6]

Oct:    Troop request from Edgar Blaire ("Fire and Ice" prologue in WWCD 367-369 = WWI[2nd] 156-157 = "Rostov's Zeks" prologue in WWPW 297-298).
Haven:    Consul-General Edgar Blaire complains of the CD's unwillingness to suppress the bandit free corps.
[The original versions (WWCD 367 and WWI[2nd] 156) date this October 2089 and spells his name "Blair", but the revised version (WWPW 297) dates it October 2094 and spells it "Blaire".]

At an unknown time during 2094:    "Fire and Ice" (WWCD 370-392 = WWI[2nd] 158-178 = WWPW 275-296).
Haven:    A new high-tech military project led by General von Verwoerd creates soldiers with altered emotions who lack fear of death. The General concludes that such soldiers would be useful only in rare circumstances.
[Originally estimated as c. 2089 based on the date of the prologue. WWI[2nd] gives the date as 2089. However, WWPW gives the date as 2094. Unlike the project in "The Toymaker and the General", this project is being run entirely by Sauron, and the CD knows nothing of it (WWCD 391; WWPW 295).]

Nov or Dec:    FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 2, chapters 13-14.
[Same as The Prince pp. 534-544, and The Mercenary chapters 13-14.]
Tanith:    Bannister arrives, and hires four battalions of Falkenberg's Legion. They depart for New Washington (a four-month journey).
[Only four battalions remain on Tanith, so this takes place after Owensford has led the 5th battalion to Sparta. "Mercenary" gives the year as "2093", but this date was deleted when the story was reprinted in "Falkenberg's Legion". See Inconsistencies: Falkenberg's History.]

Late Dec:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapter 3; chapter 4 pp. 69-88.
[Same as The Prince pp. 651-674.]
Sparta:    5th Brigade arrives on Sparta. First progress report sent to Falkenberg.    [PS 129]

Jan or Feb:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapter 4 pp. 88-98.
[Same as The Prince pp. 674-682.]
Sparta, autumn:    Niles meets with Skilly.

Feb:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapter 5.
[Same as The Prince pp. 683-701.]
Sparta, autumn:    Riot in the Spartosky.

Early in the year:
Luna Base:    Adm. Lermontov learns that Sauron has secret research labs on Haven. He orders an expedition to destroy them.
[WWI(2nd) 201, which also refers to the CD having withdrawn forces from the Tanith Sector.]

At an unknown time during 2095:    "Our Reliance Upon Orbital Decay: Rostov's Zeks" (WWPW 299-322, 350-371 only).
Haven:    Rostov's Zeks wipe out a small squad of CD Marines, leaving only one survivor. They march to Lermontovgrad, wipe out the small garrison there, and take over the city.
[Date in WWPW 300, 373.]

After the previous entry:
Haven:    The Marines consider retaking Lermontovgrad from Rostov's forces, but decide against it.
[WWPW 373.]

Before March 2095:
Earth:    Vice-Admiral Townsend, grandson of Sen. Bronson, continues to undermine Adm. Lermontov's plans. John Grant Sr. dies. Capt. John Grant Jr., commanding CDSN Intrepid, heads for New Washington (timing unknown, but after he learns of his father's death.) Unity Party election prospects look grim. Whitlock prepares to leave Earth permanently.
[FL 429; PS 65]

c. March:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapters 6-8.
[Same as The Prince pp. 702-745.]
Sparta, late autumn:    King Alexander's Own Regiment formed; Peter Owensford uses the Legion to train this new outfit. Terrorist attack kills Steven Armstong's family.

April:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapter 9.
[Same as The Prince pp. 746-759.]
Sparta, autumn/winter:    Ursula undercover.
[Dates from GTS 205, 256.]

April:    FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 2, chapter 15.
[Same as The Prince pp. 545-554, and The Mercenary chapter 15.]
New Washington:    Falkenberg's Legion lands, and takes the town of Allansport. Falkenberg receives Owensford's 12/2094 progress report, and sends a reply (which is apparently garbled in transmission, confusing Allansport with Astoria).
[PS 129-131]

May?:    FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 2, chapters 16-21.
[Same as The Prince pp. 555-603, and The Mercenary chapters 16-21.]
New Washington:    Battle for Astoria. Falkenberg sends another progress report. The Legion and the rancher militia win several battles. Patriots loot Allansport, so Falkenberg returns to that city.
[In FL, there is no reason to suppose the gap between the first securing of Allansport and the battle for Astoria is much more than the three day sea journey (FL 366). But it appears that more than a few days pass between them, as Karantov claims that Falkenberg's second progress report is "somewhat more recent" than his first (PS 151). Oddly, Falkenberg mentions Glenda Ruth Horton in his message (PS 374).]

June?:    FALKENBERG'S LEGION, Part 2, chapter 22.
[Same as The Prince pp. 604-610, and The Mercenary chapter 22.]
New Washington:    John Grant Jr. arrives in the CDSN Intrepid, and intervenes on Falkenberg's behalf. Falkenberg tells Grant that he plans to remain on the planet and marry Glenda Ruth Horton.

July:    "Going Dark" (WWRW 115-145 only).
Haven:    Cordy Tate arrives on Haven.

July:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapters 10-14.
[Same as The Prince pp. 760-852.]
Sparta, mid-winter:    "Battle of the Dales": The Helots use poison gas in an attempt to defeat the Legion and the Royal Spartan Army in the Dales.
[PS 96 shows this is not the very end of winter; PS 7, 14 show that it is two months prior to spring. Spartan seasons last an average of 4.75 months.]

Late July:    GO TELL THE SPARTANS, chapter 15.
[Same as The Prince pp. 853-857.]
Sparta, winter:    Hal Slater explains to the Spartan leaders that the Helots will not be defeated as long as their off-planet sponsors are free to supply them with weapons.

Between July and Nov:
New Washington:    Franklin grants independence to New Washington. John Christian Falkenberg III appointed Protector of New Washington. He sends message to Sergei Lermontov (possibly via John Grant Jr.?).    [PS 374]

Sparta, late winter:    Follow-up campaigns in the Dales. Ursula marries an exchange student, and they move to Friedland. Around this time, Jason Freedman dies, and his son David Freedman becomes King.
[PS 37, 66, 96]

Sept:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapter 1; chapter 2 pp. 30-37.
[Same as The Prince pp. 865-891.]
Sparta, early spring:    Mopping-up operations.
[PS 14, 24. On PS 18 = P 878, Lysander thinks that Hal Slater is "over fifty", but based on the date of the Arrarat campaign he's actually forty-seven.]

Oct:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapter 2 pp. 37-48; chapter 3 pp. 50-54.
[Same as The Prince pp. 891-904.]
Sparta, early spring:    Dion Croser plans an illegal referendum regarding universal suffrage.

Oct or Nov:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapter 3 pp. 54-61; chapter 4.
[Same as The Prince pp. 904-929.]
Sparta, spring:    Caldwell Whitlock arrives from Earth. Referendum begins. Four companies of ex-Helots sent to New Washington.
[PS 66, 301. Note that Whitlock's comments about New Washington on PS 87 must refer to the parts of that planet already sympathetic to the rebels, since PS 129 makes it clear that there is as yet no news of Falkenberg's campaigns. Also, there is insufficient time for the Helot troops to reach New Washington before the end of "Prince of Sparta", much less send a message back to Owensford, so Owensford's statement that the Helots are doing well on New Washington (PS 301) must be an error.]

Probably late 2095:    "Behind Closed Doors" prologue (WWPW 372-377).
Haven:    General Thomas Kane prepares to take the First Battalion of the 77th CD Marine Regiment back to Earth; the Second Battalion under Col. Sean Dempsey is expected to follow in three months. Individual Marines with dependents may choose to stay and join the militia. Kane promotes Kenneth Flint to Colonel, and places him in charge of the Haven Volunteers.
[The text explicitly puts this in 2096, but this would make it nearly impossible for the 77th to arrive on Sparta in May 2096. Therefore, late 2095 is much more plausible.]

Nov or Dec:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapter 5.
[Same as The Prince pp. 930-956.]
Sparta, spring:    Lysander joins a mission to save Aaron Halleck's son at Colchis Gap.

Jan:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapter 6; chapter 7 pp. 166-169.
[Same as The Prince pp. 957-988.]
Sparta, end of spring:    Armstrong's group sabotages a BuRelock ship. Falkenberg's message of 4/2095 received [PS 129-131]. Col. Boris Karantov holds an inquest, takes over the orbital station Aegis, and gives Owensford news of Falkenberg's progress as of 5/2095 [PS 151]. Melissa wounded in attack at the von Alderheim Works Plant Number Two.

Jan:    "Trouble on the Volga" (WWFCD 27-53).
Haven:    Col. Flint has separated the Marines who will leave Haven from those who will stay. The latter group, under the command of Lt. Col. Yudenich, are temporarily known as the "1st Provisional Haven Marine Battalion," with the intention that they will eventually be blended with the Haven Volunteers. Two maniples of these Marines are led by Lt. Misha Zaslavskaya of the CD Maritime Guard into a confrontation with Armenian separatists in the town of New Hope.
[The story is dated 2102. However, the correct date is early 2096, as it occurs between the "Behind Closed Doors" prologue and "Midwatch." WWRW timeline gives the date correctly as January 2096.]

Jan and Feb:
Earth:    Major budget crisis in USA. Political crisis in USSR. First mutiny breaks out in a CD warship. By February, probably more mutinies, confusion, disinformation. Admiral Lermontov receives Falkenberg's Summer '95 report.
[PS 261, 304]

Late Feb or Early March:
Luna:    Senator Bronson makes speech decrying terrorism on Sparta.
[Dated 17 May 2094 on PS 126, but this contradicts the fact that this speech is shortly before the Spartan Senate decree of April 2096. Moreover, some of his comments seem to be responding to news of the sabotage of the BuRelock ship which occurred in January 2096. See Inconsistencies: Falkenberg's History.]

Late Feb or Early March:    "Behind Closed Doors" (WWPW 379-384).
Luna Base:    Adrian Bronson tells Marshall Wainwright that he has the votes to dissolve the Grand Senate, and asks his help in arresting Admiral Lermontov. Wainwright agrees to help Bronson.

(This story indicates that Grand Senator Adrian Bronson Sr. has been succeeded by his son, Grand Senator Adrian Bronson Jr., as head of the Bronson family. Adrian Junior is currently in his early sixties [WWPW 380-381]. This switch-over must have occurred recently, since the senior Bronson was still Grand Senator in July 2094 at age 85 [GTS 22]. If this is taken as canon, it would imply that all appearances of "Adrian Bronson" in Go Tell the Spartans are the senior Bronson, and all appearances of "Adrian Bronson" in Prince of Sparta are the junior Bronson. This succession is mentioned in WWFCD 94.)
[WWPW 379 dates s "Behind Closed Doors" as 2096. Bronson plans to dissolve the Senate "next week"; assuming these plans stay on track, this story takes place one week before the Senate's dissolution in March 2096.]

Early March:    "Midwatch" (WWI[2nd] 180-193).
Haven:    The 77th CD Marine Regiment is mobilizing to leave Haven permanently. A new Haven government, the "Haven Council of Equals" -- based in Castell City -- has been recognized by the CD as the legitimate successor to the departing CD government. Lt. Pete Thompson and some of his men refuse to leave.
[There is conflicting information regarding the date of these events.]

At an unknown time during 2096:    "The Denisovan Flu" (WWI[2nd] 201-202 only).
Haven:    Major Jaspers, carrying out Admiral Lermontov's orders, destroys the Sauron research station in which General von Verwoerd once carried out genetic experiments.
[WWI(2nd) 201 specifies the year. It is not stated in this story whether the CD government and 77th Marines are still on Haven. Lermontov was arrested in March 2096, but "Denisovan Flu" could take place after that, since travel time to Haven can take over a year, although communication time is somewhat quicker. Also, the reference to the town of Falkenberg may be an error: it is not known when Pilgrim City in the Shangri-La Valley is renamed "Falkenberg", but this seems much more likely in the First Empire era then during the CoDominium, when Falkenberg is a CD Colonel and then a mercenary, who visited Haven only briefly.]

Early March:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapter 7 pp. 169-177.
[Same as The Prince pp. 988-994.]
Sparta, early summer :    Croser's illegal referendum is completed.
[Voting did not quite take "half a year", as Croser boasts on PS 170.]

Earth and Luna:    Grand Senate dissolved. New elections look unlikely. A group of Grand Senators led by Bronson meet as a "Rump Senate"; although their authority is dubious, they issue orders for Admiral Lermontov's arrest. Grand Senator Bronson (now Chairman of the Naval Affairs Committee) sends orders to Col. Marco Ciotto of the 77th to gain control of Sparta. Vice-Admiral Townsend (or General Nguyen?) orders the arrest of Falkenberg's troops on Sparta. Lermontov sends his final message, and is probably arrested or killed shortly thereafter.
[PS 321, 351, 365, 374 (Prince 1104, 1126-27, 1138, 1144); WWFCD 94, 107-108; WWRW timeline. Admiral Forrest is wrong to interpret this as the "breakup of the CoDominium".]

March:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapters 8-10.
[Same as The Prince pp. 995-1052.]
Sparta, early summer (but still snow in the mountains):    Helots attack the Stora Mine, deliberately targeting civilians.

April:    "The Raggedy Man" (WWRW 225-229).
Luna:    Adrian Bronson, firmly in control, sends a fleet to New Washington. Martin Grant's whereabouts are unknown.

April:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapters 11-13.
[Same as The Prince pp. 1053-1082.]
Sparta, summer:    Meeting of CD officers with Spartan leaders. Spartan Senate meets (17 April) and enacts the Ultimate Decree. Attack on Helot base.
[PS 274, 284, 287]

May:    PRINCE OF SPARTA, chapters 14-18.
[Same as The Prince pp. 1083-1151.]
Sparta, summer:    The 77th CD Marine Regiment, led by Marco Ciotti, arrives on Sparta. Battle of Sparta City: Ciotti's officers mutiny, and the Spartan forces triumph. Death of King Alexander; Lysander becomes king. Lermontov's final messages are received, including news about Falkenberg's victory on New Washington. The forces loyal to Lermontov stationed on Sparta -- including Caldwell Whitlock, Hal Slater, several officers of the CoDominium Navy (led by Fleet Captain Clayton Newell of the Vera Cruz) and the CoDominium Marines (Col. Boris Karantov, Lt. Col. Scott Farley) and the leaders of Falkenberg's Legion on Sparta (including General Peter Owensford and the Colonels Alana) -- swear allegiance to King Lysander.
[Date of May 2096 is also mentioned in WWFCD 95 and WWRW timeline.]

Spring or early Summer:
Before the "Rump Senate" loses all popular support, Adrian Bronson, Jr. calls for a complete restructuring of the CoDominium government, insisting that nations other than the USA and the USSR must be represented.
[WWFCD 95.]

November:    "The Battle for New Washington" (WWRW 230-295).
New Washington and the surrounding Chesapeake System:    Bronson's fleet attacks the Falkenberg Protectorate but is repulsed. After the battle, Falkenberg learns of Lermontov's downfall and hears his final message.

"Shadow War" (WWRW 166-224 only).
Haven:    Takahashi continues his efforts to control the shimmer stones. Governor Waltham has a better plan.
[Dates in this story are inconsistent: Oct 2097 (WWRW 166), Dec 2097 (173), June 2098 (181), July 2098 (185), Jan 2095 (187), July 2095 (191), March 2096 (197), Feb 2097 (210, 214), March 2097 (223). But the conclusion of the story must be in 2097, since it overlaps with "Farewell to Haven".]

February?    "Farewell to Haven" (WWCD 393-396 = WWFCD 21-23).
Haven:    Arthur John George Waltham, the last Consul-General of Haven, departs for Earth. The CD withdraws from Haven.
[In its first printing (WWCD) this story was dated 2102. In the second printing (WWFCD), the date was changed to 2097, and Waltham's title was changed from Consul-General to Governor. The date of 2097 is supported by additional evidence in the story (it is now 65 years after the discovery of Byers' Star, and 39 years after the CD took over the planet), and by the WWFCD and WWRW timelines. WWRW 214-223 gives the month as February 2097. This story also claims that the CD Marines left Haven before the civilian government (WWCD 394), which contradicts several other sources.]

Restructuring of the CoDominium. The Grand Senate (which had represented only the USA and USSR) is replaced with the CoDominium Senate (which includes representatives from all Earth nations, and some colony worlds as well). The Senate chamber on Luna is abandoned and a new one is built on Earth.
[WWFCD 94-95; WWRW timeline; also WWPW 391-393, 420, 431, 438.]

The planet Sauron evicts its CD viceroy and military garrison, and declares independence. It begins to build a space navy.
[WWII, WWIV, WWBS(2nd), WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd), WWFCD, WWRW timelines. Presumably this independence is not complete, as "The Sylph in the Tinderbox" shows the CD in 2103 still dominating Sauron (a "stranglehold" per WWPW 391).]

Late 2090s
On Earth, Adrian Bronson, Jr.'s faction, supported by the new members, has firm control of the CoDominium Senate. After unsuccessfully trying to keep Lermontov's final message secret, they portray the late Admiral and his followers as traitors to humanity who are planning to invade Earth. These stories frighten the voters and briefly increase support for the CoDominium, but when no invasion materializes, resentment of the CD again becomes widespread.
[WWFCD 94-9, 102, 143.]

The CD Navy has divided into several factions. The largest faction accepts the restructured CoDominium government as its legitimate commander. Another large faction, loyal to Lermontov's memory, is led by Fleet Captain John Grant. Various smaller factions offer themselves to independent colony worlds in return for payment and land grants. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union is unhappy with Bronson's reorganized CoDominium, as they have less power than before.
[WWFCD 96, 106-107.]

Between the late 2090s and 2103
Hard-line communist Anton Kaslov becomes the Premier of the Soviet Union. He restores the Communist Party to full power. He allows the current President, Alyona Sergeyevna Serafimova, to retain her ceremonial position.
[Serafimova became president after Kaslov had gained a lot of power, but before he became Premier. As she is only in her "mid-forties" in 2103, she presumably has not been President for very long, and so Kaslov must have become Premier no more than a few years before 2103 (WWPW 289-390, 397; her statement that the Alderson Drive was new when she was young [398] is incorrect). The state ruled by Kaslov is now known as the Union of Reformed Soviet Socialist Republics, the Reformed Soviet Socialist Republics, the Reformed USSR, the URSSR, Reformed NeoSoviet Russia, and (colloquially) simply "Russia", and its associated adjective is "NeoSoviet" or "NeoSov" (WWPW 389, 390, 391, 397, 401, 438).]

Pope Nicholas VI sends several cardinals to colony worlds, to assure that a papal election can be held even if civilization on Earth is destroyed.
[WWFCD 145-146; WWRW timeline.]

Senator Bronson sends a small military force to Tanith.
[WWFCD 96, 101.]

"Pictures of a Floating World" (WWFCD 58-62 only).
Meiji:    The Nipponese Empire of Meiji sends an expedition to Haven.

July:    "Treason on Tanith" (WWFCD 97-147).
Tanith:    Bronson's forces land in Government Square and arrest Governor Carleton Blaine. He is rescued by Swiss Guards, and spirited away to a monastery in the Tanith jungle. Four cardinals also take refuge at the monastery.
[WWRW timeline, 520.]

"Pictures of a Floating World" (WWFCD 62-89 only).
Wayforth Station and Haven:    The Meijian expedition arrives. Hakahara Setsuko meets Amaru and visits his village. When they return to Castell City, they find increasing civil unrest. Dayan has already withdrawn its mission from Haven.

"The Sylph in the Tinderbox" (WWPW 387-419 only).
Earth and Stalin:    Neo-Soviet President Alyona Serafinova and Sauron agent Alden Wardlow discover the existence of Valenya Korolyeva, a young woman who is immune to jump lag. Meanwhile, riots and resistance to the CoDominium increase in Argentina, the Greater East Indian Protectorate, India, Brazil, Germany, Japan, and Wales.

"Pictures of a Floating World" (WWFCD 89-91 only).
Haven:    Rumors of the CoDominium's impending fall reach Haven. The Meijian expedition departs, leaving Hakahara behind.

Late Summer / Early Fall:    "Sacrifice" (WWFCD 304-307 only).
Earth:    King Selomon prepares to lead the Amhara to Haven.
["Several weeks" before war breaks out, per WWFCD 306.]

"The Sylph in the Tinderbox" (WWPW 420-438 only).
Earth:    Several American-bloc and Neo-Soviet-bloc nations put forward resolutions in the CoDominium Senate to free themselves from the domination of the United States and the Reformed USSR. Sauron submits a resolution that would make the colonies more independent from Earth. Serafinova and Wardlow are kidnapped by Harvey Bertram. NeoSoviet Premier Kaslov calls for an end to the CoDominium.
[Bertram is called a "Libertarian" on WWPW 428, but his party is actually the Freedom Party, as correctly stated on WWPW 394.]

November 22 (Americas) / November 23 (Europe, Asia, Africa):
End of the CoDominium. A full-scale nuclear exchange between the United States and the Reformed USSR breaks out, causing massive devastation, including the total annihilation of both Moscow and Washington. Other nuclear nations join in, and the devastation spreads over much of the Earth. Most of the damage is done in the first few hours, which will soon be called "The One-Day War" or "Black Thanksgiving". Sporadic fighting on Earth and in the Solar System continues for at least a few more weeks. In later centuries these will be known as "the Great Patriotic Wars".
[WWPW 438; WWFCD 159, 162, 186, 189. Date in timelines, WWTO 426, and WWPW 438. In the United States, the bombing begins the evening of Thursday, November 22 (Thanksgiving Day); in Europe and Asia it's the morning of November 23.]

November 22:    "Sacrifice" (WWFCD 307-311 only).
Earth:    The Abebe Bikila barely manages to escape the carnage.

November 22:    "Voice of the Cockroach" (WWFCD 175-180 only).
Earth:    Los Angeles is destroyed by nuclear missiles. The devastation in the L.A. basin and the San Fernando Valley is total; in the Santa Clarita Valley it is somewhat less.

December:    "The Sylph in the Tinderbox" (WWPW 438-441 only).
Sauron:    Wardlow, safely back home, contemplates the devastation of Earth.

Probably January:
Luna Base is destroyed by nuclear bombardment.
[WWFCD, WWRW timelines.]


Earth's Great Patriotic Wars of 2103 are brief but devastating. After this point, Earth will never again be a major player in interstellar politics, and for the next thousand years no human planet will ever approach the population of 21st Century Earth (Mote 245).

The atomic war of November 2103 ("Black Thanksgiving") involved hundreds of ICBMs (WWBS 152; WWBS[2nd] ch. 16:ii; WWFCD 308). Moscow and Washington were hit by so many bombs that "there were not even ruins left" (WWPW 438). Most of the large cities in the United States and in the Soviet Union are destroyed (WWRW 524). In the outskirts of these cities, survivors battle over scraps while suffering from radiation dangers. Vast areas of the Earth are left uninhabitable, including Afghanistan (WWIII 37; WWTO 427; WWFCD 92, 193, 282). Yet some regions are spared, including southern New Zealand, most of Burma, much of Cambodia, most of Brazil, Jamaica, the Tyrolean Alps, and possibly Angola and Namibia (Mote 254, 275; WWRW 301, 524).

The rest of the Solar System is also hurt. Almost every artificial satellite orbiting the Earth was destroyed, including the L-5 platform (WWFCD 282; WWFCD & WWRW timeline). The colony on Mars was devastated, and the tether built by Chinese colonies was destroyed (WWRW 300). Luna Base was badly hit by nuclear bombardment in early 2104, and the Saurons finished the job later in the same year (WWFCD 282; WWRW 302-303).

The following years are a bleak time for those left alive on Earth. In addition to billions of dead, there are a huge number of displaced persons. Many Indian and Pakistani survivors flee to the Himalayas; some of their communities will still flourish in the 31st century (WWI[2nd] 527, 530; WWRW 301). Nuclear winter ensues; WWIV 146 speaks of the "years without summers" which follow the war.

The CoDominium's fleet had been divided after the coup of 2096, but now its allegiances become even less certain. Warships flee the Solar system and seek new homes, an event later known as "the Exodus of the Fleet". Many of the Fleet's Russian elemements choose Saint Ekaterina as the home for their dependents, and this will become the largest single space force, although much less than a majority (WWFCD 283-284; WWRW 517). Another remnant of the Fleet follows John Grant, Jr., who takes the title "Admiral" but does not accept the title "Grand Admiral". Between 2096 and 2106, Grant is in frequent contact with Falkenberg and visits him in person a few times; Grant visits Lysander in person once (WWRW 516-517). There is a smaller CD remnant which claims to be "the" CoDominium, but only a fraction of the former CD Fleet follows its orders (WWFCD 282-283, 289, 290, 297 may indicate that this remnant is based at Tabletop).

There are many attempts to evacuate survivors from Earth. Many thousands are evacuated, but this barely makes a dent in the total population. Ships that choose to act like "good Samaritans" have to navigate their way through all the debris in orbit around Earth, and try to find safe places for their landing boats to set down. And whenever a ship is full and tries to close its doors, those who didn't make it often turn hostile. Eventually these obstacles cause the evacuation attempts to end (WWPW 438; WWFCD 282; WWRW 299, 523-528) .

The loss of Earth devastates those colonies which are not self-sufficient. Economies collapse, piracy and brigandage increase, and many local wars break out (WWFCD 193, 282). Even the strongest colony worlds realize that they have been dependent on Earth products such as computer components. The more backward colonies descend nearly to barbarism (WWFCD 193). 75% of Haven's population dies, and the inhabitants of the orbital station Ayesha flee to Haven and found the undersea city of Castalia (WWBF 1; WWIV 32, 185-8).

"Pictures of a Floating World" (WWFCD 91-93 only).
Meiji:    The Nipponese Empire of Meiji pulls most of their ships back near the home planet, to defend it against whatever repercussions may result from the war on Earth.

"Pictures of a Floating World" (WWFCD 93 only).
Haven:    Hakahara gives birth to a son.

"Be Careful What You Wish For" prologue and story (WWRW 296-303).
Solar System:    A Sauron ship investigates the extent of the devastation near Earth. Death of Adrian Bronson.

June:    "Sacrifice" (WWFCD 311-316 only).
Rheingold's Star System:    The Abebe Bikila arrives at Wayforth Station, and discovers that the station has been captured by Saurons.
[Seven months after November, per WWFCD 312.]

December:    "Sacrifice" (WWFCD 316-317 only).
Cat's Eye and Haven:    The Abebe Bikila arrives in the Byers' System. They settle on a patch of the Shangri-La Valley which they name "New Abyssinia."
[Six months after June, per WWFCD 316.]

"Low Note" (WWRW 306-343).
Haven:    Society on Haven descends into anarchy.

"The Denisovan Flu" (WWI[2nd] 202-205 only).
Haven:    Dr. Arnold Walker and his family, having fled the chaos caused by the CD departure, discover the old Sauron research station in the foothills of the Miracle Mountains. They are infected by the virus designed to help humans breathe at high altitudes. Eventually they join a Harmony farming community.

"Sacrifice" (WWFCD 317-319 only).
Haven:    The Abebe Bikila's shuttle is destroyed. The ship departs from the Byers' System.

"The Great Die-Off" (WWFCD 192-206).
Haven:    Rostov, who still rules in Lermontovgrad, plans to attack Castell City. To prevent this, Governor Mathew Ridgeway orders the railway bridge at Sweetwater destroyed. As a result, food supplies cannot reach the city, and cataclysm ensues.

"Marching to Zion" (WWRW 472-496).
Haven:    Colonel Kenneth Flint reaches Providence, and agrees to lead the New Hope Volunteers.
[After "The Great Die-Off" per WWRW 472-473.]

"The Return to Purity" prologue and story (WWFCD 207-279).
Haven:    As the Shangri-La Valley runs low on food, armed bands turn to raiding. A group of Cossacks led by Feodor Eitrich attempts to cross into the Northern Plains, but is confronted by the Free Tribes of the Steppes, Independence, and the Fort Stony Point Militia.
[The most likely sequence is "Sacrifice" (which does not mention the food shortage), "Die-Off" (the food shortage begins), "Zion" (direct sequel to "Die-Off", and then "Purity" (as the shortage continues).]

April:    "Treason on Sparta" (WWRW 512-529 only).
Tanith:    The CDSN Excelsior, allied with John Grant, retrieves Carleton Blaine. They head to Saint Ekaterina.

July:    "Treason on Sparta" (WWRW 532-539 only).
Saint Ekaterina:    The Excelsior arrives on Saint Ekaterina. Blaine meets Prime Minister Sobakin, and they discuss a possible friendship between Saint Ekaterina, Sparta, and John Grant's fleet. Irina Bulgakova agrees to travel to Sparta with Blaine.

Sept or Oct:    "Voice of the Cockroach" (WWFCD 150-175, 180-191 only).
Earth:    James Currin Ryder encounters members of the Merchant Fleet.
[Immediately prior to "Patton's Playground" per WWRW 353.]

Sept or Oct:    "Patton's Playground" (WWRW 344-388).
Earth:    The Merchant Fleet fights a small battle.
["Almost three years" after Black Thanksgiving, which puts it between September and November.]

October:    "Treason on Sparta" (WWRW 498-512, 529-532, 540-554 only).
Sparta:    Catherine and Jesús Alana investigate a plot against King Lysander. The Excelsior arrives at Sparta. Irina Bulgakova meets King Lysander and Queen Melissa.
[Between 2097 and 2106, the Spartan Expeditionary Force has won wars on two planets (including Aditya), and is currently fighting on Thurstone, per WWRW 505, 545, 549.]

November:    "Treason on Sparta" (WWRW 555-591 only).
Sparta:    Assassination of Queen Melissa. King Lysander and Carleton Blaine discuss the next steps between Sparta and Saint Ekaterina.

c 2107
"A Slam Dunk" (WWRW 389-392).
Haven:    Bull Hammer, former Sergeant-Major of the 77th, tries to lead a small band of mercenaries and raiders.
[Date uncertain. WWRW 390 puts it "a few years" after 2093. The food riots suggest this occurs shortly after "The Great Die-Off."]

"The Eternal Ride" (WWRW 393-471).
Haven:    Chuluun Khan fights his last battle.

Sparta:    King Lysander I of Sparta marries Irina Bulgakova of Saint Ekaterina, uniting the dynasties of these two planets.
[Mote, Hand, KDS timelines; GTS 3-4; WWFCD 283, 297. Lysander I is probably the same as "Lysander the Great" (Hand 58, 96). It's unclear what happens to King David, Lysander's co-monarch on Sparta; there is no mention of a dual monarchy after this time.]

"Spite" (WWFCD 282-284 only).
Near the Sparta System:    Admiral Winton commands a task force of 47 vessels that are considering swearing allegiance to the Sparta-Ekaterina monarchy.
[Immediately after the royal marriage (WWFCD 283, 298). The mention of New Ireland is an error, since this planet will not be settled until the 25th Century.]

"Spite" (WWFCD 284-301 only).
Burgess:    Roger Shepard, a representative of a remnant claiming to be the legitimate CoDominium government, tries to persuade the governors of Burgess to support his faction and oppose the new Spartan initiative.
[WWFCD 297-298 indicates that Shepard does not know that the marriage has already taken place.]

Sparta:    The Fleet swears allegiance to the unified dynasty.
[Mote, Hand, KDS timelines; Mote 77; WWI 227-228; WWFCD 297-298, 301-302.]

"Spite" (WWFCD 301-302 only).
Sparta System:    Admiral Winton contemplates the new Imperial Navy.

Beginning of Formation Wars. Sparta and St Ekaterina begin to expand the "Spartan Hegemony", while other planets increase their spheres of influence as well.
[All timelines]

Sometime between 2103 and 2112
Sparta:    Caldwell Whitlock writes The Heart of Darkness: The History of Sauron from Colonization to Independence. The story of Valenya Korolyeva and her immunity to jump lag is learned by the leadership of Sparta.
[WWPW 386. If Whitlock's book is sold to the public, then Korolyeva's story becomes widely known; if the book is privately circulated, only the top Spartan leadership learns of it.]

"Atalanta" (WWTO 426-431 only).
Sauron and Haven:    Larson Voorhees travels from Sauron to Haven to visit his daughter Becca Royce.

Spartan Hegemony dominates large regions of space; at this point it is "in all but name the first interstallar empire". Caldwell Whitlock writes From Utopia to Imperium: A History of Sparta from Alexander I to the Accession of Lysander.
[GTS 1-4, 339; PS 255-256, 363. The latter two passages give the date as "2220", but this is incorrect, since Whitlock cannot have lived that long.]

"Sacrifice" (WWFCD 303, 320 only).
Haven:    The people of New Abyssinia pass stories of Earth on to the next generation.


Between the Great Patriotic Wars (2103) and the establishment of the First Empire of Many (2250) is a long period of war and interstellar anarchy.

In 2110, the union between Sparta and Saint Ekaterina makes the "Spartan Hegemony" perhaps the most powerful interstellar force. Sparta has already become known for its well-trained expeditionary forces, while Saint Ekaterina has the largest spacefleet.

Major interstellar wars begin in 2011. Imperial historians will eventually refer to the these wars collectively as "the Formation Wars", but it is likely that there are various unrelated wars between 2111 and 2250 rather than one long conflict (Mote and Hand timelines; Mote 179). Sparta itself is not heavily damaged, but Saint Ekaterina is badly hurt during this time (Mote 179).

There are other small empires besides the Spartan Hegemony. The "Republic of Frystaat" controls a small dominion; it later joins the Spartan Hegemony as a semi-autonomous member, and its "Jarnsveld's Jaegers" become the Hegemony's irregular shock troops (WWI 227-8). The "Falkenberg Protectorate" – presumably based on New Washington – is almost certainly allied with Sparta, but remains somewhat separate for a while. Tanith is part of the Falkenberg Protectorate, and is thus shielded from major damage during the Formation Wars (WWII 166). At the end of Falkenberg's Legion, John Christian Falkenberg III was contemplating marrying Glenda Ruth Horton and founding a dynasty on New Washington; if this occurs, then it's reasonable to suppose that the Falkenberg Protectorate is based on New Washington, but this is not stated, and it's worth noting that Tanith is a great distance from New Washington. Outies states that the imperial family hails from New Washington: this is probably just an error, but it might indicate a dynastic marriage between the Spartan imperial family and Falkenberg's New Washington descendants (Outies 80).

By the year 2250, the Spartan Hegemony controls all of human space. (WWI 121 = WWLE 37 refers to "wars with the Outies in the early days of the Empire", but presumably that refers to the pre-2250 period, since the period from 2250 to 2603 is otherwise treated as a pax Spartana.)

The 22nd century sees the revival of aristocracy. The Spartan royal family is at the head of this, but the names Blaine, Barton, and (surprisingly!) Townsend also become marks of nobility. (For what it's worth, there are no "Falkenbergs" mentioned in First or Second Empire stories; nor Grants, nor Lermontovs, nor Bronsons.) The nobility are quite popular in this era, probably due to their willingness to lead from the front rather than from the rear, and also due to their perceived concern for their subjects. Nine centuries later (Hand 75), Lysander II will be remembered for tearing down the old CD prison in Sparta City and turning it into a park for his people.

Empire of Man proclaimed, with Leonidas I of Sparta as Emperor. (Presumably this event takes place shortly after the Spartan Hegemony completes its conquest of all competing empires and alliances. It's not certain that the entire period from 2111 to 2250 was filled with war.)
[All timelines; WWBF 1]

Haven is contacted by the Empire. It is well-organized and self-sufficient by this time, and agrees to join the Empire without coercion.
[WWI 365 says this happened after the founding of the Empire. The WWIII timeline gives a date of 2284, but this contradicts the date of 2258 for founding of the Land Gators. It is also hard to see how it could take the Empire over thirty years to reach Haven, since there is no sign that the Formation Wars destroyed any knowledge on Sparta, so the Spartans always knew where Haven was (they just wouldn't have bothered to go there during the wars). WWLE, WWCR, and WWI(2nd) timelines give the date as 2253.]

The "Land Gators" (77th Division of Imperial Marines) is commissioned on Haven, with Maj-Gen. Colin Hamilton commanding. It functions as a police garrison and as a reserve unit for the 12th Army.
[WWII, WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines; WWI 54; WWII 103; WWCR 180. This division should not be confused with the 77th Regiment stationed on Haven during CoDominium times; WWI(2nd) 208 suggests that the reuse of the number 77 was a tribute to the earlier force.]

Prince Samual's World is made a "Member Principality" of the Empire.
[KDS timeline. It's possible that Prince Samual's World was settled prior to this date (KDS 25 says it was settled "nearly a thousand years" before 3017); if so, it may have been renamed in 2273.]

From 2290 to 2293
The "Pacification of Manzikert". (The 12th Army and the Land Gators are involved in this conflict.)    [WWI 54]

Sometime in the 2300's
Sauron:    A breeding program is begun, with the goal of creating the "perfect soldier". Eventually, Sauron develops into a militaristic soldier-citizen society, with the "pure-bred" Patriarch as ruler.
[WWI 193; WWII 64; WWLE 209. Sauron remains loyal to the Empire in the early stages of this project (WWII 9); it is unclear what the Imperial government thinks of the breeding program.]

Conflicts between Mongol Haveners and Deccan Muslims within the Grunberg Expeditionary Force lead to the "Mutiny of 2380".    [WWI 278]

The "Golden Fleece War". (The 12th Army and the Land Gators are involved in this conflict.)    [WWI 54]

Early 2400's ?
New Chicago is settled. This is probably the first human settlement beyond the Coal Sack. New Chicago is within the "Russian sphere of influence" and is settled by "North American transportees".
[Hand 138 puts this "well after the formation of the First Empire", this seems strange -- surely these aren't really transportees from North America itself? This is probably before Murcheson arrives in 2450.]

2432 or 2434
Sauron:    Creation of "cyborgs" begins. Using the results of the century-old soldier breeding program, Sauron's scientists use gene-splicing to augment the soldiers. Chemical and biological alterations during gestation are then used to create the "perfect soldiers", who will later be known as the "Sauron supermen" or "death's-heads".
["2434" in WWII timeline; "2432" in WWIII, WWBS(2nd), WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines. Also see WWI 185-6; WWLE 194-5; Mote 30.]

Jasper Murcheson, a relative of Emperor Alexander IV, explores the Trans-Coalsack region. He discovers a red supergiant star (the closest such star to Earth), which will later be known as "Murcheson's Eye". His survey also includes the New Caledonia system, and probably the worlds that will later be known as Maxroy's Purchase and New Utah.
[Mote, Hand, Outies timelines; Mote 33. Hand 184 incorrectly puts this in the 29th century.]

Murcheson proposes that the Empire terraform two planets in the New Caledonia system. Due to his influence with Alexander IV, "the Council" approves funds for the project. During the terraforming process, "New Scotland" and "New Ireland" are settled by colonists living under domes.
[Mote 33 indicates that the terraforming takes almost a century, so the date of "2450" (Mote, Hand timelines) must refer to the date when Murcheson proposed the terraforming. Outies timeline indicates that the domed cities are established in 2452.]

Maxroy's Purchase settled by a splinter group from the Reformed Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints (LDS Sixers), which declares itself the "True Church of Mormon".
[Outies timeline, 355 give the date of 2456; this matches the "600 years ago" in Hand 13. The date of 2134 in the Hand timeline (along with the reference to the "CoDominium" on Hand 13) are erroneous, for the Trans-Coalsack region was not settled that early.]

Date unknown
"The Field of Double Sowing" prologue (WWII 291-292).
Haven:    The Imperial Zoo tries to collect Haven wildlife.

c 2490
Haven:    Underwater city of Castalia abandoned.
[WWIV 187, 209]

Terraforming of New Scotland and New Ireland is completed. The domes are removed from the cities, and the settlers are able to live in the open.
[Outies timeline. Mote 33 indicates that the terraforming was complete almost a century after 2450.]

Maxroy's Purchase:    Mountain Mover, an asteroid mining company, is established
[Outies timeline]

Maxroy's Purchase:    Over 100,000 prisoners are forcibly settled on Maxroy's Purchase. As a result, LDS and LDS Sixer members now outnumber the True Church members on the planet.
[Outies timeline, 355; Hand 13]

Maxroy's Purchase:    The "Temple of the True Church" withdraws to the Glacier Valley to avoid the influence of the recent non-True-Church immigrants. The Temple Guard is established, which will eventually become the "True Church Militant" (the paramilitary arm of the True Church).
[Outies timeline, 355-56, 368]

Colonists from the "True Church" on Maxroy's Purchase colonize a planet in a nearby system, naming the planet "New Utah" and their settlement "Saint George". They submit the "New Utah True Church Founder's Report" to the Elders of Maxroy's Purchase, but the report contains little information about the planet except near Saint George.
[Hand 13; Outies timeline, 355, 367-68]

Late 2500s ?
New Utah:    John David Swenson discovers that New Utah already has intelligent inhabitants. The human settlers in the eastern part of the settlement, guided by Swenson, establish peaceful relations with them, but their existence remains unknown (or merely rumor) in the capital city of Saint George. After Swenson's death in Bonneville, his records are filed and forgotten.
[Outies 224-25, 228-30, 371-72. There are two possible dates attested for this event. The paper on "Swenson's Apes" authored in 2867 claims that Swenson's activity occurred during the first fifty years of the colony's existence, that is, 2567-2617 (Outies 371-72). However, Laurel Courter claims that Swenson came to the Trans-Coalsack Sector with Murcheson in 2450 and discovered the alien species during his survey of the planet (Outies 224-25); Quinn repeats this (Outies 242) but Laurel is the source of his information. The former theory is supported by documentary evidence. Laurel's story, on the other hand, is hard to square with the timeline, because it seems to postulate Swenson's work on New Utah taking place a century before actual colonists arrived, which contradicts the claim that he worked alongside "farmers and construction workers" (Outies 373), the claim that he protected the "Apes" from rapacious humans (228), and the fact that some of the future colonists were his descendants (292-93). So I am following the report's dates, not Laurel's. (For what it's worth, both versions could be harmonized if one supposed that Swenson lived to the age of 150 or so -- in which case, when the colonists arrived in 2567 they found Swenson, who had lived there for over a hundred years already -- but that seems unlikely.)]


For over three and a half centuries, the Empire of Man rules hundreds of human planets and prevents the outbreak of interstellar war. There are a few minor local wars and rebellions, but the Marines mostly function as planetary police (timelines; WWI 58). The period from 2250 to 2603 is perhaps the longest and most widespread peace in human history.

The exact size of the Empire is not stated. It contains "hundreds of planets" (WWII 35); moreover, since the revived Empire in the early 31st Century does not seem to be settling new planets, we can assume that the First Empire is at least as large as the Second, which is around 1000 light-years in diameter and contains over 400 (and possibly as many as a thousand) human worlds (Mote prologue, 458; Hand 73, 83).

Not much is known about the government of the First Empire, though it may be similar to that of the Second. The Emperor is a descendant of the Collins Kings of Sparta. There is an Imperial Parliament and an Imperial Senate; the latter, at least, does not have representatives from every planet. The armed forces are held in respect, and veterans are given land grants on various planets (KDS 54; WWI 61, 122; WWIII 61, 319; WWLE 38).

Despite its Spartan origins, the Empire of Man still retains a number of the characteristics of the CoDominium. Newly-settled planets are divided into American and Russian "spheres of influence", which may merely refer to different internal governmental systems (although this point is stated only once, on Hand 138). Unpleasant and out-of-the-way planets – including Maxroy's Purchase and Haven – are still used as penal colonies for criminals or other transportees (Outies timeline; WWBV 17). The Imperial standard has an illustration of a Phoenix, but there is no mention of the Eagle-Hammer-Sickle of the CoDominium and the Second Empire (WWIII 319).

The Imperial Orthodox Church – a state-sponsored Christian church – is the official religion of the Empire. However, this fact is only mentioned twice ("Motelight" 122 and WWIV 138), so it is possible that the Church is not as central to the First Empire as it will be to the Second. This church is probably the continuation of the Ecumenical Catholic Church created by the merger of churches in 2021 (PM 143; WWFCD 119). It was probably the monarchy on St Ekaterina that pushed for the idea of an official Church, since there is evidence of significant religiosity among the Russians there (e.g., PS 149), while it's hard to imagine that Sparta, with its libertarian bent, would have lobbied for an official religion of the Empire! (The role of churches on 21st-century Sparta is unclear. Back in the 2090s, Sparta had "established and nonconformist" churches, "the Archbishop" was expected to officiate at Prince Lysander's wedding, and Melissa prayed from "the Church of Sparta Book of Hours" [PS 6, 297, 345], but certainly the Church had no say in official policies, and the Freedman kings may have been be Jewish.) The Church probably makes its home at the city of New Rome on Sparta – as this will be the home of the Church in the Second Empire, per Mote 415. Despite the official status of the Church, there is complete religious freedom in the Empire. Indeed, some planets have very few members of the established Church: Dayan remains mostly Jewish, Levant mostly Muslim, Covenant (and New Scotland?) mostly Presbyterian, and Sauron mostly atheist. Moreover, centuries of peaceful commerce and migration have blended the cultures of many planets (WWI 84).

Science reaches a peak early in the First Empire; by 2350 knowledge of physics reaches a plateau (WWI 83, 85). The Langston Field, discovered but not perfected in the late CoDominium era, has been thorougly investigated and greatly improved; by the 2600's entire cities can be covered with Langston Fields (WWII 20, 61; Mote 227; WWPW 57, 59; see "Building the Mote in God's Eye" 130 for technical details). Spaceships power their Alderson Drives with deuterium fusion. There are tethers connecting connecting small planets to space stations in geosynchronous orbits which can be used to transfer fuel or personnel. Biology is understood well enough that a computer can design a vaccine and an antidotes for a virus once its genetic structure is read. Other engineering marvels include mono-filament cables, direct-conversion units which draw their power from "the heat in water", guns which can generate contained fusion reactions, food conversion machines, and nearly-indestructible windshields and fabrics. (KDS 245; Mote 28, 468; WWI 66, 82; WWII 171; WWIV 2, 96, 147.) The Sauron Unified State (the government of Sauron, a member of the Empire_ acknowledges their late-twenty-first-century experiments with Cyborgs, but insists that these efforts were abandoned long ago -- despite rumors that there are still hidden Sauron laboratories on Comstock and Frederick. [WWPW 166.]

Sauron:    First all-cyborg brigade formed.
[WWIII timeline]

Emperor David II dies with no heir. This begins a gradually escalating series of struggles and violent revolts. These "succession wars" are the prelude to the Secession Wars.
[WWBS 297; WWLE 85; WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines]

In the Imperial Parliament, a "Coalition of Secession" forms and begins to demand the right to withdraw from the Empire. This coalition is primarily led by Sauron. A series of skirmishes involving secessionist planets take place, but the Empire does not suspect the extent of the threat.
[WWII 10 and WWIII 61 put this in the 2590's. WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines give the date as 2598.]

New Utah:    The "Imperial Navy Initial Assessment Report" is submitted. The only significant cities are Saint George and Bonneville.
[Outies timeline, 213-14, 367-69]

Around 2600 ?
"Brenda" prologue (WWII 166-167).
Bar Lev visits Tanith.

Galen Diettinger, age 16, plans to marry Diana Kirk, but she is killed en route to the wedding.
[WWBS 125 says this was 37 years before 2640, and one month before the attack on St. Ekaterina. WWBS(2nd) ch. 13 changes this to 27 years, but 37 is the correct figure.]

Sauron launches a sudden and massive attack on St Ekaterina. Around one billion Katerinas perish. Sauron and the Coalition of Secession declare independence. Beginning of the Secession Wars.
[All timelines; Mote 30-31, 179; WWII 35; WWLE 85. WWBS(2nd) prologue refers to this attack as an "invasion" which is ultimately repulsed; during these events an Imperial Fleet is defeated but much of St. Ekaterina is "wrecked". ]

Sometime between 2603 and 2626
Wayforth Station, which lies on the shortest route between Sauron and St. Ekaterina, is destroyed as a result of multiple battles fought in that system. Sometime before 2626 a small replacement station is built in the same location.
[WWBS(2nd) prologue]

Haven:    Gary Cummings, newly promoted to colonel, takes charge of the Second Regiment of the 77th Imperial Division.
[WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines]

c 2610
Saurons continue to attack other worlds, and invade the planet Lavaca.    [WWI 71]

Haven:    Raymond Hamilton joins the Imperial Navy, and is sent out of the Haven system.
[WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines]

2612 or 2617
Tanith:    Sauron assault fails.
[Five years before 2622, per WWBS 12; WWLE 10 changes this to a decade before 2622.]

Lavaca:    The elderly Marshal Blaine leads the Imperial forces during the Lavacan Campaign; the Land Gators' Gary Cummings is second in command. During the Battle of Kimi, Adam Soltyk leads the Land Gators in a nuclear offensive. Liberation of Lavaca.
[WWII timeline, 92; WWI 54, 62-4, 122; WWCR 147]

From 2614 to 2622
Haven:    The 45th Division is withdrawn from Haven. The Land Gators (77th Division) alternate between off-planet duty and local needs. On Haven, the Land Gators pacify the High Vales, defend Bolkhov, and defend the Orfanians from the Tartarians.
[WWI 56-7, 64, 92, 122. WWI 54 implies the Orfanian campaign is off-planet, but it must be on Haven; see "Dream Valley" and "A Little Beastliness".]

Bar Lev writes A Traveler's Tale of Twenty Worlds.
[WWI 363; WWI(2nd) 523; WWII 166]

Space battle off Tabletop. Third Imperial Fleet nearly destroyed by Saurons. Sauron nuclear strikes on the ground.
[All timelines; WWIV 128; WWBS 13; WWLE 11-12]

c 2620 ?
Thurstone:    Saurons take the planet Thurstone. The Empire attempts to liberate it, and in the end the planet is "blasted back to the stone age".
[WWBS 13 (misspelled as "Thurston"); WWLE 12]

Early 2620's
The war is going badly for the Empire. Jarnsvelt's Jaegers used to suppress rebellions, but planets continue to secede; the Empire is forced to withdraw from undefendable regions.

As interstellar law breaks down, the war becomes three-sided. In addition to the loyal "Imperials" and the Sauron-led "Secessionists", a royal pretender leads a "Claimant" faction.
[WWI 57, 68, 74, 78, 228; 59, 83, 87. The Claimants appear before the First Battle Off Makassar, which is either 2623 or 2637.]

Tanith:    The 77th Division arrives on Tanith.
[Six months before WWBS 12 = WWLE 10.]

[Same as The Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) prologue.]
Tanith:    Col. Gary Cummings is reassigned to Haven.
[WWBS 11; WWLE 9]

Haven:    Cummings arrives to coordinate the redeployment of the Land Gators. Maj. Adam Soltyk returns to Haven.
[WWIV timeline; WWI 62]

Late 2622 or Early 2623 (or 2637)
First Battle Off Makassar. Claimant and Sauron fleets clash. Battle is indecisive, and Imperial fleets fail to arrive in time to join the battle.
["2637" in KDS, WWII, WWIII, WWBS(2nd), WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines; but WWI 59 places this just before "Deserter", which can't be later than 2623. Some texts call this the "Battle of Makassar", but "off Makassar" is correct, as the battle takes place in space, not on the planet.]

It is probably around this time that Makassar, a sparsely-settled recreation world, is fortified for war.    [KDS 64]

Early 2623
"The Deserter" (WWI 55-105 = WWI[2nd] 209-254).
Haven:    Lt. Col. Colin Ravenloe searches for Adam Soltyk. The Land Gators ship out for Friedland. The Governor and all Imperial officials abandon Haven. Col. Cummings retires and is appointed General and Commander-In-Chief of "Haven Volunteers" militia.
[All timelines; WWI 54; WWI(2nd) 209; WWII 92; WWLE 74; WWCR 147. WWI 106 puts this before May 2623.]

Haven:    Castell City attacked by a pirate ship disguised as a freighter.
[WWIV 10; WWIV, WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines]

Haven:    Last communication between Shangri-La Valley and South Continent. Non-artificial food becomes scarce; inflation out of control.
[WWI 107, 112-3]

Haven:    Three pirate ships by the name of "the Black Hand" attack Haven. Cummings' "Haven Volunteers" destroy two ships by missile attacks from Fort Kursk. The remaining ship destroys most of Haven's satellite defenses and the Castell City spaceport. Haven is left with two space-worthy ships and no interstellar capability.
[WWIV, WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines; WWI 107, 120, 122]

THE BATTLE OF SAURON (2nd ed. only), prologue.
Wayforth Station:    Scientists detect signs that Betelgeuse may soon go supernova. (At this time, Lysander V is Emperor.)

May:    "Rate of Exchange" prologue (WWI 106-108 = WWI[2nd] 257-258).
Haven:    Haveners begin to realize the Empire won't be returning.
[WWLE, WWCR, WWI(2nd) timelines]

Secession Wars reach Prince Samual's World.
[KDS timeline]

c 2627
First Battle Off Tanith. A costly Imperial victory in the Tanith system. There may be ground fighting as well; the Jarnsvelt's Jaegers and Piet van Reenan fought Saurons in the Tanith jungle around this time. Both Raymond Hamilton and Galen Diettinger (in the Fomoria) are involved in the space battle.
[WWI 54; WWII 6, 11-12; WWIV 326-7, 330. Although this is called the "First Battle", there was an earlier one in 2612 or 2617 (see above). WWI 120 puts this battle shortly before "Rate of Exchange", but WWLE 36 changes "Tanith" to "Tabletop" (which, if correct, must refer to a second battle off Tabletop, as the first in 2618 is too early).]

From 2627 to 2629
[Expanded version of "Rate of Exchange" (WWI 109-143 = WWI[2nd] 259-302).]
Haven:    Police strike in Castell City leads to civil war. David Steele declares himself "King of Haven" and controls the central Shangri-La Valley. Albert, Baron of Greensward, establishes freehold at Whitehall Castle.
[Originally placed in early 2628 (see WWIV timeline, and WWI 109 which puts this five years after early 2623). WWI(2nd) 259, 287 = WWLE 20, 52 indicate that the story extends from 2627 to 2629, which corresponds to WWI(2nd) 259 = WWLE 20 putting this four years after early 2623.]

Sometime between 2603 and 2640
(A number of conflicts during the Secession Wars have no dates associated with them. These include a major Sauron attack on Frystaat and the Sauron invasion of Medea. Also during the Secession Wars, New Ireland takes up the rebel cause and begins a two-century war with New Scotland. This last is not necessarily begin before 2640. Some out-of-the-way planets remain neutral and uninvolved, including Maxroy's Purchase and New Utah.)
[WWII 207, 233-4; Mote 34; Outies timeline, 370]

Bombardment of Prince Samual's World; much heavy industry destroyed.
[KDS, WWI(2nd) timelines]

c 2634
Haven:    Tramp freighter Sintax drops Timothy Ferguson off at Haven.    [WWIV 125]

Haven:    King David Steele is overthrown. Attempts to form a new planetary government fail; anarchy ensues. New nations include the Redfield Satrapy (under Enoch Steele Redfield), Novy Finlandia (Uossi Suomi), and the Anglia Satrapy.
[WWIV timeline; WWI 152, 162; WWII 100-1; WWLE 123; WWCR 165, 177]

Haven:    Last visit of an Imperial ship to Byers' System.
[WWIV, WWI(2nd) timelines; WWIV 180, 193]

Late 2630's
Sauron is losing the war, but at a terrible cost to the Imperials.

The Saurons have been unable to inspire many allies, and their original partners in the "Coalition of Secession" have proved to be less than helpful. Anti-Sauron propaganda has filled the Empire, and even the human-norm Saurons are seen as monsters. Sauron attacks are being rebuffed, although Imperial counter-strikes are rarely successful either.

The damage to the Empire has been awesome. A dozen of their worlds have been sterilized by the Saurons. The Imperials have been forced to compromise with local secessionists ("Outies") so that they can focus on the Saurons.

Hoping for a route into the heart of the Empire, and needing borloi for its anaesthetic properties on Cyborgs, the Saurons begin probing the Tanith Sector again.
[WWII 4-5, 8-10, 31, 79; WWIII 61]

Sauron invades and captures Meiji. (Meiji is apparently very badly hurt; no more is heard from them for a long time. The Leviathan and the Sauron Second Fleet are in the attack force.)    [WWII 45]

The Strela is rammed in a battle off Kennicott.    [WWII 16]

"The Gift of the Magi" (WWIV 179-188 only).
Ayesha Refueling Station:    Emmanuel Knecht and Owen Trainor advocate relocating to Castalia on Haven.

Piet van Reenan is exiled from Frystaat. He comes to Haven on a merchant ship with a handful of retainers.
[WWIV timeline; WWI 243]

2639 ?
Haven:    Last visit of a merchant ship (a broken-down freighter) to Byers' System.
[WWI 151; WWIV 193; WWLE 105 puts this "five ir six years" before late 2640.]

Revolt on New Hibernia. Half of the Imperial 11th Fleet dispatched to Tanith to pick up reinforcements.
[WWII 45, 71]

Sauron heavy cruiser Fomoria dispatched to Tanith to seize borloi crop. Sauron Second Fleet held in reserve.
[WWII 5, 63]

Severe Sauron reverses (in unstated locations). Sauron First Fleet dispatched to Tanith to secure it as a base for the invasion of Sparta.
[WWII 45-6]

Jan?:    THE BATTLE OF SAURON, chapters 1:i-5:iii.
[Revised version of "The Face of the Enemy" (WWII 2-41 only).]
Fomoria arrives in Tanith system and engages patrol fleet. Vessel First Rank Galen Diettinger interviews Capt. Will Adderly. Small Sauron force lands on planet.

Jan/Feb?:    THE BATTLE OF SAURON, chapters 5:iv-8:ii.
[Revised version of "The Face of the Enemy" (WWII 42-70 only).]
Imperial convoy (half of the 11th Fleet) and Sauron Second Fleet arrive in Tanith system. Loyalists give no quarter in battle. Sauron First Fleet arrives and turns the tide. Saurons occupy Tanith.

Two Sauron Soldiers desert and take an escape pod to Tanith. They raid the Curtis farm.    [WWII 186]

Imperial Command orders all available fleets to Tanith system.    [WWII 77]

Feb?:    THE BATTLE OF SAURON, chapters 8:iii-9.
[Revised version of "The Face of the Enemy" (WWII 70-83 only).]
Several Imperial fleets arrive in system. Fomoria escapes with cargo of borloi. The Second Battle Off Tanith: First and Second Sauron Fleets destroyed. Tanith city and spaceport destroyed. Massive Imperial casualties do not deter them from completely annihilating all Saurons in the Tanith system.
[Also WWIII, WWIV timelines; WWIV 322-3.]

Feb/Mar?:    THE BATTLE OF SAURON, chapters 10:i-16:ii.
Sauron:    The Fomoria returns to Sauron. Sauron allies arrive.
[WWBS 104 puts this "less than twelve days" after "Face of the Enemy"; WWBS(2nd) ch. 11 changes this to "less than twenty days". At the beginning of WWBS(2nd) ch. 10 the year is given as "2550", but this is incorrect.]

Sparta:    More pretenders to the throne arise: three new nobles claim to be the rightful Emperor. Senate in turmoil.    [WWII 79]

Mar/Apr?:    THE BATTLE OF SAURON, chapters 17:i-18:ii.
Sauron:    The Wallenstein arrives. Galen Diettinger becomes dictator of Sauron. Preparations for invasion begin.
[WWBS 157 says that three weeks pass; WWBS(2nd) ch. 17:iii makes this two months.]

Levant liberated from the Saurons.    [WWI 54]

c. May to August:    "Brenda" (WWII 170-2, 176-7, 178-182, 185-7, 190-4, 199-201 only).
Tanith:    Lt. Terry Kakumee, veteran of the Second Battle of Tanith, meets Brenda Curtis.
[Tanith local time Nov 2640A to March 2640B, thus middle of standard 2640.]

The Offensive of 2640. Imperials, flush with victory, drive towards the core of Sauron power.
[WWI 54; WWII 78]

July/Aug/Sept?:    THE BATTLE OF SAURON, chapters 19:i-20:iii.
Sauron:    Preparations for invasion continue.
[WWBS 179; WWBS(2nd) ch. 19:ii]

c. Oct:    THE BATTLE OF SAURON, chapters 21:i-30:ii.
The Battle of Sauron. Massed Imperial fleets attack Sauron system. Sauron Home Fleet destroyed. Sauron homeworld assaulted with laser and nuclear bombardment. The damage is so great that the planet's crust cracks and magma is exposed; the oceans boil above the obliterated undersea cities.
[All timelines; WWI 145, 150-1; WWIV 323. Invasion begins on December 1 on the Sauron calendar per WWBS 193 (WWBS[2nd] ch. 20:i).]

THE BATTLE OF SAURON (2nd ed.) chapters 31:i-32; "Some Things Survive" (second half of prologue: WWII 221-3 only); "The Coming of the Eye" prologue (WWI 144 = WWI[2nd] 305).
[The Battle of Sauron chapter 31 is the same in both editions; chapter 32 is unique to the 2nd edition.]
The Fomoria eludes assault craft of INSS Centurion and jumps out of the Sauron system. Imperial ships are unable to track them due to the unusual nature of their Alderson jump.
[All timelines; WWIV 323; WWI 145. In the original version, the Fomoria performed a "random jump". This was later changed to better account for the nature of Alderson travel. See Inconsistencies: The Random Jump for details.]

Oct/Nov?:    "The Boatswain" prologue (WWIV 125-6).
Haven:    Haveners believe the wars are far from their planet.

Late Nov:    THE BATTLE OF SAURON (2nd ed. only) chapters 33-34; WAR WORLD: THE LIDLESS EYE, chapters 7-9:ii, 10:iii.
[Expanded version of "The Coming of the Eye" (WWI 145-151, 154-156 only); same as The Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) 292-309, 317-319.]
The Fomoria enters the Byers' System. Vessel First Rank Diettinger and Second Rank Althene choose to hide their ship's Sauron identity by masquerading as pirates, styling their titles after The Lord of the Rings. Fomoria renamed Dol Guldur.
[Also WWIII, WWIV, WWI(2nd) timelines]

Dec 3:    "Introduction" (WWIV 1-13); "The Gift of the Magi" (WWIV 188-198 only); WAR WORLD: THE LIDLESS EYE, chapter 11:i.
[Lidless Eye passages are an expanded version of "The Coming of the Eye" (WWI 157-159 only); same as The Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) 322-323.]
Fomoria destroys refueling station tethered above Haven's sister-moon Ayesha. A few Ayeshans survive. Sauron fighters begin small raids on Haven.

Dec 4:    WAR WORLD: THE LIDLESS EYE, chapters 10:i-10:ii, 11:ii-13:iii, 15:i-16:i, 17:i, 17:iii-18:ii; "The Railroad" (WWIV 17-29 only).
[Lidless Eye passages are an expanded version of "The Coming of the Eye" (WWI 151-154, 156-157, 159-178 only); same as The Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) 310-317, 320-322, 323-333, 341-350, 356-357, 360-366.]
Haven:    Fomoria's scout craft engage aircraft from Redfield Satrapy and Novy Finlandia.

Dec 5:    WAR WORLD: THE LIDLESS EYE, chapters 18:iii-18:iv, 14, 16:ii, 17:ii; "The Railroad" (WWIV 29-45 only); "The Boatswain" (WWIV 127-134 only).
[Lidless Eye passages are an expanded version of "The Coming of the Eye" (WWI 178-180 only); same as The Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) 366-368, 334-340, 350-355, 357-360.]
Haven:    Bombardment of Haven begins. Nuclear destruction of Castell City, Hell's-A-Comin', and Falkenberg (including the University). Other sites destroyed by beam weapons.
[Ft Fornova not nuked, despite WWIV 128-9.]

Dec 6-8:    WAR WORLD: THE LIDLESS EYE, chapters 19:i-19:iii.
[Expanded version of "The Coming of the Eye" (WWI 180-182 only); same as The Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) 369-376.]
Haven:    Col. Kettler meets iwth Gen. Cummings at Fort Fornova. Bombardment continues for three days. Redfield Satrapy and Khanut nuked.
[Also WWBF 499.]

c. Dec 9-15:    "The Boatswain" (WWIV 134-140 only).
Haven:    Raft leaves Ellington. Around this time, Saurons begin ground actions in Shangri-La Valley and occupy the Citadel in Karakul Pass.

Dec 28-29:    WAR WORLD: THE LIDLESS EYE, chapters 20:i-26:iv.
[Expanded version of "The Coming of the Eye" (WWI 183-213 only); same as The Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) 377-434.]
Haven:    Fomoria downed. The Citadel becomes the new Sauron headquarters. Galen Diettinger takes the title of "First Citizen".

Dec 29?:    WAR WORLD: CYBORG REVOLT, prologue.
Haven:    Baron Albert Hamilton considers possible ways to deal with the Sauron occupation.

Dec 29-30:    WAR WORLD: CYBORG REVOLT, chapters 1:i-4:ii.
[Expanded version of "A Better Kind of War" prologue (WWIV 47-52), plus "A Better Kind of War" (WWIV 53-54 [which also appeared as WWBS(1st) epilogue section v] and WWIV 54-64 only), plus Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) epilogue section iii.]
Haven:    Cyborg Rank Köln surveys the Shangri-La Valley. Cummings and Kettler coordinate the Haven resistance. Saurons plan their occupation. Staff meeting.

Jan to around Aug:    "The Boatswain" (WWIV 140-162 only).
Haven:    Raft navigates through Shangri-La Valley.

c. Jan 20-30:    WAR WORLD: CYBORG REVOLT, chapters 4:i-16:i.
[Expanded version of "A Better Kind of War" (WWIV 64-124 only), plus Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) epilogue section ii, plus "Death's Head Patrol" prologue (WWII 84-86) = WWBS(1st) epilogue section iv.]
Haven:    Cyborgs Köln and Sargun confer. Baron Hamilton refuses to join the resistance. Attack on Russian village.

Feb 9-11:    WAR WORLD: CYBORG REVOLT, chapters 17:i-20:i.
[Expanded version of "Death's Head Patrol" (WWII 87-99 only), plus Battle of Sauron (1st ed.) epilogue section i.]
Haven:    City of Evaskar renamed "Nûrnen". Cummings uses his last nuke on Sauron Firebase One. His militia retakes Fort Kursk. Saurons nuke Fort Kursk.
[In WWLE this takes place a bit later -- "eight weeks" after the Sauron invasion (WWCR 150) rather than the "six weeks" originally stated (WWII 95).]

Mid and Late Feb:    WAR WORLD: CYBORG REVOLT, chapters 20:ii-34:ii.
[Expanded version of "Death's Head Patrol" (WWII 99-139 only).]
Haven:    John Hamilton joins militia. Sorties against Boyle and Sargun's troops. Cyborg Revolt at the Citadel.
[Also see WWBF 119; WWBV 341.]

Late Feb:    "The Gift of the Magi" (WWIV 198, 200-4, 205-9 only).
Haven:    Ayesha survivors land on Haven. They soon find Castalia. After another year passes, they will begin covertly supplying helpful technologies to outlying communities.
[Also see WWIV 199.]

Mid-2641(?):    "A Mouthful of Eels" (WWI[2nd] 372-394).
Haven:    Two scholars discover the wreckage of the University. Fleeing the Saurons, they find refuge with gypsy king Zoltan.
[Story begins during the Haven summer or shortly after, and ends in the autumn (WWI[2nd] 377, 392-393). The Saurons are now sending out patrols to the hinterlands, but much of Haven is unaware of the Sauron presence. That suggests this story takes place in 2641, before the first post-invasion winter. The University is probably the same one destroyed on 12/5/2640, as it is unlikely that Haven has two such institutions.]

Oct 2641 to Feb 2642
Haven:    The first winter after the Sauron Invasion, 5.5 million of Haven's 20 million people starve, mostly in the Shangri-La Valley.
[WWII 144; WWIV 15.]

c 2643
"The Great Beer Shortage" prologue and story (WWI 214-226).
Haven:    Sauron discipline begins to erode.

May 2643 to Oct 2643
Haven:    The second winter after the Sauron Invasion, the exodus from the Shangri-La Valley to the steppes causes a massive displacement of peoples. By the end of this winter, Haven population is around 6 million.
[WWII 144; WWI 260; WWIV 173, 293. See Inconsistencies: Length of Haven's Year for problems with the Haven year and seasons.]

c 2643
"Strong Blood" prologue (WWII 140-141).
Haven:    Exiles from Castell City try to survive.

c. Aug 2643 to c. July 2645
"Strong Blood" (WWII 142-165).
Haven:    Exiles near the North Sea try to survive.

"Necessity" (WWI 237-277 = WWI[2nd] 405-441).
Haven:    Piet van Reenan, a veteran of the Jarnsveld's Jaegers from Frystaat, leads a band of Ivrit and New Vilnus refugees. They ally with Ruth Boazdaughter and conquer the Eden Valley. The three peoples merge into the haBandari.
[Also WWIV 289-290; WWII 368.]

Early 2645
"The Gift of the Magi" prologue (WWIV 163-8); "The Gift of the Magi" (WWIV 169-179, 188-9, 198-200, 203-5, 209-213 only).
Haven:    Sauron scouts and two travellers reach vicinity of Castalia.

77th Division (Land Gators) split up. 1st Brigade added to Imperial Household Troops on Sparta. 2nd Brigage sent to pacify former Secessionist worlds.    [WWI 54]

Late 2645
"The Gates of Paradise" (WWIII 11-79).
Haven:    Construction begins on a wall to seal off the Gates of Paradise, north of the Karakul Pass, since Haven women often need access to the Shangri-La Valley when pregnant. (The wall is not completed until 2800, per WWBF 121!)
[Third summer after the invasion. See Inconsistencies: Length of Haven's Year for problems with the Haven year and seasons.]


The early Secession Wars, from 2603 to 2640, were devastating, yet the villainy of the Saurons also roused a unifying battle spirit within the core of the Empire. After the fall of Sauron, this ended, and the First Empire of Man quickly fell apart.

Second Empire historians will later assign the date of "2640" to the end of the First Empire, but Sparta still claims a small dominion well past this point. The core of the Empire – Sparta, St Ekaterina, Crucis, Dayan (now "Dyan"), Tanith, Frystaat – is still theoretically united in the late 27th Century, but fewer and fewer ships actually travel between star systems. [Mote, Hand, Outies timelines; WWI 361-2, WWII 1, 169, 182, 196, 219, 224, 229; WWBF 1]

The later wars, from 2640 to around 2800, are no longer conflicts spanning human space. Most of them are more localized battles between planets trying to secede and planets loyal to the nearly powerless "Empire of Man". Interstellar trade had broken down almost completely. Terry Kakumee's small ship has few competitors when trading from planet to planet, but must avoid the regions controlled by the "Outies". (Kakumee doesn't even know if his ancestral home Nuliajuk is still in the Empire!) There is peace near Frystaat in the 2670's (indeed, its government believes the wars are over). [WWII 182, 196, 219, 224, 226, 229]

Most of the former Empire worlds are entering "dark ages", or even collapsing all the way back to barbarism. This is due to the damage sustained during the wars and the lack of supply shipments from more advanced worlds. Local conflicts and civil wars are widespread. [WWIV 295]

Earth itself was involved in the Secession Wars, and injuries to man's homeworld from these wars are heaped on top of the destruction of the Formation Wars. Most of Earth is ruined and uninhabitable after this era, though a few places (including Jamaica and the Tyrolean Alps) have survived undamaged. [Mote 254, 275; KDS 27, 61; WWBF 408; WWBV 156]

The extent of devastation on the planet Sauron is unclear. The War World stories and the novel Battle of Sauron indicate that the war of 2640 left the planet uninhabitable: massive nuclear and laser bombardment that cracked the planet's crust to expose the mantle, and boiling the seas above the underwater cities [WWI 145, 150-1; WWIV 323; WWBF 1]. By 2643, Imperial scholars were sifting through the ruins to study Sauron customs [WWII 2, 220]. Yet the Second Empire stories, set in the 31st century, include Sauron natives who appear to be descended from the planet's original inhabitants [Mote 31, 155-56; Hand 193].

On Haven, the descendants of the last Sauron warship have made themselves rulers of the native population. However, Haven is completely cut off from the rest of human space (and will remain so at least until the late 31st Century), so the rulers of the dwindling Empire of Man are completely unaware of this.

c 2654
Haven:    Sauron scouts reach the Eden Valley and are slain.    [WWIV 319]

Phoenix:    Terry Kakumee's crew prevent a planet-wide famine.    [WWII 173]

c 2655
Terry Kakumee's crew discovers an abandoned Sauron ship, the Morningstar, being used as a beacon near flare star EST 1310.
[WWII 177-8, 193, 213]

"Brenda" (WWII 168-170, 172-6, 177-8, 182-4, 187-190, 194-9, 201-219 only).
Tanith:    Terry Kakumee returns to Tanith and visits Brenda Curtis.
[Also Hand 300.]

Second Battle Off Makassar. This is probably the time when the fortifications on Makassar are destroyed. Most of the sole city (later "Batav") is wrecked, but the library is only slightly damaged. The Loyalist fleet flees the Makassar system and relocates to Prince Samual's World.
[KDS timeline, 64, 168; Mote 29]

2650's or 2660's
"A Little Beastliness" prologue and story (WWIV 215-256).
Haven:    Saurons confront Orfanians near the Vale of Refuge.

"Some Things Survive" (WWII 224-240 only).
Frystaat:    Captain Ezio Sanchez learns about the log of the INSS Centurion, which documents the Fomoria's escape during the Battle of Sauron. He asks for three capital ships to hunt for the Saurons, but is given only the destroyer Fledermaus, with a Frystaater crew.
[Probably one or two years before they arrive at Haven in 2670. Note that while the log of the Fledermaus forms the second half of the "Some Things Survive" prologue (WWII 221-223), the first half of the prologue takes place after 2877, as noted below, and is not connected to this story.]

"Some Things Survive" (WWII 240-259 only).
The Fledermaus reaches Haven. Ezio Sanches and his crew found the town of Acropolis, hoping to cultivate coffee they brought from New Columbia.
[Thirty years after the Sauron invasion, per WWII 250, 252.]

"Those Who Lose" (story, then prologue: WWIV 263-282, 257-261).
Haven:    Sauron massacre in Tallinn Town.

(Quilland Base is established about this time, per WWIII 271. Angband Base is already in use, according to WWIV 259, but it must still be under construction, since it will still be unfinished in 2674 per WWIV 283, 291.)

"Down the Rabid Hole" (WWD 384-387 only).
Haven:    The humans of Rabid Hole City have now spread to many other holes on the Eastern Continent, but have not made any contact with the Western Continent where the Shangri-La Valley is located.

"Kings Who Die" prologue and story (WWIV 283-333).
Haven:    Saurons threaten the haBandari in the Eden Valley. Piet van Reenan makes his last stand.

Mid 2670s ?
"No Such Thing as a Non-Lethal Weapon" (WWII 262-274).
Haven:    The Cummings Brigade defends Millvale.

Around the Late 2670's
Haven:    The major figures during the Sauron Invasion pass away. Galen and Althene Diettinger's son becomes First Citizen.

(A variety of quotes from these figures are strewn through the War World books. See WWII 261, 275, 349-350; WWIII 167, 174, 205-6.)

Battle of Prince Samual's World.. Secessionist victory. Loyalist officers purged.
[KDS timeline]

Secessionists briefly occupy Prince Samual's World.
[KDS timeline]

"Some Things Survive" (WWII 259-260 only).
Ezio Sanches dies.
["Less than twelve years" after 2670, per WWII 259.]

Mid 2680's ?
"Loved Not I Honor More" (WWII 276-290).
Haven:    Galen Diettinger's son dies in a landslide. Galen's grandson, Hel Diettinger, becomes First Citizen. He takes Silva, a Haven native, as his wife.
[Silva's father was born in 2611 but is still spry, suggesting an upper bound to the date.]

(Hel Diettinger is the last to hold the title of "First Citizen". A "First Soldier" Diettinger will be mentioned in 2708; this is very possibly Hel himself. As late as 2993 there is an "Acting First Citizen" Ansel Diettinger. See WWIII 86, WWBF 491, WWBV 143.)

A Loyalist coup overthrows the Secessionist rule on Prince Samual's World.
[KDS timeline]

"Maitreya and the Cyborg" (WWIII 82-115).
Haven:    Cyborg Hammer, last member of the Fomoria's original crew, visits a Buddhist settlement.

Prince Samual's World bombarded from space (presumably by Secessionists). Collapse of high-energy civilization on this planet, though few areas revert to barbarism.
[KDS timeline, 5]

Imperial starship visits Prince Samual's World and evacuates most of the aristocratic families and Imperial civil servants. (No more ships will visit Prince Samual's World for nearly three centuries.)
[KDS timeline, 17, 155]

Prince Samual's World:    No knowledge of advanced physics or technology remains. Prince Samual University founded to collect and preserve remaining knowledge.
[KDS timeline]

From 2748 to 2770
Prince Samual's World:    Various nations and city-states battle for possession of the University. Local townsmen defend the University from annexation.
[KDS timeline]

From c. 2748 to c. 2768
"Building a Pillar" (WWIII 117-132).
Haven:    Acropolis succeeds in growing coffee. Contact between Acropolis and Novy Finlandia.

Prince Samual's World:    Independence of the University guaranteed by treaty. A coalition of nearby city-states guarantee the University protection.
[KDS timeline, 51, 288]

War between Levant and Dyan. Both planets suffer massive damage.
[Hand timeline says "Dion", but this must be a typo. The planet in question is known as "Dayan" in the 21st Century and "Dyan" in the 31st (see Hand 140, 147). The name "Dion" does not appear elsewhere.]

Prince Samual's World:    First Plague Year.
[KDS timeline, 288]

2790's **
Haven:    Major Sauron campaign on Haven. Around this time, Khanut Base is built at the outlet of the Xanadu River.

This will be the last "Grand Muster" of Saurons for two hundred years. After this point, the Citadel begins to lose control of distant groups of Saurons, including those in Angband Base and Quilland Base.
[WWBF 121, 499; WWBV 341; WWIII 272. For dates between the 2790's and the 2990's marked with asterisks, see Blood Feuds / Blood Vengeance Ambiguities.]

2700's and 2800's
Makassar:    Civilization has completely collapsed. Roving bands of raiders prey on those areas still practicing agriculture. The priests in Batav begin to teach that the former Imperial Library is a holy temple. By 2900, the Temple cult is nearly universal in the coastal cities.
[KDS 65, 168]


By the year 2800, the wars have ended. (Although Second Empire historians will give "2870" as the official end of the Secession Wars, the only interplanetary war mentioned between 2800 and 2870 is between New Scotland and New Ireland, two planets in the same star system.)

The collapse of interstellar civilization is now complete. Sparta manages to keep in contact with a few nearby systems, including Crucis, but for the most part interstellar communication has ended. Although the former Imperial fleet succeeded in defending Sparta during the Secession Wars, it was wiped out in the process. [Mote, Hand, KDS, Outies timelines; "Reflex" 17; "Motelight" 118-9]

At some unspecified point, the Spartan monarch apparently drops the now-pretentious title of "Emperor of Man". It may even be that the monarchy itself is abandoned for a while, though Lysander's bloodline is not lost.

2810 to c. 2910
Prince Samual's World:    The "Hundred Year War". This begins as a religious war. By the turn of the century, religious fervor dies down and the rediscovery of gunpowder puts an end to the war.
[KDS 66, 168-9. KDS timeline calls this the "First" Hundred Year War, but there was no "second" such war.]

Haven:    Angband Base and Quilland Base cooperate in a raid on the Eden Valley.    [WWBF 212]

c 2820
Beginning of fifty years of war between New Scotland and New Ireland.
[Mote 88; Outies timeline gives "2820" exactly]

Mote Prime:    A group of Moties, aware that there is an intelligent civilization in the New Caledonia system 35 light-years distant, launches the "Crazy Eddie Probe".
[35 years prior to Summer 2862. Outies timeline incorrectly places this in 2862, which is when the laser light reaches New Scotland.]

"First Patrol" (Best of Jerry Pournelle 216-246).
New Scotland, still loyal to the Empire that no longer exists, continues its conflict with New Ireland.
[After the beginning of the war (2820), but well before the bombardment of New Scotland seen in "Motelight" (2862).]

From c. 2840 to 2852
"Tribute Maidens" (WWI 280-309 = WWI[2nd] 445-471).
Haven:    Saurons continue to levy tribute maidens from Haven natives, inciting a costly vengeance.
[Also WWBF 298.]

Summer 2862
"Motelight" (pp. 114-121 only).
New Scotland:    Attacks from New Ireland continue. Thaddeus Potter notices coherent blue-green light from the Mote.
[Mote, Hand timelines; Mote 87-88.]

Prince Samual's World:    Kingdom of Haven begins its slow expansion.
[KDS timeline]

Maxroy's Purchase:    The "True Church of Mormon" takes control of the planet. Its paramilitary wing (the "True Church Militant") kills many adherents of the LDS and LDS Sixer faiths, and burns their churches. Temple of the True Church becomes the governing authority on Maxroy's Purchase.
[Outies timeline, 83-84 puts this in 2867, just before the tramline collapses. However, Outies 355-56 puts it in 2864, and Outies 24-25 puts it around 2860 (175 years before 3035). It is possible that these events took a few years and were completed in 2867.]

New Utah:    A scholar discovers the long-lost records of the early days of the colony, and authors the "Swenson's Ape paper." He intends to present it at an upcoming conference in the New Caledonia system. However, the True Church of Mormon, now in control of Maxroy's Purchase, arrives on New Utah and establishes the "security zone".
[Outies timeline, 83-84, 367. Outies 81 puts this "a little over 80 years" prior to 3049, but this must be a typo for "a little over 180".]

The Alderson tramline connecting the Maxroy's Purchase system to the New Utah system is destabilized. From now on, it can be travelled only during a two-year window that occurs every 21 years, due to the movement of a neutron star in the New Utah system.
[Hand 21, 50; Outies timeline, 84, 356]

"Motelight" (p. 121 only).
Interstellar ship Ley Crater reaches New Caledonia system. She helps New Scotland conquer New Ireland, but is wrecked in the battle.
[Also Mote timeline, 88; Outies timeline. This is considered the final battle of the Secession Wars, as noted above.]

"Discovery" (WWI 361-362) = "Rediscovery" (WWI[2nd] 521-522).
Cmdr. Harvey [or Henry?] Blaine Barton insists that their are Saurons still alive, perhaps on Haven, but few listen to his claims. His CO, Capt. Lavrenti Berendtson, refuses to allocate resources for a search, instead recommending instead that a letter be sent to Barton's uncle, the Marquis of Crucis. (Barton seems to be misinterpreting Bar Lev's account of genetic experiments on Haven in the 2080's, which says nothing about Sauron survival post-2640.)
[Date given on WWI(2nd) 521. The protagonist is named "Harvey Blaine Barton" in WWI 361, and "Henry Blaine Barton" in WWII 220 (his rank and Sauron obsession indicate these two are the same person). Presumably Barton is the nephew-by-marriage of the Marquis, since the Marquis' family name is surely Blaine. In 3017, Roderick Blaine's father will be the eleventh Marquis of Crucis.]

c After 2877
"Some Things Survive" (first half of prologue: WWII 220-1 only).
Sauron-hunter Harvey [Henry?] Blaine Barton discovers the log of the INSS Centurion, which documents the Fomoria's escape during the Battle of Sauron.
[This must be subsequent to 2877, since Barton possessed no evidence this compelling in "Discovery"/"Rediscovery".]

"Motelight" (pp. 121-122 only).
New Scotland:    Howard Grote Littlemead decides that the Mote really is the Eye of God. He founds the "Church of Him". By 2895 this church is widespread in rural areas; in the 2890's, the Mote is brighter than Murcheson's Eye.
[Also Mote timeline, 77, 88; Outies timeline, 353.]

c 2890**
Haven:    Wall across the Gates of Paradise is brought down by an earthquake. Saurons do not even attempt to rebuild it.    [WWBF 131]

Haven:    Last shipment of supplies from the Citadel to Angband Base. Saurons near the Pale now completely independent of the Citadel.    [WWBF 5]

2890's ?
Levant:    Bury's grandfather and other Levantines found the "Arab Liberation Organization". It establishes connections to other Muslim planets. New Chicago is contacted as a possible source of ships.    [Hand 139]

"Motelight" (pp. 122-123 only).
New Scotland:    Light from the Mote goes out. Church of Him begins a rapid decline.
[Mote timeline, 90; Hand timeline; Outies timeline, 354. (However, Mote 77 has "2904".)]

New Scotland:    Persecution of the Church of Him on New Scotland. Many of its members ("Himmists") emigrate to New Ireland.
[Outies timeline, 141, 354.]

The Second Empire of Man is established. The Spartan monarch Leonidas IV, a direct descendant of Lysander the Great, is crowned "Emperor of Man". The "Oath of Reunion" is sworn by the leaders of Sparta, Crucis, and an unknown number of other nearby worlds (probably St Ekaterina is one). To prevent future interstellar war, the new Empire vows to reunite all human colonies, by force if necessary.
[All timelines; KDS 6, 184; "Reflex" 18; Hand 96]

Maxroy's Purchase:    The Church of Him sends missionaries from New Ireland to Maxroy's Purchase. This outreach ("His Mission") makes many converts, especially among remnants of the Mormon churches not in power.
[Outies timeline, 25, 141, 354.]

2915 to c. 2965
Prince Samual's World:    The "Fifty Year War". Consolidation of small city-states into larger nations. This is probably the time that the Kingdom of Haven (under King John) becomes the largest nation on the Northern Continent. Republic of Orleans foils Haven's attempts at total conquest.
[KDS timeline, 160]

"Aegir's Children" prologue (WWIII 134 only).
Haven:    The Citadel sends a Sauron expedition to the outer islands.

Late 2910's
"Aegir's Children" (WWIII 135-166).
Haven:    Sauron "naval forces" make an attack on the island peoples.

Prince Samual's World:    Second Plague Year.
[KDS timeline]

"Shame and Honor" prologue (WWIII 268-269).
Haven:    Grishnak killed in an attack on the haBandari.

Haven:    Myner Klint bar Terborch fan Reenan writes A Student's Book.

(A variety of quotes from this text are given. See WWIII 1, 8, 81, 116.)

Levant:    Birth of Hussein Chamoun al-Shamlan Bury (later "Horace Bury").
[Mote 14; Hand 28]

By the 2930's
Dyan (formerly "Dayan") admitted to the Second Empire.
[Before admission of Levant, per Hand 140]

Spacefarers from Maxroy's Purchase begin using the periodic jump point to New Utah, trading fertilizer and selenium supplements for opal meerschaum.
[Hand 15, 50. Outies 356 suggests that the True Church was never unaware of the jump point. However, when it stopped working c. 2870 it must have taken some time for them to figure out that it was still usable at certain times.]

2930's ?
The Empire rediscovers Placentia, a planet which has become primitive. The Church and the Empire offer medicine, industry, and agricultural knowledge to Placentia, but only the medicine is accepted. Within fifty years a massive famine follows.    [KDS 71]

2930's ?
Battle of Pons-Markham Field. After the battle, Emperor Francis Parker Mondrian gives an award for valor to a nobleman named Blaine. (This Blaine will have a great-grandson named George Bosworth O'Neil Blaine III, who will be a marquis in 3018 -- not to be confused with the Marquis of Crucis line, also named Blaine. It is not known whether the two Blaine lines are both descended from the hero of this battle, whether they diverged before this time, or whether they have no connection other than a coincidence of names. See "Haven's Hell" below for details.)
[Three generations before 3018, per WWI(2nd) 528. If the great-grandson inherited his ancestor's title, then these are three generations of first-born noble sons, and thus probably 25-30 years each.]

c 2939*
"Ceremonies at the Last Bar in the Village" (WWIII 168-173).
Haven:    Badri, a tribute maiden, is given to Sauron Chief Assault Leader Dagor.
[Shortly before "Blood Feuds", since Badri is around fourteen in 2940. For dates between the 2790's and the 2990's marked with asterisks, see Blood Feuds / Blood Vengeance Ambiguities.]

WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapters 1-2.
[Expanded version of "The Field of Double Sowing" (WWII 293-299 only) and "Far Above Rubies" (WWII 351-362 only).]
Haven:    Twins born to Dagor and Badri. Kisirja of the tribe of Dede Korkut and Dvora bat Lizabet of the haBandari find two babies on the steppe near Angband Base.

New Chicago admitted to the Second Empire. It is one of the earliest worlds to join the Empire, and almost certainly the first in the Trans-Coalsack region.
[Mote 4; "Reflex" 18]

Between 2939 and 2941
The planet Levant (formally Ikhwan al-Muslimun) is admitted to the Second Empire.
[Bury age 10: Mote 14; Hand 140]

Early 2940's **
Haven:    The haBandari begin construction of the Xanadu Road.    [WWBV 18]

From 2955 to 2957 *
WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapters 3-4.
[Expanded version of "The Field of Double Sowing" (WWII 299-329 only) and "Far Above Rubies" (WWII 362-392 only).]
Haven:    Juchi slays Dagor. Chaya meets Badri and Juchi. Dede Korkut dies. The haBandari and the clan of Juchi attack Angband Base.

Huy Brasil:    Horace Bury attacked as a result of some business or political machinations.    [Hand 113]

From 2958 to c. 2963 *
WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapter 5 (pp. 83-94 only).
[Expanded version of "The Field of Double Sowing" (WWII 329-336 only) and "Far Above Rubies" (WWII 393-394 only).]
Haven:    Aisha born. Kisirja and Dvora die. The clans of Juchi and Suleiman do battle. Dagor II born.

Maxroy's Purchase:    The Hannefin Mines company is founded. The True Church begins to engage in secret trade missions with New Utah, taking advantage of the periodic jumppoint that opens every twenty-one years. The True Church merchants supply New Utah with fertilizer and selenium supplements in return for opal meerschaum.
[Outies timeline ("Hannifin"), 86, 137; Hand 14-15 ("Hannefin"). According to the Outies timeline, these companies are founded in 2963, 2984, 3005, and 3026, but the opening of the jump point must be about three years after these dates, because twenty-one years after 3026 is 3047, but the jump point actually opens in 3049 or 3050 (per Outies 92). This makes sense if one assumes that the companies are founded a bit before the opening to begin preparing for trade; note that Hand 14-15 states that these companies last "a few years each".]

2964 or 2965
New Utah:    The Church of Him sends missionaries from Maxroy's Purchase to New Utah. This outreach ("His Mission to Heaven") gets a poor reception in the capital city of Saint George, so most of them head to Bonneville and the outback.
[Outies timeline, 354 say the missionaries were sent in 2964; Outies 25 says they were sent in 2965; Outies 293 mentions one family that arrived in 2964 (although they were coming directly from New Ireland).]

Second Empire reaches New Caledonia system. New Scotland freely joins the Empire. New Ireland joins after being bombarded by the INSS Terrible. New Scotland is made the Trans-Coalsack Sector Capital (although New Chicago remains the hub of trade in this sector).
[Mote 4, 34 and Hand 151 put this in the late 2960s; Outies timeline gives date of 2967.]

WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapter 5 (pp. 94-108 only).
[Expanded version of "The Field of Double Sowing" (WWII 336-348 only) and "Far Above Rubies" (WWII 394-398 only).]
Haven:    Tragedy revealed. Aisha leads the blind man away.

c 2972
Prince Samual's World:    Nathan MacKinnie born in the city-state of Samand.
[KDS 10-11: fifty Samual years before 3017.]

2970's ?
The future 11th Marquis of Crucis (Rod Blaine's father) spends time in the Navy. As a lieutenant, he associates with marine Arkley Kelley and navy officer (?) Benjamin Bright Fowler. Eventually he is promoted to command rank, and serves as V. R. G. Plekhanov's commanding officer in a campaign on Tanith.
[Mote 8, 454. Ben Fowler was born in 2938 per Mote 449; Kelley is stated to be the same age, though this is hard to believe.]

2976 ? **
"Tayok's Base" (WWII 399-403).
Haven:    Saurons from Quilland Base visit the ruined and deserted Angband, and leave boobytrapped weapons.
[For the dates of this story and the Aydin War, see Inconsistencies: The Aydin War and "Tayok's Base".]

2976/77 ? **
Haven:    The "Aydin War". Dede Korkut's nephew Kaidan allies with the Suleiman and Aydin clans. They raid Angband Base; many are killed by the boobytraps. Tarik allies with the haBandari. Hammer-of-God Jackson kills Kaidan and the Aydin khan.
[WWBF 198, 211, 227, 248; WWIII 318]

Around 2980
New Utah:    Himmists in the Outback discover "His Earthly Eye", and make contact with "angels" (the species known as "Swenson's Apes").
[Per Outies 358, the "liturgical date" of this event is 2980. Liturgical dates appear to be standard dates rounded to multiples of ten, so this is probably between 2975 and 2985.]

c 2983
Dionysius:    Kevin Renner born.
[Mote 47, Hand 335]

Maxroy's Purchase:    The General Metals company is founded.
[Outies timeline; Hand 14-15]

New Ireland:    New Ireland is designated an official naval shore leave destination.
[Outies timeline]

2980's ?
Widespread famine on Placentia. The Emperor's sister leads a futile relief effort.
[KDS 71: when Greenaugh was midshipman]

2980's ? **
"War World Economics" (WWIII 2-7).
Haven:    Josepha bat Golda's caravan trades with steppe-dwellers.
[Probably before Blood Feuds ch. 7, but date is unknown.]

Prince Samual's World:    The Kingdom of Haven renews its attempts to bring all of Prince Samual's World under its rule. Haven, Orleans, Samand, and the other states on Samual's northern continent benefit from the University's rediscovery of some old technology such as electric power, telegraphs, and firearms. (This era includes the "Theberian War" and the time when the Rights of Parliament are won from King David's father.)
[KDS timeline, 38, 159-160]

Late 2991**
[Expanded version of "Juchi the Accursed" (WWIII 176-204).]
Haven:    Juchi and Aisha reach Nûrnen. Death of Juchi and Glorund.

WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapters 7-9 (pp. 148-209 only).
[Expanded version of "Seven Against Nûrnen" (WWIII 207-228 only).]
Haven:    Sigrid leaves the Citadel and begins to roam. Aisha found on the steppe by Barak bar Heber and Josepha bat Golda. Hammer-of-God Jackson tells of the haBandari alliance with the Sons of Liberty and the New Soviet Men.

Early 2992**
WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapters 9-11 (pp. 209-267 only).
[Expanded version of "Seven Against Nûrnen" (WWIII 228-267 only).]
Haven:    Aisha's caravan reaches the Eden Valley. Mordekai bar Pretorius fan Reenan, leader of the haBandari, dies. His would-be successors turn to intrigue and violence. The Seven leave the Eden Valley.

Mid 2992**
WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapters 12-13 (pp. 268-315 only).
Haven:    Sigrid reaches Katlinsvale. Sharku hears of the Seven.

Late 2992**
WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapters 13-16 (pp. 315-401 only).
Haven:    Temujin captured. Shulamit and Karl meet Sigrid. The Seven rally the clans of the Northern Steppes.

c 2992
Prince Samual's World:    Samand is annexed by the Kingdom of Haven. Nathan MacKinnie's graduation from Samand's War Academy is cancelled.
[KDS 10-11 doesn't name Haven as the conqueror, but this is suggested by the map in some editions of KDS.]

Crucis (probably):    Roderick Harold born; he is second of at least three sons of the 11th Marquis of Crucis.
[Mote 3, 486]

Early 2993**
WAR WORLD: BLOOD FEUDS, chapters 17-23.
Haven:    The New Soviet Men and the Sons of Liberty lead a revolt in the Shangri-La Valley. The Army of the Seven overruns a small band of Saurons.

Haven:    Shulamit learns the truth about Sigrid.

Mid 2993**
Haven:    Sharku leads the Sauron attack in the Shangi-La Valley. The Army of the Seven enters the Valley through the Gates of Paradise and sacks Nûrnen. Hammer-of-God leads a party through the tunnels above the Citadel. The Balrog defends the bridge. Sharku's army reaches Nûrnen.

Late 2993**
Haven:    Aisha and Sigrid give birth. Sharku defies Ansel Diettinger in the Council. Final attack and counter-attack. The Second Wasting of Haven.

Sandra "Sally" L. L. Bright Fowler born. After her parents' deaths, she will be raised by her uncle Benjamin Bright Fowler.
[Mote 18-19]

"Shame and Honor" (WWIII 270-356).
Haven:    Shulamit bat Miriam fan Gimbutas allies with a Sauron. Karl bar Yigal fan Reenan defends the Pale from an invasion.
[See Inconsistencies: "Shame and Honor" for some continuity problems.]

c 3000
The planet Istvan resists the Empire and raises a sector-wide rebellion. Admiral Lavrenti Kutuzov concludes that only the annihilation of Istvan can stop the revolt from spreading. Five Imperial battleships under his command bombard Istvan and sterilize the planet.
[KDS 80-81; Mote 84, 92, 496-7. Hand 141-2 says Kutuzov was commanding the Lenin at the time. The date is uncertain. On Hand 131, Blaine estimates Kutuzov is around Bury's age (born 2929/30), but Mote 179 says that Cargill (who is Blaine's age) was a midshipman when Kutuzov was a Captain. If both these are true, Kutuzov was not promoted to Admiral until he was in his 80's! Presumably Blaine's estimate is wrong.]

Around 3000
Makassar:    Poor weather (resulting from the planet's eccentric orbit) has led to a variety of social dislocations. Barbarian and pirate raids intensify. The cult of the Library-Temple is now in disrepute. Only in the city of Batav does it still hold power. Widespread disbelief in the Temple doctrines. Also widespread disbelief in the claims that the world is round, that there are other worlds, and that humans are not native to Makassar.

Around this time, an Imperial ship arrives at Makassar and establishes a small outpost in Jikar. The planet is classified as "primitive"; the Imperials are unaware of the Library in Batav.
[KDS 6, 168-169; Mote 29]


The Second Empire of Man has spread through a large region of space, annexing (peacefully or otherwise) human colonies which were once part of the First Empire. Some of these worlds are actually being rediscovered, although it is hard to picture what kind of disaster in the Secession Wars would have annihilated every electronic and paper atlas on each of hundreds of worlds.

The capital is still on Sparta, although a much-devastated Earth is the "honorary capital". The Imperial Naval Academy is kept at New Annapolis on Earth, and by 3017 it is customary for the royal heir to spend some time in the Navy (KDS 27, 61; Mote 6, 108). The Imperial Seal features a crown-and-spaceship, an American eagle, and a hammer-and-sickle (Mote 6); this may be a deliberate attempt to claim a continuity with the CoDominium, since the Spartan flag was a crowned mountain (PS 378)and the First Empire's standard was a Phoenix (WWIII 319). (Of course, these latter two are from much later writings.) The emperors -- descended from the Spartan kings of the 21st century and the emperors of the First Empire -- usually continue the tradition of Greek names ("Leonidas IV" in 2903, "Leonidas IX" in 3017, "Lysander", "Alexander", "Aeneas"), although one source mentions an Emperor Francis Parker Mondrian (WWI[2nd] 528).

The government has a variety of deliberating bodies. The multi-house Imperial Parliament has great powers; each Sector also has its own Parliament. The Imperial Council, Senate, and Assembly are also mentioned; these may be part of the Parliament (KDS 162, 350; Mote 75-6). The Imperial Traders Association has great influence over policy, but any defense-related policies are prerogatives of the Crown (KDS 32, 184-5; Mote 79). Aristocrats are given significant roles in the government; by now, the Collins, Blaine, and Townsend lines are over nine hundred years old. (Note, however, that the Blaines have only held the "Marquis of Crucis" title for eleven generations; see entry for "2670's".)

After Sparta, planets subject to the Empire are given various degrees of power:

By the late 2900's, only worlds which have space travel when contacted by the Empire are ranked Class Two or above. These rules were not so strict in the early 2900's. [KDS 27-28, 78-81, 162, 308, 350; Mote 14]

A few planets outside of the Empire are advanced enough for space travel. In some cases, these planets are in contact with each other and are maintaining some degree of resistance to the Empire. In other cases, these worlds even forment rebellion on planets already annexed by the Empire. These "Outies" are the most significant military threat to the Empire in the era from 2903 to 3017. [KDS 69, 82, 328; Mote 436, 455, 461, 504]

Technology is not quite as advanced as that of the First Empire, but is similar in most ways. In 3018, Dr. Horvath estimates that the Second Empire will pass the First in science and engineering by the year 3100, but this progress is radically altered by contact with the Mote.

The Imperial Church is the official religion of the Empire; it is based at New Rome (which is probably on Sparta; Mote 415 implies it's a city, not a planet). The Church seems similar in structure to the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Churches of the second millenium; it apparently preserves traditional Christian orthodoxy, and Latin is used for some purposes (but not in all parts of public liturgy). Jews, Muslims, and various Mormon sects enjoy full religious freedom, although the established Church is considered the norm on most planets [KDS 65-66; Mote 54, 87, 93, 162, 405; Outies 354-357]. The reference in Outies to Armenian Catholic, Syrian Catholic, and Russian Orthodox churches may refer to rites coexisting within the Imperial Church, as there is elsewhere no indication of rival churches with traditional Catholic/Orthodox hierarchies [Outies 161].

Many of the planets in the Second Empire as well as those outside it have returned to traditional male/female roles and divisions of labor, in varying degrees. Some 31st century sociologists believe this resulted from the imbalance of sexes after many males were killed during the Secession Wars (KDS 53-55; Mote 200). It is unclear how gender affects royal and dynastic succession. There is no mention of any ruling Empresses. Rod Blaine claims that if he dies there will be no heirs to his father's earldom, even though his sister has a son (Mote 456, 538), and yet later his two children are both called "heirs" even though one is female (Mote 557 -- but the fact that one of his children is a girl might not have been intended when this was writte, as it is not mentioned until Hand).

In 3017, the Empire is at least 650 light-years in diameter. In 3029, it contains 200 worlds and has a diameter of around 1000 light-years. By 3046, the Blaine Institute has collected specimens from 400 Imperial worlds and 30 Outie worlds. (Also in 3046, Renner claims the Empire rules "1000 worlds", but this is perhaps an exaggeration.) [Mote prologue, 390, 458; Hand 73, 83]

Eleven-year-old Rod Blaine meets ten-year-old Sally Fowler.    [Mote 22]

Maxroy's Purchase:    The United Planetoids company is founded.
[Outies timeline; Hand 14-15]

From 3007 to 3016
Prince Samual's World:    Nathan MacKinnie, now a colonel for the Republic of Orleans, continually defeats the Kingdom of Haven's attempts to annext Orleans. His greatest victory is at the Battle of Blanthern Pass, which is near the end of this interval; Mary Graham's fiance is killed at that battle.
[KDS 10-11, 209; this lasts ten Samual years]

Maxroy's Purchase becomes a member of the Second Empire.
[Outies timeline, 356. Hand 20 puts this "not quite forty" years before 3046.]

c 3010/11
Makassar:    Midshipman Rod Blaine is on a ship that visits Makassar.    [Mote 29]

Between 3012 and 3014
Makassar:    Midshipman (?) Alphonse Pavlovnicek Jefferson is on a ship that visits Makassar. Navy officers visit the city of Batav and recognize the "Temple" as an old Imperial library, but this find is not considered important.
[KDS 4, 6-8]

Between 3012 and 3016
George Blaine is killed. Rod Blaine becomes the heir to Crucis Court. (Rod also has a younger brother who dies at some point, and a sister who marries into the royal family.)
[Mote 11, 453, 456]

Sometime before 3017
Sparta:    Leonidas IX assumes the throne of the Second Empire of Man. (In his youth, he served on the Plataea under Plekhanov.)
[The Emperor is referred to as "Leonidas IX" at various points from early 3017 to mid-3018: Mote 75, 436, 464; KDS 82. His sons are Lysander and later Alexander. Dougal mistakenly refers to "Emperor Lysander" on KDS 161, in mid or late 3017. Note also that no Emperor is named in "Hand", but if Prince Aeneas is the Crown Prince then presumably there has been some royal death; see Hand 76.]

The Imperial Navy discovers Prince Samual's World. They do not announce themselves for three years.
[Date given in KDS timeline and Outies timeline. From KDS alone, we might expect that 3013 is when the Empire contacts King David; this is also suggested by the Outies timeline (which states that KDS begins in 3013). However, the "Mote" connections at the end of KDS establish that the Empire does not make its presence known to King David until late 3016, as noted below.]

Late 3014
Kevin Renner joins the Navy, becomes Sailing Master of the MacArthur under Capt. Bruno Cziller.
[Mote 47, 551]

Rod Blaine becomes Executive Officer of the MacArthur.
[Mote 409; Hand 158 suggests early 3016]

c 3015
Makassar:    The "King of the High Passes" is killed. Land route from Jikar to Batav overrun by barbarians.    [KDS 113]

Mid 3016
New Chicago:    Sally Fowler arrives on New Chicago, en route to Harlequin. A revolt breaks out. Sally and other aristocrats put in a concentration camp. New Chicago declares itself independent from the Empire. (The planet takes a new name, given variously as "Union", "the United Republic", "Dame Liberty", or "Freedom".)
["Reflex" 17-18; Mote 4, 15, 18-19; Hand 367. "3016" in Mote, Hand, Outies timelines; counting from text gives middle of 3016.]

Mid or Late 3016
New Chicago:    Rebels prepare to defend their planet from the Empire. The Defiant, under Herb Colvin, assigned to guard a minor jump point in the New Chicago system.
["Reflex" 17: 24 weeks before battle]

Late 3016
Prince Samual's World:    The Imperial ship Tombaugh, commanded by Capt. Greenaugh, arrives at Prince Samual's World and publicly settles in Haven City. They establish some trade with King David II of Haven.
[KDS 25. Connections between KDS and "Mote" allow dating with accuracy to within a few months. Samualite teak and grua are being traded in the Empire by early 3017 (per Mote 81, 285).]

Early 3017
Prince Samual's World:    Imperials ally with Kingdom of Haven and help them to conquer nearby states. Col. MacKinnie leads Orleans army and his "Wolves" to meet Haven at Battle of Lechfeld; Imperial firepower used to defeat his army. The Republic of Orleans is annexed by Haven and becomes the "Duchy of Orleans".
[KDS 11, 17, 25, 262-5]

New Chicago system:    The INSS MacArthur, under Bruno Cziller, enters the New Chicago system and battles the Defiant. Horst Staley brings his bomb on board. Cmdr. Rod Blaine becomes prize master of the Defiant.
[Also Mote 2, 141-2, 199; one week before "Mote" begins.]

New Chicago:    Rod Blaine lands with at least one company of Marines. Sally Fowler's prison camp liberated.
[Like "Reflex", this was a scene cut from "Mote"; it seems to never have been reprinted. Also Mote 6-8, 19-20.]

THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapters 1-3.
New Chicago:    Rod Blaine given MacArthur. Departure from New Chicago.

THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapters 4-11.
New Caledonia System:    The MacArthur refuels at Brigit and intercepts Crazy Eddie Probe. Political and religious arguments on New Scotland.

Mid 3017
KING DAVID'S SPACESHIP, chapters 1-12.
The Imperial Navy allows the Kingdom of Haven on Prince Samual's World to send a trade expedition to Makassar, headed by Nathan MacKinnie. They sail north from Jikar.

THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapter 12.
The Lenin and the MacArthur depart from the New Caledonia system. The ships dive into Murcheson's Eye.
[Hand timeline puts departure from New Scotland in 3017. Connections between Mote and KDS allow dates to be narrowed down to within a third of a year.]

THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapters 13-22.
The Mote System:    Ships arrive in Mote System. Rendezvous with Engineer. Ambassador ship arrives with Mediators.

Mid or Late 3017
Prince Samual's World:    Meeting in the forest.

Late 3017
THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapters 23-27.
The Mote System:    Ferrets. Scientists and Moties spend time at rendezvous point. Fumigation. MacArthur heads to Mote Prime while Lenin remains further out in system. A week spent in the Castle.
[The expedition stays at the Mote for 10.5 months, but internal durations do not quite match this. See Inconsistencies: Passage of Time in The Mote in God's Eye for details on this problem. ]

Early 3018
KING DAVID'S SPACESHIP, chapters 14-22.
Makassar:    Expedition reaches Batav. Disputes with the "Temple" cult. Campaigns in the countryside.

THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapters 28-45.
The Mote System:    Kaffee Klatsch. Struggle for the MacArthur. Midshipmen in the countryside. Lenin heads to the Crazy Eddie Point. Three Motie ambassadors received.

THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapters 46-47.
Second passage through Murcheson's Eye. Rod and Sally depart aboard the Hermes.

Early or Mid 3018
Prince Samual's World:    Meeting at Arindell's castle.

Mid 3018
THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapters 48-56.
New Scotland:    Rod and Sally meet with Senator Fowler. Commission formed. Politics, parades, plots. Orders to assemble a battle fleet.

Mid or Late 3018
THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, chapters 57-58.
New Scotland:    A blockade of the Mote is organized, implemented by the "Crazy Eddie Squadron". Plans for the Blaine Institute begin.
[The Outies timeline puts the entirety of "Mote" in 3017. However, while the book begins in 3017, it lasts more than a year.]

Sometime in 3018
"Haven's Hell" (WWI[2nd] 526-531 only).
Churchill system:    The Precious Bane, skippered by Captain Sam Vicenti, encounters mechanical problems, and chooses to jump at an uncharted Alderson point. Among its passengers are the Marquis George Bosworth O'Neil Blaine III and his wife, the Marchioness Anthea Regalia Mondrian Carlysle-Height, en route to a new assignment as a commissioner for the New Earth Coalition for Space Exploration and Consolidation.
[Date per WWI(2nd) 526, 531.]

"Haven's Hell" (WWI[2nd] 531-555 only).
Haven:    The Precious Bane, arrives in the Byers' Star system. It makes a rough landing on Haven, splashing down in Dire Lake. Many perish, including the Marchioness Blaine. The few hundred survivors found a settlement, which they name "Coral Reef Settlement".
[The Marquis Blaine in this story cannot be the Roderick Blaine's father, for the latter became Marquis of Crucis before 3017 and is still active in politics in 3046 (per Hand 76), whereas the Blaine in this story is presumably still on Haven (or dead) in 3046. Also, his personality -- greedy, willing to sell children into slavery, mistreating the body of his wife, unaccustomed to space flight, praying to "Holy Rand" (531, 545, 550, 554) -- is very different than that of Rod's father, Marquis Blaine of Crucis. So either there are two distinct Marquises Blaine in 3018, or the date of 3018 is incorrect.]

Late 3018
KING DAVID'S SPACESHIP, chapters 24-25.
Prince Samual's World:    Crew of the Tombaugh learn of the Moties and the battle fleet being assembled off New Scotland. The Makassar expedition returns.
[News of Moties and the battle fleet appear on KDS 295, 304.]

Early 3019
KING DAVID'S SPACESHIP, chapters 26-31.
Prince Samual's World:    Lt. Jefferson invited to Corliss Grant Hills as an "official observer". Mary Graham launched into space, leading to a debate regarding definitions. MacKinnie and Graham exiled to Makassar.
[The fleet mentioned on KDS 328, 363 is presumably the Crazy Eddie Squadron.]

Early or Mid 3019
Makassar:    MacKinnie returns to Makassar and works to create a stable political entity, with help from the Church.
[Per Outies 39, "MacKinnie's successors" are carrying on his project in the year 3049. The reference to "thirty-five years" is probably too long (see notes about the dating of KDS above).]

From 3019 to 3046
Kevin Renner and Horace Bury work in various capacities as agents for the Crown. They visit a huge number of planets, including Tabletop and Pierrot.
[Hand 136, 212, 387]

3019 to 3021
Imperial Autonetics begins to develop Motie coffee filter technology. After two years of research, Wideawake Enterprises releases a competing brand which soon surpasses theirs in sales.
[Hand 66-7]

Kevin Renner's What I Did on My Summer Vacation is published.    [Hand 74]

New Scotland:    Kevin Christian "Chris" Blaine born.
[Hand 104, 183]

Maxroy's Purchase:    The Tanner Metals company is founded.
[Outies timeline; Hand 14-15]

Franklin:    A group of Outies attack Franklin, killing the governor. Andrew Mercer succeeds him as governor.    [Hand 70]

Late 3020's ?
St Ekaterina:    Admiral Lavrenti Kutuzov retires. He begins to organize "Mankind First".    [Hand 131]

c 3027
New Ireland:    The small remnant of the New Irish independence movement attempts to assassinate Governor Smelev.    [Hand 153]

Late 3028
New Scotland:    Glenda Ruth Fowler Blaine born.
[Hand 129 says she turns eighteen in late 3046.]

THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, Epilogue (first part: pp. 556-558).
The Defiant, under Capt. Herb Colvin, finishes a three-year tour in the Crazy Eddie Squadron.
[Mote 557 puts this just after the birth of Blaine's "second heir"; Gripping Hand indicates that he has only two children and Glenda Ruth is the second, so she must be the person referred to here.]

3028/29 ?
THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, Epilogue (second part: pp. 558-560).
New Scotland:    Charlie, Jock, and Ivan continue to work with the Blaine Institute scientists. Chris Blaine can speak some Motie language by now.
[See next entry for date.]

3029 ?
New Scotland:    Ivan dies.
[Hand 257 says Ivan "lasted six years", which would put his death in 3024. But Mote 558-60 (and Hand 258) indicate that Ivan was still alive when there are two Blaine children, the older of which has already learned some Motie languages. Since Chris Blaine, the older Blaine child, was born in 3024/25, and Glenda Ruth was born in 3028/29, so Ivan cannot have died in 3024. However, since Chris says that Glenda Ruth "never met Ivan at all" (Hand 358), the simplest resolution is to place Ivan's death very soon after Glenda Ruth's birth.]

New Scotland:    Anthony Horvath speaks at the Blaine Institute.

The Blaine Institute is relocated from New Scotland to Sparta. Rod and Sally retire from the Imperial Commission Extraordinary For Negotiating With Aliens. Jock and Charlie accompany the Blaines to Sparta.
[Hand 80-1, 126, 258]

Lawrence Jackson and Randall Weiss pretend to drive Outie pirates from the Maxroy's Purchase system. (In reality, these "Outie pirates" are secretly sponsored by Jackson himself and Lillith Van Zandt.) Weiss is killed; Jackson is appointed the representative of Maxroy's Purchase in the sector capital.
[Hand 18-19; Outies 310]

Early 3030's
Lawrence Jackson is appointed Governor of Maxroy's Purchase. Around the same time he is knighted.
[Hand 19 (which puts this after 3030); Outies timeline, 310-311 (which puts this before 3035).]

The C-L Worm is used on Charlie. She dies.    [Hand 93]

OUTIES, prologue.
Maxroy's Purchase and New Utah:    Governor Jackson leads an expedition to New Utah. He visits the capital city (Saint George) and meets with the True Church government, officially for the purpose of offering them admission to the Second Empire of Man. In reality, they reach a deal to keep New Utah as an "Outie" world so that the covert Maxroy's Purchase / New Utah trade can continue. When Jackson returns to the Empire, he files a report that New Utah has refused the offer of admission. Asach Quinn, who accompanied this expedition as a spy, sends a true report of these events to Horace Bury.
[Outies timeline, 1, 23-29, 276, 311, 356. This event is clearly attested in "Outies", but it seems inconsistent with the Bury-Renner-Jackson conversation in "The Gripping Hand". See Jackson's Expedition to New Utah in The Gripping Hand and Outies for details.]

New Washington:    New Washington is incorporated into the Second Empire.
[Hand 70 refers to this as "reincorporation". It's unclear whether this means New Washington was previously in the Second Empire, rebelled, and in 3037 was readmitted, or whether this is the first time it was in the Second Empire. Per Hand 366, the Imperial Fleet used New Washington system as a staging area for its assault on New Chicago in 3016, but this need not mean that New Washington was already a member of the Empire itself.]

c 3040
"A Lion to the Sea" prologue and story (WWI 310-360).
Haven:    The Dinneh flee the Tierra del Muerto Desert. Pursued by Saurons, they reach the sea and encounter the Norskuna.
[This is the last War World story, fifty years after any others. See Inconsistencies: "A Lion to the Sea" for comments on the date.]

Mid 3046
THE GRIPPING HAND, Part 1, chapters 1-5.
Maxroy's Purchase:    Horace Bury investigates the flow of money. Kevin Renner hunts snow ghosts, and discovers a group of True Church adherents who know of a secret periodic jump-point leading to New Utah.
[Hand 57, 112 puts this one month prior to the Sparta trip, which takes place in late 3046. Outies timeline puts this in 3047.]

Late 3046
THE GRIPPING HAND, Part 2, chapters 1-6.
Sparta:    Bury and Renner visit the Blaine Institute, and meet with Cziller and the Blaines. They depart for the Trans-Coalsack Sector in Sinbad.
["3046" on Hand 57. One month after the Maxroy's Purchase adventure per Hand 112. Although Bury and Renner often refer to the events of Mote in God's Eye as "25 years ago" and "30 years ago", these are rough figures; the more precise "28 years" is given on Hand 136.]

Early 3047
THE GRIPPING HAND, Part 3, chapter 1.
New Caledonia System and New Ireland:    Rendezvous with Levantine ships. Sinbad visits Derry on New Ireland.
[New Ireland calendar gives "Montenth 33, 3047" on Hand 151. Though it can't be far into 3047 by the standard calendar, it seems reasonable that it is at least early 3047 by now.]

THE GRIPPING HAND, Part 3, chapter 2.
New Scotland:    Meeting with the Commission on Moties.

THE GRIPPING HAND, Part 3, chapters 3-6.
The Sinbad leaves the New Caledonia system for the red dwarf MGC-R-31. Trip through Crazy Eddie's Sister. The Hecate takes a similar route shortly thereafter.

THE GRIPPING HAND, Part 3, chapters 7-8; Part 4, chapters 1-8.
The Mote System:    The Sinbad in the custody of Medina. The Hecate in the custody of the Crimean Tartars. More activity through the Sister. Stern Chase.
[This story is told from Ali Baba's point of view in Outies 32-36.]

Late 3047
Inner Base Six:    Predictions and bequeathals.
[Glenda Ruth is nineteen (Hand 408), and her nineteenth birthday is in late 3047. It is seven months since Sinbad entered the Mote System (Hand 405), which was in early 3047. So it is currently late 3047, or possibly January 3048. This story is told from Ali Baba's point of view in Outies 51-56 (where it is dated 3047, although Outies timeline dates it 3048).]

The Empire of Man recognizes the Medina Trader Alliance as the legitimate representatives of the inhabitants of the Mote system, and concludes a treaty with them. The treaty includes a trade agreement and a blockade of both the Crazy Eddie Point and Crazy Eddie's Sister. Only Moties bearing the C-L Worm are permitted to leave the Mote system. Ali Baba is entrusted to Kevin Renner and Glenda Ruth Blaine.
[Outies timeline, 127]

OUTIES, chapters 1-3.
New Scotland:    Kevin Renner and Roderick Blaine confront Lawrence Jackson regarding his false report, and insist that Asach Quinn accompany him on his upcoming second trip to New Utah. Quinn is summoned from his home on Makassar.
["3049" specified in Outies timeline, 12, 17, 21, 45.]

Late 3049 (or early 3050)
OUTIES, chapters 4-9.
New Utah:    Asach Quinn, "Horvath's Goon", and librarian Colchis Barthes arrive on New Utah. Barthes discovers the Swenson's Ape paper. Civil war breaks out in Saint George.
[Asach left Makassar in 3049, and travelled to Sparta, then New Scotland, then Maxroy's Purchase, and finally New Utah; meanwhile, Harlan Clegg left Tanith in 3049 and travelled to New Utah (Outies 21, 41-42, 57-59). These trips probably took the better part of a year, so Quinn's arrival on New Utah was probably late 3049 or early 3050; in chapter 4 (p.66) 3035 is "fourteen years before", perhaps indicating that it is still 3049. Horvath calls 3047 "last year" on Outies 89, and Outies 122 says it is "thirteen years" after 3035, but these cannot be correct, as the novel began in 3049.]

3050 (or late 3049)
OUTIES, chapters 10-16.
New Utah:    Asach Quinn and Laurel Courter meet Enheduanna and Lagash. "Swenson's Apes" attack a mining camp. New constitution gives Swenson's Apes citizenship.
[It's unclear how much time passes from chapter 4 to 19. It is probably now 3050, although there is some evidence it's still 3049 (Outies 204 puts it one year after 3048). Asach's claim that it's 3048 (Outies 172) must be an error, since the novel began in 3049.]

OUTIES, chapters 17-19.
New Utah:    Laser cannon used for launch. Intermittent jump point opens; Sinbad arrives. New Utah applies for membership in the Second Empire of Man.

August 18:    OUTIES, epilogue.
New Utah:    Asach Quinn relaxes.
[Outies 350.]

April 27:
Murcheson's Eye explodes into a supernova. Massive radiation spreads outward. Core of the star collapses into a black hole.
[Mote 279 – assuming the Motie astronomers are right!]

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Book Abbreviations

Here are the abbreviations used in this timeline:

For details on these books’ content and publication history, see the bibliography.

***** ****** ***** *****

Chronology of Jerry Pournelle's Future History
Updated 15 May 2023 by Larry King

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